For what reason do we keep an archaic economic system in which people who are neurosurgeons earn more than people who...

For what reason do we keep an archaic economic system in which people who are neurosurgeons earn more than people who are fry cooks

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because supply and demand is a thing

any nigger can flip burgers, not all niggers can perform surgery

SHill ,fuck off , suck the tit of hillary before it hits the ground

>For what reason do we keep an archaic economic system in which people who work earn more than people who don't
Refute this Sup Forums.

Because of merit and skill.

Fuck off you stupid cunt



Try harder next time

why should guardian writers not be thrown into an oven

>listening to anything this guy have to say

This dude has anime hair

Why should a """Web-Writer""" be paid at all?

his brain is black, that's why.

You guys realize that this guy is a satirist, right?


That's not true. Once we abandon qualitative oppression, anyone can do anything they want.

How well we preform an action shouldn't prevent us from doing it.

I know this is satire of what liberals believe but there is some moral truth to it. For example why should a football player make more than a neurosurgeon? Wouldn't it be logical for the government to directly pay workers by how useful the worker is to society? Say a sliding scale that tops out at a certain amount.
Yes I'm thought experimenting with communism and the government would have to own almost all businesses

because we don't live in communist states...

You dipshits realize Godfrey is satire, right?

That's a terrible time, medium and target to write satirically-charged pieces
Even our comedians know that you don't touch topics that are too hot with too "subtle" of an approach, unless you want to get burnt

I-I see

do u realize satire

This question was posed to my american history class in tenth grade in Kansas City, MO ..........

I wouldn't be surprised if leftists do actually unironically support this.

You forget to acknowledge a football players prevents most of you Amerifags from shooting each other on a weekly basis.

His work is the work of God and brings peace to the community.

>Commies actually believe this.

All money is a worthless interest payment backed up in nothing

>I'd trust my body in a life or death situation to a random person wihout experiencie.

>Saves someones life
>Makes burgers for fat fucks
Are you serious?

What are you, racist?

what if the whole leftist movement is based on satire and nobody understood the joke?
so it was taken seriously by the government and now we are here...
>for example BAN ASSAULT TRUCKS in sweden

memes are dangerous and a lot of them could be psyops.

>all the newfags in this thread

Oh my god, I fell for this.
Sorry i don't know what's real anymore.
I want off this train. Help.

Stop holding people accountable for lives and guess what? Anyone can be a surgeon idiot.

blacks and non-whites are given opportunity opportunities, by their white overlords, to make a decent living as long as it is for our entertainment in no position of actual power. the mud races can sing & dance, chase a bouncy ball around a field, tell jokes, dance, and that's roughly it sans a few outliers who weaseled their way into university. our economic system remains unchanged and non-whites remain bound.

Even a 12-year old could argue that, come on.

This guy is a master satirist who tricked The Guardian into publishing this gem not long ago

Does this mean Rachel Dolezal is also a troll? If so, she is a Rembrandt or a Vermeer. A true masterpiece.

I can't tell whats satire and what is real anymore

Me neither. Please hold me.

That's a lot of very dedicated method actors