Is all of this just a leftys raid or does Sup Forums actually hate Trump now?
I am rooting for Assad and Russia, but I refuse to accept the simple "muh neocon" asnwer.
Have people given up Trump since the Syria attack or is it just the shills again?
Whenever someone tries to explain himself he is either a drumpftard or a shill. I don't know what's happening anymore.
What the fuck is happening?
Other urls found in this thread:
I support our President, Donald Trump.
everybody does. Don't buy this faggotry OP
Trump is still lowkey cool with Putin and Assad?
the shills have been using drumpftard and neocon to put us down since before the election. nothing new here...
I don't generally question the faggot(Trump), but we're(regular Sup Forums) just shitposting.
Sorry but Drumpf is a Jew shill who has to go back
Sup Forums is being attacked by all sides but Sup Forums always survives.
Why are you so obvious? Do you feel guilty that you are paid to brainwash people?
Shariablue is fucking raiding all social media including this shithole. Trump is still the most based leader in the west. The goddamn alternative would have been shillary.
Glompf can still redeem himself. I hope so , at least
Israel first
Leftist Were given hundreds of millions of dollars by Jews to things like Blueshare . They are no flooding Sup Forums with division andLeftist Bullshit.
You OK bruh?
I look at it this way.
If it wasn't 11D chess for optics and if Trump backs out on everything that got him elected people will be so furious, that the guy that comes after him is gonna be something resembling actual Hitler, especially once we watch Europe go full Durkastan.
fuck off kraut
It's a raid by wheelchanners
Why haven't you learned by the precious 6 billion threads you dumb kraut fuck?
Nothing happening, comrade.
Lefty raids I think, going by all the bullshit about white people, white nations, white women blah blah. They really are a pathetic strain of cancer.
Daily reminder that Trump IS the (((swamp))).
but of shareblue shitheads trying to seize on Trump supporters moment of weakness.
Anyone else notice things have been going well for Trump since he smoked that runway? And look, no invasion force. Trump's base just overreacts.
If you're German and are so preoccupied by the US and their president you're a neocon and a globalist. You're not their ally, you're not their friend, you're at best a business partner. And that makes you a cuck, basically.
>not understanding the art of the deal
the fuck is wrong with you?
>NATO is no longer obsolete
yea now that their going to pay up weak b8 faggot
>does Sup Forums actually hate Trump now?
not everyone on Sup Forums has the same views
He keeps flipping and I follow the policies not the man.
Nothing has been accomplished except war.
I support our President, Donald Trump.
>what is a ghostwriter
Nigger didn't even write it
Nobody will pay you anything. NATO is the price you have to pay to have military bases scattered around Europe and somebody in the military must have told Trump, hence the flip flop. It's not South America here.
If Trump eliminates that faggot Kike Anti-Christ Nu/male /leftypol/ Le_Dahanald Civicuck Lolbiterian Jared Kushner then Trump would get our full support.
I'm 50/50 on Trump now.
Much more flippin' and a floppin' still to do :-)
He didn't have to actually write the book.
>his art form
>makes millions in successful deals
Writing is for faggots who can't business for themselves
Was it not obvious or do you retards just have to be told what to think by someone else here first before you believe it?
We're being raided by the_donald
Reddit you have to go back
Trump does not want to force regime change.
He merely world policed them.
He didn't abolish or at least completely overhail ZATO and seems to have been a zionist globalist shill all along, so global terrorism from the US via ZATO and the million NGOs and "charities" and "aid" organizations will not only continue unfettered, but will actually have the floodgates open on them. The golden goy and the kike cabal are literally able to false flag the white race into extinction because no one is willing to pick up a gun, get together, and actually kill these fucking oathbreakers and kikes.
Long live god emperor trump. Weve been raided before so idc. Its futile to control this place
I think the Syria move was a big power play but i dont support any further action in Syria unless its in helping Assad. No proof that Assad did it so far and even if he did who gives a shit. I dont think Trump has lost my support but I will choose Assad over Trump if i must.
Trump betrayed us.
I support Assad over Trump. If Trump goes after Assad, I will hate Trump.
calm you tits, nigga
Divide and conquer tactics.
Lmao just how autistic are you?
KYS faggot.
>support Assad over Trump...
>support mudslime
Fuck right off with your fagogotry
So, the alternative would have been the same?
