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Who on CNN said this?
bumping for compound interest.
Times like this I wish I wasn't always watching Fox.
I hope this is real.
Fake news about the fake news
Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.
6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds. (LOL)
In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.
It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaneously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.
That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total number of jews killed would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.
How can any Jew, Israeli, or Shill ever even argue this story when just simple math is enough to destroy the whole argument? Can any Jews respond to this?
Or you know, mass shooting and graves? You can kill a good 50 men and women with a mg42 and a few belts.
Kim nuke Israel
Show me the clip asshole.
Yeah, do they claim all 6 mil were gassed or are you assuming? Dig a big hole, shoot 300 jews in 3 mins, repeat am to pm, 6 mil easy
How long would it take to dig a hole large enough for 300 people? Where do you put the displaced soil? How many holes holding 300 each would it take to fit in one million? Assuming it's true, there should be very large holes everywhere.
You can but where are all the graves? 3.5 million people should be in the ground around the camp?
I can't handle all this timeline shifting
>implying people still watch CNN
this is fake news and we both know it
>As opposed to just burning more than one body in the same crematorium.
Meanwhile it takes over an hour to cremate a corpse, not to mention the time transporting the corpses
That slows it down due to the large amount of water.
Shit, did they redeem themselves?
Did they get so BTFO'd that they became /ourguys/?
Excluding 's 657,000 number the number of Jews buried would be ~13.5 million ft^3 of Jews. Head to foot, the total length of buried Jews would be ~5,900 miles.
Didn't somebody not too long ago, I think it was Obama or Bush, brag about the US not having any terrorist attacks since 2000?
You do realize they had to dig the holes for the gassed victims too
Like either they burned them which was infeasible or they gassed them which makes no sense because there is no benefit
Do people still read any news sites or watch any TV? I glance at headlines to see if anything big happened but if it's about Trump or Republicans or conservatives ("alt right", etc.) in general I assume the article is liberal propaganda, which it is.
Late night fags telling me what to think are the most insufferable cunts alive. Oliver, Meyers, Colbert and Maher can all fucking hang.
How does burning 2 bodies at once take longer than 1 body in turn?
Which is faster to burn, 2 logs burning at the same time or 1 log fully burnt and then another log burnt?
you better not be retarded, OP
That was Jeb bragging about how no terrorist attacks occurred under his brother's presidency.
I guess he forgot some people still believe the official story
depends on the proximity of the logs to each other
You can't be serious. The difference is that the logs are fuel, the human is not.
3ml jews killed by germans on USSR territory alone
>Meanwhile it takes over an hour to cremate a corpse, not to mention the time transporting the corpses
Mein führer, the situation at the front is growing dire, what should we do to remedy the situation?
>Burn the rest of our slave laborers with what little fuel we have left
jawohl mein führer!
A perfectly sensible solution, right?
Total surface area of Jews would be ~1/5th the area of Israel assuming you crammed them together.
Whats a good analogy then? 2 pieces of bacon in an oven. Which takes longer to cook, them both cooking at the same time or one being cooked after another?
No wonder they lost the war. They had half their forces shooting and burying Jews.
How about two human bodies? Have you never even burnt a body before? What are you, gay?
Mass shootings, live graves, and labor camps.
they didnt literally gas all of them nigger
War numbers are always propped up. Bangladeshi politicians say over a hundred thousand bengalis died during the independance war.
That is a lie. Anyone who was in the war will tell you that such a high number would be impossible with the slow pace of the war. But better to stay quiet about it when your government can send you to prison for facebook posts.
They didn't gas anything of them, actually
>i cant think of an answer, better take an idubbbz meme
Not considering the camps were in use for only 3 years.
I Require a proof
human bodies have water and a certain chemical is released when breaking down the body through the process of cremating, logically it make sense since you're doubling the mass of what you're burning in an enclosed space
No, it's simply a fact that the more flesh placed into a crematorium, the longer it takes.
I'm just shitting on you cause you're stupid
took about 10 minutes to gas 2000 people so yeh......... with ~30 different camps gassing ppl all day and night..
>(he gassed millions)
topkek, fake news strikes again
>A. B——v has told how executions were carried out at Adak – a camp on the Pechora River. They would take the opposition members ‘with their things’ out of the camp compound on a prisoner transport at night. And outside the compound stood the small house of the Third Section. The condemned men were taken into a room one at a time, and there the camp guards sprang on them. Their mouths were stuffed with something soft and their arms were bound with cords behinds their backs. Then they were led out into the courtyard, where harnessed carts were waiting. The bound prisoners were piled on the carts, from five to seven at a time, and driven off to the ‘Gorka’ – the camp cemetery. On arrival they were tipped into big pits that had already been prepared and buried alive. Not out of brutality, no. It had been ascertained that when dragging and lifting them, it was much easier to cope with living people than with corpses.“This work went on for many nights at Adak.“And that is how the moral-political unity of our Party was achieved.
If you want liquidate people with efficiency and are utterly inhuman, commies have it figured out. Mass murder is one of the few things Communism manages to do efficiently.
