Why are (((trans advocates))) giving kids hormone blockers?
If they don't go through puberty their dicks won't grow, and there won't be enough penis to invert to a "vag".
They're just creating stunted men with nun-functioning penises
Why are (((trans advocates))) giving kids hormone blockers?
Other urls found in this thread:
>men with non-functioning penises
And that's what we call "white genocide".
>old enough to get hormone blockers to permamently disfigure their bodies and make them basically asexual, broken freaks
>but not old enough to have a drink or a smoke
top kek liberalism is a mental disability
i don't see the problem
So they cant go back if they regret it?
i don't see anything wrong with adults transitioning and i completely respect transpeople and see them as who they are, but i'm against children transitioning
too many ways for that to go wrong, it should wait until they're 18
This basically.
It's another knife in the ribs of the white race.
Because they're kids are merely extensions of their own prestige in their mind. They need to parade them around and demonstrate how great they think they are as parents to earn that sweet sweet approval of their peers.
>Why are the mentally ill making poor decisions?
You can just feel it in the text.
The author is trying to convince him / herself more than the audience. The cognitive dissonance is so obvious.
Makes me pity them almost as much as I do the kid (who will pay the price later on in life when he finds out no one will want him).
Degeneracy is a self-feeding loop.
Because once you've "established" that children can make a decision to go on hormones to affect how they develop into adulthood, it's no stretch that children can consent to sex with adults.
They're coming after the children.
They feel inferior to the white male and thus they are eager to mix, blend and diffuse race and gender as much as possible, to make the lines between winner and loser less obvious.
FUck you insensitive fuck. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with being trans
It should be a human right to have a normal and healthy development.
ladyboys have no place in Sup Forums
So they can fool parents into cutting their own Son's penis off thus removing their lineage from the gene pool.
lol, the shill loses his cool.
She looks pretty. Good wife material as soon as we abolish age of consent laws.
Because they really, really don't want to pass on their oppressive evil genes
They fucked that up by having a kid in the first place, but dammit if they aren't gonna make it right
Then the child finds out their entire life has been nothing more than a happy sideshow. They realize they've never even existed, nothing more than a doll for their parents and teachers to dress up and Make Happy. There are no tears, no pleas for help. They just disappear one day, then we later find out they killed themselves.
Body dysphoria (when people think they're missing an arm and they're not, or missing a stomach so they don't eat, even to the point of starvation etc) - recognized in the DSM as a mental illness and gets treated daily.
Gender dysphora - IT'S TOTALLY FINE GUISE!
WRONG, look up Gender Dysphoria and then come back to me
Gender dysphorias is not a real thing u retard. People are born with the wrong genitals. DEAL WITH IT.
Sounds like the publications of a hate group. When is the ACLU going to shut this transphobic piece of shit organization down.
No amount of cosmetic surgery will change the fact that you are male. You will never have a period. You will never be able to conceive, no matter how much you wish to butcher and mutilate your body and blast your system with hormones.
Seek help before you off yourself like 40% of trans people do.
are you serious
burn all parents at the stake like good ole times if they transgender their kids before they even hit 18.
0 sympathy or remorse / mercy for them
lol the best thing about watching bigots like u on this board is knowing that ur kind is dying out. Soon all the bigots like you will be gone from the world :)
try harder jidf , youre a disgrace to us real jews.
Why don't you got check trans race stats friend.
The saddest thing about delusional people like you is that you're encouraged in your illness and you will probably suffer immeasurably, because reality, like it or not, is like the ground - no matter how much you delay your fall, it's gonna be there waiting for you in the end.
Also, trans make like .3% of the population. You're insignificant, and until recently completely ignored. You're a fad at the moment, but soon, pedophiles will take your place (just like you took the place of gays who took the place of blacks) as the new trend on the slippery slope.
i so wanna behead u right now.
Nice bait butt boy
Why the fuck are you falling for bait?
It's not an illness. Why are you worried about .3 percent of the population then? Shut the fuck up romania ur flag looks like literal dogshit.
It's good practice.