>still obamacare
>interventionalist foreign policy
>worst relations with Russia
>no closed border
>no Muslim ban
>china no currency manipulator.
Actual Sup Forums is skeptical of Trump, though happy for the victory of putting him in office and what it symbolized. We do not recognize the notion of a single man in a heavily controlled position of office being the end-all of the varying goals that libertarians and traditionalists (our main groups) hold, nor the idea that Trump is especially versed in our ideals anyway.
A small contingent of /r/the_donald users are here promoting non-critical support of Trump. They bring reddit problems with them and are not healthy for discourse. We want them out, we don't really like them, but hating them outright would be counter productive since we're more on the same side than many other players. That being said, many of them are the milquetoast diet-right that has become shamefully mainstream.
A large contingent of /r/MarchAgainstTrump users are here promoting overwhelmingly critical opposition to Trump, with the larger goal being to shift the discourse of the board towards leftist talking points and disguise their presence by pitting Sup Forums against /r/the_donald. They are here to bring division and the usual loss of identity and cohesion that comes with leftist invasion of any space. Their numbers and activity are greater than the /r/the_donald users, which is why their talking points revolve around pinning dissent on /r/the_donald as a misdirect. You'll know the leftist by his plastic personality and awkwardly overly-aggressive tone, as if he studied being cocksure from an instruction manual but never practiced in front of a mirror.
In summary: all reddit MUST leave, although some reddit must leave more. Hold serious convictions, but never fall into the trap of non-skepticism. You know why you are here and what you think, you have nothing to prove to anyone on an anonymous image board, which has always been the advantage Sup Forums holds over namefagging leftist hideouts that demand virtue signalling to align with the consensus narrative. This is why we win.
I see you in every thread with the same post and you still don't know how NATO works do you?
Ask your sec of defense he explained it to trump.
Assad is love, Assad is life
neither. you're seeing the work of Russian shills.
Go fuck yourself with a loaded shotgun in face. When your faggot desires start raging drink a load of hot lead cum. Then report back to pol on your faggot experiences. Make sure to time stamp any Picts.
Have a (You), user, you deserve it.
This. Assad stays or else I will activate PALE HORSE PROTOCOL.
Apparently if you actually read the shit he says and how he is surrounding himself with neoconservative and establishment fucks, and going against the shit he stood for -- mainly staying the fuck out of the ME, and most importantly, Syria -- I guess you're a shill if you call him out for it. Kushner whispers into Ivanka's ear, and Ivanka whispers in her dad's ear.
What will it take for you to stop sucking his dick and unfuck yourselves? Kicking out Bannon? Full invasion of Syria? Half-assing the wall?
In case you haven't noticed, Kushner is winning the very apparent civil war in the white house. Once Bannon is out, I can guarantee that Kushner will be calling all the shots -- fuck that, he already pretty much is.
Once again, unfuck yourselves, you retarded assholes.
its just redditors and other shills. trump is the best goddamn thing thats happened to america in ages and it feels so good to be WINNING
It's a raid mate ,
Some people are confused about the Syria thing .
I still support trump. Leader do make mistakes , you just have to weigh up the good with the bad.
He's made some moves that give him political victories to stave off the jackals. The shills are taking full advantage of this opportunity to push the message that Trump has betrayed us all and is just another neocon.
We're not even through the first 100 days yet bros. Pay attention to the long game.
reddit fuck off
keep being sour faggot
Come back on the weekend, when the shills arn't being paid to be here. This place is an even bigger shit box than usual during the week.
its a raid
still support Trump
>Sup Forums
>meme farm
how do you feel following someone blindly
prove how trump is not a jew puppet with evidence
Listen here you dumb fucking cucks. I'm only gonna say this once so open your fucking lolbertarian Reddit ears. DONALD TRUMP IS A KIKE LOVING MOTHERFUCKER.
There is no dimensional chess game. The man is motivated by his immediate impulses and controlled by JEWS.
>"W-whats wrong with that!?"
Useless faggots all of you, we were duped into a hype of populism. You really think you can vote away the decline of the west?
If not for peaceful Revolution, the more (((they))) interfere with the us we will certainly see a violent coup in our lifetime. Wake the fuck up, just because shills are invading Sup Forums doesn't mean anything. A beast backed into a corner tends to lash out. But you fucks bring nothing to the table.