Himller talked about shooting squads. he claimed them toi be inefective, took too many bullets which meant too many sheckles, and the men doing the shooting would be ineffective as they would either become neurotic or brutes, which he described the types as useless.
There are no mass graves faggot.
If there were, they'd be holocaust centers.
So it takes twice as long to cook 2 pieces of Bacon in the oven as it does to cook 1? because you're "doubling the mass"?
Sup Forums never surprises me with it's amazing levels of autism.
>No, it's simply a fact that the more flesh placed into a crematorium, the longer it takes.
Do fat americans burn more brightly with less external fuel?
It takes twice as long? As i said before, the more bacon put into an oven takes twice as long to cook?
Where are all the mass graves then. You can't just have tons of 300 person mass graves all over the place and not have people find that shit
How long does it take to cremate a body, and how did hitler cremate a centuries worth of bodies in just a few years?
There were no gas chambers in most of the camps, and none of them were used to exterminate humans
Ground penetrating sonar of Auschwitz shows no disturbance of the soul where Jews claims the pits were
it takes longer to cook a 20lb turkey than a 10lb one, try it, or go upstairs and ask mommy
bacon in a microwave oven using radiation =/= cremation of a human body
What was used to burn the bodies? Obviously not fuel since the tanks and planes required that.
>bullets are more expensive than a massive permanent gassing infrastructure and coverup
It takes twice as long? Are you really this fucking dense?
Microwave = oven?
Have you ever cooked a roast? That shit takes like 10 hours to cook all the way through.
>still no sauce
>, took too many bullets which meant too many sheckles
But untold amounts of fuel and coal to burn bodies is surely more efficient.
By the way, where did the masses of coal come from? How many wagons of coal would have to be delivered for these operations?
if I cared enough to draw a diagram I would, but, I dont. It's about the amount of space, fuel available, and how fast whatever you're cremating takes to fully deconstruct.
Both are completely different so you can't use it as a comparison.
Now if you were to say 2 pigs in an oven would take twice as long as 1 pig, which it would
My best friend runs a funeral home, he says the fat ones take fucking forever to burn up all the way.
where are the bodies and mass graves then ??
So a 1KG roast takes half the time to cook as a 2KG roast?
There definitely should be thousands of football field sized holes all over Germany, Poland, and Russia. That's just assuming they shot a million or so.
If they burned a million or so, there would be a distinct layer of ash in the places surrounding the ovens.
Jews are made of grease and shit. There is a story about a shit Golem in Jewish lore, which actually is just a story about a regular Jew. They ignite when exposed to the heat, it is their penance for being of the Synagogue of Satan, if they touch fire they are sent immediately to hell.
>he says the fat ones take fucking forever to burn up all the way.
Typical, mericans destroying the nature even from beyond the grave
your point is moot
the ovens used to cremate the millions simply did not have the capacity to do the job, not by a long shot
even if you crammed 4 bodies into an oven designed for one, they couldn't have done that many
Are you truly this autistic?
2 pigs in an oven wouldnt take twice as longer as 1 pig. Sure it'd be a longer total time than 1 pig by itself but not twice.
Were nazis cooking them to medium rare or incinerating them
the devilish bastards probably got hungry from time to time
The only mass graves ever discovered were at Birkenau or something like that
Although, the mass graves that were dug at this camp were filled with bodies that were burnt and charred, the nazis burned these bodies in mass graves only because of the typhus epidemic, which was confirmed, at Birkenau
(sorry dont know the name of the camp)
>2600 calories
>people still claim they can't eat enough calories to gain weight at all
That person is shitposting. They know this fact but will continue to repeat that stupid fucking point to waste your time.
i would eat that in one sitting
Designed for one? You mean the ovens, designed to burn bodies in mass, for that specific purpose, wasnt designed to burn multiple bodies at once?
Cooking a roast to medium rare takes less time, are you saying the Jews was cooked medium rare?
A sauce is required
so many (you)s in store for the user that uploads it
no it wouldnt, conduction is much more efficient than convection in transferring heat energy
take a heat transfer/thermo course and this shit is easy to figure out
>designed to burn bodies in mass
You're fucking stupid
I eat all that shit up and am a skelton
>i would eat that in one sitting
And if you were a diabetus, would fall into a coma and die
You can bury 6,000,000 Jews in only a 500x500 meter 10 foot deep hole.
You seem to still be thinking in the idea of cooking, no we are not just simmering the pigs or people we are burning their body's to ash which is a much longer process. You have to burn through bones, fat, organs, tissue, all substances that contain large amounts of water which would potentially double the time. This isn't cooking, this is cremation, you can't compare the two
>Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.
imagine being so autistic you think anyone claims that all the jews were gassed. it was something like 2 million gassed most were shot
No evidence of gassing, no evidence of mass shootings
Dr Mengele took out a few.
No graves were ever found.
>actually believing this
Himmler went up to Nuremburg and said, "Please don't kill me, I'll say whatever you like," then was shot anyway.
Nobody was gassed you retard
And dirt mounds
i thought it was 6 million gassed, 12 million killed