United is so fucked
United is so fucked
Don't feel for the china man...he will have an army of jew lawyers at his side...if not already.
of course it wasn't over booked it was just for their staff
People in China are also calling for a boycott because "he was targeted for being Chinese"
>'I'm staying... you'll have to drag me': Passenger who was hauled from an overbooked US flight is seen refusing to obey police orders in NEW video from the plane
Stood his ground. I'm surprised that the Chinese guy has more balls than most people on Sup Forums who would have shamelessly given up their seat for someone United thinks is more important than them.
Sex offending doctor is still winning
Don't worry, consumers aren't principled enough to stick with a boycott.
Increased demand for other airlines would drive up their prices making people fly United anyway. DAMN YOU FREE MARKET!!!
>Increased demand for other airlines would drive up their prices making people fly United anyway.
not before accruing a shit load of losses from operations
they're getting hit below the waterline
What took this one so long to surface?
I was kind of proud that a chinese would finally stand up until I realized he was vietnamese, meh.
>>'I'm staying... you'll have to drag me'
So many literal cucks on Sup Forums. The pilot could order your wife to suck his cock and you'd agree that she had to do it.
airport security are just a step above mall cops
they lack true authority
why do you think united is fucked, you worthless commie puke shut-in? Thanks for the collective outrage, I'll make thousands off the bounce.
>we did it reddit!!
This SJW shit has been enabled along the way by spineless corporations. I give zero fucks when they get bit in the ass.
The TSA at John Wayne is fucking hilarious. They act like cops and treat the airport like a prison.
That was Chicago PD buddy.
Chink did nothing wrong.
That's why I don't have any sympathy for him, he claimed that immediately. That's SJW-tier bullshit, anyone bringing shit like this up deserves to get beaten up at the minimum. Should've taken him outside on the tarmac and executed him.
All airlines are fucked. They're all going to turn into an Amtrack in the sky soon.
You would have already have made it if you were smart.
The CEO at my company rejoiced at United fuck up. So much that he called a meeting just to ramble about not fucking up as it can end up on youtube.
warren buffet owns 9% of united airlines shares. he has already lost 24 million dollars because of this. if we keep memeing United to shit, we can do some serious work here in cutting funds to antifa and related libshits
jetblue doesnt overbook flight sales. meme that people should fly jetblue instead
Paul Blart: TSA Agent when?
he hasn't lost anything because he hasn't sold his shares and you don't know at what value he purchased his shares
It was Chicago Aviation Police, which is like the retarded cousin branch of the Chicago Police. The CPD union has made sure that CAP has almost no authority and they can't even carry firearms.
My mistake. I bet United really wishes they were armed right now.
Yeah I'm sure they'd have much preferred the fallout of that retarded nigger shooting the chink in the head before dragging him off instead.
I'll take taser for million dollar settlement Alex. Admit it, if he didn't bust his mouth on the armrest, there would have been no story.
You must not remember the whole "Don't tase me, bro" thing.
Talk about fucking plot twist.
I just know there some psyop tomfoolery going on somewhere in here
isn't he Vietnamese?
No, I was 13. I only know about it because that's where I go to school. You must not remember the whole shooting a man before throwing him out of a plane thing.
he was attacked by a nigger cop
>People in China are also calling for a boycott because "he was targeted for being Chinese"
tfw this starts ww3
That came after the "Don't tase me, bro" thing. That game doesn't work with your elders, sweet summer child.
why would he shoot a man before dragging him off a plane?
t. another dumbfuck aussie
He watched too many movies
>why would he shoot a man before dragging him off a plane?
for resisting arrest by not getting off the seat
Yeah thinking I meant killing someone by shooting into the hull of an airplane for failing to comply with law enforcement was an entirely rational line of thought.
Dunno but Chinese people evidently believe he's a chink
You act as though police in Chicago have never needlessly killed anyone before
Jetblue is pretty fucking nice. I heard it was owned by an autist, so he knows how to warmly manipulate people in herds.
You act as though a company that gives 0 fucks about its customers also has no regard for its airplane.
Chicago Aviation Police don't own the airplane. I can assure you that they don't give a fuck about it.
Good, he was wrongfully beaten up and taken off a flight for no reason. I hope he gets tens of millions in his settlement.
I still don't get why people think that United did this. This was airport police, united didn't do shit but tell him he would be bumped to a later flight.
Who called them? Who affords their ability to police airports? How did I even imply that CAP owned the airplane? Passengers are not their customers.
Yeah but the Chinese can't tell themselves apart from Viets.
United called their thugs. Once CAP is there they don't give a fuck.
United called the police on someone to have them removed from a flight without cause. CAP should not have removed him. But United shouldn't have called them to begin with. It'd be like if a landlord wanted someone out of their house, but hadn't evicted them, so they called CPD, who proceeded to fuck the guy up and drag him out.
See Nothing wrong with him standing up for his rights.