This is obvious copypaste you fake fuck
This. He proved where his allegiance lies in 4 short months. He bashed Obama for doing the same (as he should have) and then he did the same fucking thing he said Hillary would and that he wouldn't.
I'm not sure, but this board has become a lot more entertaining since the constant sound of orange dick slurping stopped.
Think I might come by here more often now.
As fun as the primaries were and as incredible as election night was, I must say Sup Forums is a lot more fun without Trump. Especially because there's less of reddit to deal with, and fewer shills.
>nobody bumped the shill thread for 7 minutes so his friend kept it alive
lol have a pity bamp
I don't know enough about shareblue, but a lot of people here haven't always liked trump or see this as the final broken promise. A lot of these people are legit oldfags upset at the current status of this board.
This is what is going on, if you don't believe me check for yourself
The shills are creating shill threads and bumping their own threads till it is on page 1 or top of the catalog. I spent 2 hours yesterday monitoring all new threads created. Usually it be something stupid they will reply too like DEPTH IS BTFO then they reply no then yes and have a 1 word argument to keep bumping the thread. Yesterday a thread was created with the same images and file names but 3 different ids. Could be poxy till I derailed the thread with a " ur mom will..." post and another one popped up same images.
Could be poxy but it explains y their thread get to the top fast
Trump is a neo-con and filling the White House with Jews
>don't dare critcize president trump goy or you're a LIBERAL SHAREBLUE CTR [insert boogeyman here] SHILL!
>turn the middleast into a glass crater XD fuck mudslime terrorists that's why we need to bomb secular arab dictators
>israel is fucking BASED that's why we should pursue israeli interests in the middle east
>wtf is a quagmire? like the guy from family guy XD
>LOL LOOK AT UR FLAG opinion discarded btfo
I'm really sick of these flag-roleplaying kowtowing t_d faggots with no integrity or any consistent beliefs. Most people supported Trump because of his ideals and policies, while he's generally an unlikable person most rational individuals can see the benefit of having somebody who agrees with you in office. On the other hand redditors formed a cult of personality around BASED TRUMP and will support anything he does or says despite it going against his campaign promises.
I'm barely rooting for Trump, but this recent blunder and his healthcare failure are giving me doubts.
If you're ideology is based on Trump you're a fucking retard. So far he has backpedaled on all his promises, and has shown to be a kike cumguzzler.
Trump was a means to an end that each user had in mind. We're not loyal to this faggot like hes a king.
We're loyal to ideals, not people
Ideals like:
>Integrity (keeping your word)
>Nationalism (America First)
>Not falling for Jewish tricks (e.g. false flags)
>Not advancing qabbalistic/globalist plans (we've known since before 2001 that the hitlist has been Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Iran)
i haven't given up on him, as long as he attacks north korea
He is my president.
He is your president.
He is our president.
And he is going to make America great again.
Yes. Look at Tillerson and Lavrov meeting. And to be honest the domestic moves trump is making are mich more important. With the exception of trade deal restructuring with chyna and hopefully btfoing of best Korea. And to be even more honest, ideally Europe would have sealed borders and we could eother completely ignore what was happening in middle except for merc groups holding oil fields that we seize as war treasure. I mean honestly nuke it all .... If you want alawate fugees or christian ayyrabs take em otherwise shut the door and let em burn
I'm unironically against Trump now.
this (you)
If you actually listen to his press conferences you'll see that he's acting like a complete globalist. He doesn't say any of the shit he used to, he's cozying up with china, calling for regime change, talking about how great NATO is. And that's not even the other shit I personally have been worrying about since the beginning. All the focus on women and blacks were big red flags, firing flynn was a red flag, and now Bannon is on the outs? It's not fucking good and you need to tell Trump he's doing the wrong things.
I don't hate Trump
My Trump supporting friends who I'm 90% certain browse Sup Forums are still supporting Trump
Trump lost some supporters from the Syria strike but for the most part it's just shills talking shit
It's a lefty raid.
Sup Forums is under attack by cucks/shills/libtards/drumpftards and so on
ignore it
it's not a lefty raid you dum fak!
the Russian bots have abandoned trump and Sup Forums
Pretty sure this is a raid... every other post is either character assassination of Trump or misinformation in the form of leftist psyops.
sure kid
A raid by who, Sup Forums perhaps?
>supporting Trump the kike cocksucking whore.
We got shareblue, trolls, and funny /polsters that like to quote overused antitrump shit.