I'm okay with trans people with fake boobs, but when gender surgery and hormone is given that's just immoral.
lol it not bait, I just fucking hate bigoted people. Im a libertarian like many on this board. Its fucked up so many bigots would be against people doing what they want, their decisions do NOT affect you or your life so fuck off
Dead simple. They jump back and forth between different trendy syndrome theories, obsessing about one after another, sharpening all their tricks around them, waiting for times when they have something useful.
-early onset autism
The vast majority of people criticizing these are full of shit. They fail to get any idea of WHY they're deranged diagnoses. The big opposition to this ends up being opinionated jerks who feel that impulsive opinions on niche subjects are just as good as those of any expert analysts. Most of the research on it is actually quite reasonable, and this really gets to lots of people around, it's there to examine and make use of, it's just that the small bits of perversity in it keep adding up.
It seems that they tend to do this stuff with two trendy diagnoses at a time. That's also useful for shifting attention away from the other big management point - which is currently autism, as Borat's cousin is currently working to pump up the huge deal it is.
So what if i give my son testosterone injections because he actually identifies as a boy?
He is not a bigot he is just stating fact. No matter how much a guy mutilates his body he still is a guy.the same for women as well. If you can't see that then you are a disillusion as a trans...oh wait. Also facts will never die out becouse their will always be people that pass biology, unlike yourself.
Firmly believing you're something you're not (a cow, an airplane, Napoleon or a woman when you're a man) is just about the clearest form of a mental illness.
>Why are you worried about .3 percent of the population then?
I'm not worried about them.
>ur flag looks like literal dogshit.
Take your dog to the vet.
You can do whatever you want with your body. I wouldn't get between you and your self-mutilation, and you don't try to convince me you're a woman. How about that?
kek. Normally I'd argue with you savages, but go for it sandbro
There is going to be a huge issue in 20 years time of children realising they were manipulated by their psycho gender bender parents and demanding things like compensation from governments and organisation that provided hormone blockers.
always a fucking white boy
race war now
There will be a hefty price to pay for this shit, mark my words. As backwards and fucking loony as the world has gotten today, giving kids drugs to prevent them from developing until their fucked up parents coerce them into what they want them to be, is probably one of the more fucked up things I can think of going on in the west.
>when learning how to speak, a child first lets the parent know whether they feel like their born sex, or the opposite sex
You not accepting their new identity is transphobia. Simple. You are a bigot and should be shunned by socety for making people feel like they are not accepted. Ur just projecting ur impotency onto them for their personal choice
Lol here come the racists! Transgenders come in all races fuck u
Mfw whenever I see a cute gay guy turn himself into a disgusting mutilated monster
it's always fucking dykes that end up raising these "trans kids". i remember when i saw some lesbos in london with their ultra feminine adopted son. i hope trump starts ww3.
Just another case of people praying at the altar of political correctness and failing to see that their absolutist way of looking at things is more narrow-minded than progressive and does more harm than good. If we assume a child capable of knowing what's best for them and make a life changing decision which will make them happier in the end, then it's a better idea to ((("transition"))) sooner rather than later. But the results if this ends up not being the case, aka they regret it, would be catastrophic. And progressives also refuse to look into other options for these people to deal with their issues, permanent physical alterations being the only solution seems insane
Also, that kid is cute as fuck. Too bad he/she/whatever will most likely grow up to be mentally unwell and severely confused as a result of her retarded parents
And its always a white boy.
I guess its just pure (((coincidence)))
>Sup Forums will never feel the gratification of poisoning a mind that you yourself birthed
It's like circumcision, you can't sue the doctor.
Still they will say that those "girls" suffer from internalized transphobia and they are going to be brainwashed that they are indeed trans and that their misery is societies fault.
Yup. I shudder to imagine what the next generation of white parents will champion
Whitebois were literally made for black cock. I'm black and I get off on fucking white sissys. Not only do i conquer your womens wombs, but i also conquer boipucci. I think people should be given hormones if they want them, it's their body, it's their choice.
welcome to the jew world order
>You not accepting their new identity is transphobia
All right. How about this? I'll accept your new identity if you accept my new identity as an identity expert who after some deliberation (1 second) decides your identity isn't the one you think it is?
