For fuck's sake. What is he thinking? Is this more 5D Mouse Trap?
Trump: China 'not a currency manipulator'
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When a country is turning from ally to adversary for a country right next to them, for your country, it might be a good idea to be a little nicer to them.
It's 4D 5D underwater in a space station in the center of the Moon on a Wednesday after shaving off all masculine hair chess.
China "manipulating" their currency only hurts the Chinese. Let them manipulate all they want.
So when Trump starts praising mass muslim and mexican immigration what do you think the Trump cultists will do to spin it as a positive?
> Washington examiner licking trump boot
Color me surprised
Nonsense, you clearly don't understand how having a weak currency hugely benefits an export driven economy.
You don't understand. They're not depreciating their currency, they're raising it which makes them less competitive. It's good for us desu.
This. It's also the same reason why some countries in the EU (e.g. Greece) are getting fucked over by having the Euro as their currency.
Well, lets not go too far. They are working very hard to prevent capital flight. If they can't keep their currency from fleeing, they are staring into an abyss. They are not doing this to be nice.
>"Lol a bunch of libshits not knowing anything about economics, imagine that. Everyone knows mass immigration stimulates the economy and has been the lifeline of our country for years."
>"Not realizing this is 4d chess"
>"Get all of the Muslims and Mexicans"
>"Imprison them"
>"Less Muslims and Mexicans in the open world"
>"More money for our prisons"
>"America wins baby"
>Trump uses words to create threats
>This costs no money or resources, since they're just words
>Trump wants china to do something for him
>He tells china if they do it he won't act on the words he said
>china does it
>it cost the USA nothing, not a dollar, not a life, not any tangible resource, just words from the president's mouth
Wow drumpf lied and backstabbed me fuck drumpf and fuck white people I'll never vote for drumpf again!!!!!!!
t. shills
I can honestly see some dipshits on Sup Forums using the second option if things came down to it,
>they bent the knee , so he is showing mercy...
Honestly muslims aren't the problem, they actively remove degenerates from their country. They set a precedent. We only pretend to hate them because Libs adopted them but honestly on everything outside of allah, they're pretty spot on.
Our hate for Muslims is mostly our hate for liberals. But even ISIS they really just want all muslims in one place the middle east, but we keep succumbing to the zionists that want us to remove them from their back yard through republican neoconism and democratic immigration.
Yes it is more 5D Mouse Trap. But it is Xi who is playing Trump. Xi just called up his buddy Kim Jong Un and told him to stir up some shit. Trump saw Kim launch that missile and he shit himself. Now he has to kiss Chinas ass so that China doesnt unleash their pet on him.
Art of the Deal
Trump is a faggot.
>Our hate
Who the fuck are you speaking on behalf of? Why don't you shut the fuck up? I hate Muslims, I hate kikes, and I hate people like you. You don't know what you're talking about, so shut the fuck up
Possibly he means exactly what he says.
Also quite possibly: he's right.
what exactly did china do again?
He needs China to fight North Korea. Don't be dumb. China invades with promises of a favorable long term deal and eats a few nukes. US then backtracks on it.
>not a currency manipulator
>NATO im cool with them
>NATO has to increase military spending
The US is planing to make a big war
>Make threatening noises about a trade war that would hurt the US but annihilate China.
>Tell China you'll play nice if they help out with the Norks.
>China doesn't like to be pushed around like this, but they're also a little sick of the Norks themselves and don't want to deal with this bullshit while they're trying to build a first world economy.
>They move towards agreeing with the US, so the US moves away from their past threats.
pls delet this
The God Emperor don't lie to his pedes.
I just listened to Jones reviewing his last interview and it all is staring to make sense.
Amazingly trump has gone full policy maker mode, instead of being troll in chief. It was such a spin around for most of us we're actually confused.
>"We are not going in for a wider war in Syria."
Donald J. Trump; president and hero of the united states.
>Based immigrants want to MAGA!
he already does this
Google "trial balloon" or read Scott Adams' on A/B testing, that's exactly what it is.
Trump is getting concessions from China on a whole host of things including reigning in North Korea, in return Trump has to maintain the status quo with them for the time being.
How is this seriously lost on some of you?
The spin begins!
Dirty fucking trick, nigger.
They haven't reigned in shit yet, they'll apply some pressure to get him to back down from...whatever they were doing to incur Trump's wrath then back to the status quo.
>China is screwing us over
>if we let China keep screwing us over, maybe they will be tougher with North Korea (which they already will do on their own because China does NOT want war in their backyard)
Is Trump now paying shills? Or are you just from reddit?
Besides how do you think we got China to buy our coal and not NK's? It's all apart of the game
>everyone i disagree with is a shill
t. neocon t_d shill
China's currency manipulation means the trade deficit with them is draining our money and making them richer. However, if Trump actually makes China buy more American stuff and remove their restrictions on US imports, currency manipulation will be less of an issue.
I hate to say it, but Trump is basically backing out of several of his key platforms that resonated with the American people. The son in law I don't trust at all. Someone has influenced him in the opposite direction of why people voted him in office. His turn is becoming more globalist in nature by the day.
Manipulating their currency to provide a competitive economic advantage and dumping product on the US. They've since, significantly decreased both practices and cozied up to our wishes in stopping Best Korea's weaponized autism.
Trump said this repeatedly throughout his campaign. Both the Trump shills and CTR shills ignored it, thinking he was "le based white saviour" or "le new hitler", respectively, when in fact, he is only against illegal immigrants. There's going to be a "BIG, FAT, BEAUTIFUL DOOR" in the wall for Juan and his family to come to America legally.