So did he get the 800 dollars they were offering everyone?
lol all three aviation cops have been suspended. United is fucked, they are going to get sued into oblivion.
>have a right to be on someone else's airplane
I don't think you understand how planes work. If they ask you to leave the plane, you're leaving the plane. It's not a debate, there is no conversation or weighing of each side's argument, you leave the plane or you are removed from the plane. This is how planes have worked forever. Get on a plane and start making jokes about a bomb while the rest of the passengers are boarding and you'll quickly learn this.
The problem with this situation is the excessive force, not the fact that they removed an entitled gook from the plane.
Of course. Those idiot police don't value having a job. Fuck how could I have been so stupid to think that they could be beholden to someone. Airlines should call the CAP on each other so that these lawless mercenaries just kill passengers and create an aircraft company monopoly.
>lol all three aviation cops have been suspended
When you have a contract of carriage, haven't violated it, and they don't have cause to remove you. Then yes, you have a right to be there. Blame United for reneging on a contract.
Making jokes about bombs is covered under the contract of carriage, so they would have just cause to remove you. So it's actually about United breaking a contract and in doing so causing excessive force to be used against him. Since what United did was illegal, they're going to be liable for the results of it.
It's already cost them almost $1 billion. Might blow over if people forget. But the CEO is truly fucking it up. He should have...
* refunded everyone on the plane
* apologised unreservedly and not try to spin anything
* i.e. he should have admitted it was an assault
* paid out $1 million per person who was bumped for the staff
* paid $10 million to the guy who was assaulted and offered free life time travel if he could stomach to use the airline again
* fired whoever made the decision to put their staff above paying customers
* announced a policy change that they would no longer over-book flights
* announced new training for staff to not abuse the security/police coorperation
* submitted to an investigation by whatever body has jurisdiction
Flew through there on my way to Dana Point. Can confirm, Gestapo shithole.
Lol the cop who beat the shit out of the chink is a nigger.
This doesn't change anything. It was still "overbooked" in that there was no room for their employees. They have a right to kick off any passenger.
>Of course. Those idiot police don't value having a job
Clearly not, since what they did was not standard procedure (CPD actually went as far as to say so) and now they're all suspended.
>sjw tier
He's just being a gook jew because he knows he can get a lot of money
>Might blow over if people forget.
I doubt it. People are going to be making jokes about United beating their passengers for years.
The plane was their private property. United gets to decide who rides and when.
The other airlines should take more advantage. Start running ads saying "we won't beat you"
See Enjoy the corporate dick.
top kek
So what if they decide the plane isn't going to takeoff after passengers board? The have a right to stay on there forever.
Fuck off. Having a contract does not give you a right. The contract can be breached, and then the offending party suffers the consequences later.
Airlines have to have the right of removal even if that removal may cause a breach of contract. That must be settled later.
let me guess you have no management experience whatsoever. the moment you succumb to the customers like what you're suggesting is the moment you're business fails due to everyone suing you for every fucking thing from that point forward.
the true solution is to just keep upping the price of the voucher until somebody volunteers
Saw the video and what was with all of the fucking yelling an hollering from the women? Sounded like it was happening in the middle of the ghetto
Technically it wasn't the airline company that beat him, it was the police/security. But sure... why not.
Bullshit, they don't care about shit like that in China.
And he's Vietnamese, don't tell me that they 'cant tell the difference'
How was he being disruptive? He got kicked off because they wanted to give his seat to a staff member.
Not after boarding. That's where they fucked up.
Oh no! Not a paid vacation! You think they're going to be fired? Why not just fire them right away instead of going through the trouble of putting them on paid leave?
He's probably deranged autist. No reason to get angry at him when the whole thing blowing up benefits myself as a customer
>have the right to kick off any passenger
>already passed the gate agent, was boarded and seated
United employee identified.
I bet they did target him because he was an old Chinaman.
They should've taken the loud-mouthed lady you hear in the video instead. I guess it would have looked bad if the put their hands on a wo-man.
>Fuck off. Having a contract does not give you a right. The contract can be breached, and then the offending party suffers the consequences later.
Right, which is what is currently happening. United broke the contract, causing CPD to illegally remove a passenger. And now they are liable. They have lost a billion dollars and are going to pay the riceman at least $10 million in a settlement.
No, they don't. Cite what gives them that authority.
Well yes. That is what they should have done. But given that this has happened it is now a PR operation.
They have lost $1,000,000,000 in company value and if people don't forget that is likely to increase. It is about public perception - it is not about being sued - that is the least of their worries.
Almost everyone defending United in this situation is one of their employees. Not a surprise seeing that a shitty airline company doesn't know what they are talking about.
Uhm, no. They extended a contract when they sold the ticket, he passed security, the gate agent and then was boarded and seated.
Come see me when the grocery store allows you to purchase groceries, then whips your ass in the parking lot 'cause you move too slow to give up your prime spot to some VIP of their choosing.
How do you fuck up this bad?