I wonder who has managed to convince an entire race that this is the moral thing to do to their males. Simply amazing and when anthropologists are studying the remains of this future extinct species they will have to figure out who and how they were convinced to mutilate themselves into extinction. Fascinating.
our species deserves extinction
The hilarious thing is that it's backfiring. The whites that survive this era will be the ones who are the most masculine and the most resistant to genocidal propaganda. They're thinning the herd for us.
The only people who can afford to care about this crap are those with no other issues, aka not poor niggers in the ghetto
>They're thinning the herd for us.
U are fucking racist as fuck. transgender individuals come in all colors bigot
>stunted men with nun-functioning penises
>White sissy boys with boyclits submitting to their masters will become the norm
Oh man oh man, it's like one of my Japanese cartoons.
I love the living in the future.
Yeah they didnt think this too far through. it's like a pesticide and mosquitos. The strongest Mosquitos will be immune, and reproduce more immunity.
Can anybody redpill me on "cultural sickness" (or whatever it's named), when a bunch of members of society begin to act in completely strange, and counterproductive (to reproduction) ways?
>we already have a law that says perverts can't go into bathrooms
Well it used to be that if a man went into a bathroom, women would scream and perhaps attack him. Now what woman will defend herself against a male in a woman's private space, lest she be considered a bigot transphobe?
>vice.com bait
Thread theme song: youtube.com
The goal is to delay puberty until they can decide what gender they want to be as legal adults (18)
The goal underneath that goal is to push the power of the pharmaceutical industry (imagine what kind of shekels they could make if it was mandatory to medicate all kids with hormone blockers).
And the goal beneath *that* goal is legalized pedophilia and the destruction of the family unit.
That said there are a lot of roadblocks with all the side effects/downsides of such medication.
white man, it's time to step down and make the Hispanics your rightful heirs.
It's VICE TV on HBO.
burn these people ffs
So will there be ramifications for parents who spread this propaganda to their children? If the medical association has deemed this to be harmful, why aren't they pushing for negligence charges? Child endangerment? Lord knows there is a high demand for white kids in adoption agencies. I'm sure there are plenty of loving parents who can't have kids and would love the opportunity to raise these kids properly
Uhm, sweetie. It's 2017. People can be who they want to be. Why do you feel like you have to control other peoples bodies and their lives? Just try not to be so hateful for once in your life, k? k.
They can use the same arguments to allow kids to have sex with adults.
You need a critical mass of whites, below a threshold it won't be sustainable. Example, try sending your children to a school where the majority is black, they won't last much and their mental development will be stunted.
Why are the "trans kids" always white?
It's like there is some kind of subversive group that are trying to stop a certain race from properly breeding and reproducing
Why does the political class promote this issue so much? The lucid ones among them can tell you:
"Because people need someone to hate."
And here, everyone's found a very safe target. It's totally a game to get you paranoid about something which in the grand scheme of things has an infinitesimal impact, at least in anything remotely like the situation that's out there now.
Of course, they're also working to make this inscrutable by actually zeroing in on males who's brains run apparently more smoothly on estrogen, as that's completely the logical way to make this safe.
It's essentially just like trump tricking everyone and sending everyone's heads spinning with what he recently pulled.
That group wouldn't have any success unless someone was buying what they're shilling
>some kind of subversive group
Lol that was pretty damn good. I even read it in pic related voice.
faceapp pegs him as a boy
>to invert to a "vag"
>implying anyone wants a POST-OP trap
Look I think transgenderism is a disease, but perhaps the treatment for it is getting the surgery for them or whatever that's fine.
Whats not fine is letting kids make these decisions so fucking early. This kid probably doesn't even know a vagina looks like at that age. I'm pretty sure this is the kid that went back to being a boy after being removed from the mother's custody.
Notice all the publications only show white men? Theres a (((reason)))
fuck off leaf the only thing canada deserves is an holocaust
suck my dick faggot
God damn fucking Jews and their filthy godless propaganda
but the problem with "putting off puberty" is that it doesn't work as cut and dry as that. You're still condemning a child to having not fully developed genitals and bodies through that. We're starting to see that now since we have the first generation of trans kids on hormone blockers and uh oh looks like the liberals lied about the state of reality uh ohh who could've seen it coming sorry Jazz looks like you're going to have a baby penis forever because you don't have enough flesh down there to perform a sex change surgery safely
Canada needs a cultural and societal Autumn.