Why don't catalans leave Spain if they hate it?
Go to Venezuela workers paradise

Basque are treated like the native Americans of spain/france but are the decedent's of Atlantis. Highest type o negative blood. Offspring of the reptilians of the dog star. And when god spoke to humans he spoke Euskara

Stop smoking crack, nothing special about basques, they are indo euro larders with random language

Stop smoking crack, nothing special about basques, they are indo euro larpers with random language

Eus-Cara = "Serpent Sea People of the Atlantean Fire God")

the Eus-Cara became the Basques of Spain

Everything i said is true. Fuck yourself faggot because your line is full of nigger piss

Stop smoking crack, nothing special about basques, they are indo euro larders with random language

Catalonia is SJW central.

The envy is strong in this one.kek you talk like your lineage is full of nigger. kek and you and i both know it is

Or Basque might be kikes

And inevitably it has been discovered that the Basques, were actually the lost thirteenth tribe of Israel. Just as inescapably, others have concluded that the Basques are, in reality, the survivors of Atlantis.

No matter how you figure it the Basque are the most interesting people that are or have ever been

redpill me on Basques lads

In his studies, the abbot Dominique Lahetjuzan (1766-1818) came to the conclusion that the Basque language was the language spoken in the Garden of Eden. He showed how the names of the main chapters of the Book of Genesis were all Basque in origin and had their appropriate, specific meaning. For his theories, the abbot has been called “one of the strangest characters of the “theological era”. In 1825, the French abbot Diharce De Bidassouet wrote in his "History of the Cantabrians" that Basque was the original language spoken by God, a statement for which the abbot was soundly ridiculed. At about the same period, the Basque priest Erroa stated that Basque was the language spoken in the Garden of Eden. His colleagues thought he was a lunatic, but Erroa was so deeply convinced of being right in his hypothesis that he caught the attention of the Bishop of Pamplona: he, conversely, directed his appeals to the Chapter of the Cathedral of Pamplona. The ecclesiastical institution considered Erroa’s theories and, after many months of deliberations, established that Erroa was right and publicly supported his theory. However, in a short time all the reports and the registry containing the ecclesiastical deliberations disappeared mysteriously.

thanks bby

Are you retarded? Why should we leave our land?

>RH- blood
While interesting, it's taken pretty far by the conspiracy groups (of course). It is true that people with this blood have a very difficult time having children with RH+ because the mother antigens kills the baby. It doesn't happen with any other species on the planet. So a lot interpret this as "alien/reptilian/Atlantian", when it's most likely another mutation.

Basques have the highest concentration of RH- blood.

Hello Puigdemont, tell us about your journey at the US this week


Catalunya is a shithole anyway.

Barcelona is the SJW paradise

Never you dumb fuck

It is also the universal donor blood. And of course the alien conspiracy explain it as a perfect example of what aliens would use as blood. Either way RH- most valuable blood and RH- people have higher iq and other strange phenomenon

Origins are unknown. Language has 0 similarities with others in Europe, including slav or even Finnish.

Then we have the Cro-magnon theory

The Basques think of themselves as the original, prehistoric inhabitants of what is, today, Spanish territory. Some scholars think that the Basques may indeed be the descendants of the Cro-Magnon populations that occupied the area in prehistorical times and that made the famous rock paintings and graffiti discovered inside many caves in this territory. Physical anthropologists think that modern Basques and ancient Cro-Magnon men share many characteristics and physical traits.

There are so many argentinians in Barcelona btw. They use their italian passport to migrate here easier.
All of you have to go back sudaca trash.

Fuck off. Hail Franco.