God, what a missed opportunity

God, what a missed opportunity.

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that old kike would have passed a law enforcing mandatory bull sessions. every white must be culturally enriched for our more equal society!

He was cool, but we need to look forward. He's gonna be too old for 2020.

"What's your opening statement, President Sanders?



>He was cool

He's worse than Shillary

>doesn't know that Bernie accepted bribes from Hillary and shilled for her after dropping out

He was just as much of a flip flopper as Trump.
He was a pied piper used to get millennials into politics you dumbass.

youre a cancer to our nation who has never felt real love or read a book

Literally who?

Yeah I'm pretty upset I didn't elect this kike so he could make me pay reparations for slavery to niggers

>literally a sell out
>betrayed anyone who listened to his retarded plans to be pals with the Hill Dog.

How anyone thinks anything positive of this guy is beyond me


He did a pretty shitty job drumming up votes for Hillary. Maybe they should have ran him instead and had Hillary shill for him.


Who's this nigger?

he honestly cares about the future of our planet rather than the trash in office now

Why are you so threatened by blacks


I voted for Trump

Voting for an actual Jew is far worse than Hillary

What makes you think i am?

THe "Progressive hero" literally came out in support of Regime change, what a fucking kike sellout lmao

Rand and Tulsi are literally the only 2 people in the ENTIRE U.S government who are Anti-war fucking LMAO

if you call a bullet an opportunity

He looks jewish. Can anyone confirm?

daily reminder

>I voted for Trump

Sheldon approves, and he voted for Trump with his very large Zionist wallet.

Tulsi favors gun control. No need for her to breathe and you wouldn't have posted her if she wasn't vaguely boneable.

Sanders the grandstander

Yeah, OP. Yet another chance to finally get socialism right.

You're retarded.

This fucked his entire campaign. I swear to God SJW's are funded by right leaning political organizations so that they smear sensible leftists by association.

enjoy your central bank fascism you kike

No kidding. He could have blown the lid like a boss at the convention but just say there and tried not to cry. Sad!

>sucks a commie Jew's dick
>calls me a kike

it's possible to support someone for having the correct policy without neccesacrily wanting them to be president so calm down you assravaged trumpnigger

Totally agree. I wish Hitler had gassed his parents too.

Dodged a bullet, hopefully he'll have a huge heart attack before 2020

he is

Why would you want to replace one turncoat with another?

pic for ants

>Silly pinko, reddit is on the roof and over the ledge

>defending niggers.
You have to go back.

Are you kidding, m80?

This is my ideal 2020:

>Bernie runs, Bernouts turn out again.
>Hillary, now a fucking moribund vampire with one lung, shows up and gets 100% of the super delegates again
>Hillary calls BERNIE BROS a bunch of sexists again
>Lena Dunham digs out her I'M WITH HER dress, has it altered from XXXL to XXXXXXXXXL, puts it back on
>all media back Clinton again
>Bernouts turn into fucking useless morons again

It would honestly be perfection

Did you know that this dog was murdered in New Zealand? For no reason. And they've done nothing.

>What a missed opportunity

>not even acknowledging what I said
stay asleep sheep

>Fuck the fed and the jewish controlled state
>we need to vote for Bernie Sanders to expand the government.

Fuck the Government, Fuck Jews and Fuck Bernie Sanders.

I wish Hitler killed Bernie's parents.

if you think the globalists are concentrated in the government primarily, you're missing (((something)))

God, what a missed opportunity.


Anyone got any reddit bernouts giving all their money to this guy?

it's clear he would've been better than this turncoat clown

fuck off, subhuman commie

>Hillary, now a fucking moribund vampire with one lung, shows up and gets 100% of the super delegates again
I would kek for a thousand years

he is an actual cuck

He drives a fucking audi r8 how much could he possibly care about the future of the planet

Yea it sure is a shame he stole everyone's money who supported him and dropped out.
Sure missing out on some quality there.

Bullshit. He would've sold us out even faster than Trump

t. Vermonter & ex-Berniebro

No, regardless of political alignment, we all agree that tripfags are the cancer of this board, this country, and this shared existence. You are an outsider, you have no idea of board culture, and no one here is going to take anything you post seriously. But please, continue. I'm sure your ad homs and appeals to ridicule will play really well with this crowd.

you're a fucking retard, nuclear war isn't cool.

hes not even using a tripcode you gay nigger


Sitting in the Oval Office, raisin' taxes, being a greedy Jew.
Laid back (with my mind on your money and your money on my mind)
Sitting in the Oval Office, raisin' taxes, being a greedy Jew.
Laid back (with my mind on your money and your money on my mind)

the dude couldn't even beat the quite possibly the worst candidate ever put forward, Hillary. She had 3.7m more votes in the primaries. You bernouts are delusional.

this should be a textbook in every school

>He drives a fucking audi r8 how much could he possibly care about the future of the planet

I hate that communist but no he doesn't.

You have to go back to T_D.

God, what a waste of oxygen. Kill yourselves bernbots.

>Waste of double-naughts
So America would be better as a commie state in your eyes? Wouldn't it be easier if you just moved to Venezuela, and you could post back and tell us what it's like in a workers paradise?
>We'll wait..

Bernie was and is a huge faggot


he simply lost to a 4 letter meme


Until the cultural/political zeitgeist amongst American minorities changes (and it is, slowly - hispanics are starting to become less blue), demographics ARE destiny. One more term of mass migration and it may have well been too late for the American Right for a generation.

I agree, I can't really see myself voting for Trump again after all of this. He has betrayed us. I want /r/the_donald posters to leave.

>God, what a missed opportunity.

He wouldn't have worked out. Dems would've stone-walled him and turned him into another Jimmy Carter.

Biden should've ran instead. He was smart but not an elitist/insider like Hillary, and likable, but not a moron like Trump.