What if she won?
What if she won?
she didn't. get lost.
literally nothing different it seems. different people would be cheering and protesting the same actions.
> Spastic Yankies
I cannot put up with all the bullshit on the board for much longer. Women! Wake up bitches, and smell the coffee! This is your last warning to stop your trigger autism, control your degenerations and end all this male-phobia once and for all!
> traps are still men with no dicks
“Neo-feminazis are attacking the ideology of inequality, in order to censor male narratives. America cries out for nourishment, and we the (((women))) are the fuel for this humanity. Feminology is constantly re-ordering the system of matriarchy and striving to alter male behavior. America cries out for nourishment, and we the (((women))) are the fuel for this humanity. When the time comes, vote with your soul!" -Hillary Clinton
>can confirm
I come from the timeline where Hillary won, world's shit and we skipped Syria and went straight for Moscow, it's basically Mad Max right now.
Its been 3 years since the collapse and teeth are now the only form of currency, dentists are now the popes and priests of the world. We try to stay away from Asia, that's where the wretched plaque heretics and their diet coke comes from.
We now fight for the world's last surviving dentures.
Youd still have obamacare, still be paying the same taxes, still be getting rapefugees and still be bombing the middle east. O wait
usa would be having an interventionalist foreign policy
glad trump isn't pursuing such things
Libtard on the Supreme Court. Nuff said.
Trump presidency a complete success.
So bush or rubio or Graham couldve won and it makes no difference to you
Gorsuch makes up for many things
The worry about Russia would actually be real
the potential for a 6-3 court makes trump worth it, even if he welches on every other promise
How's the health care?
Fug. Dodged that bullet!
Would appoint Supreme Court Judge that think Sodomy is Mandatory.
She may as well have considering Trump is following her foreign policy
People would get to maintain their delusions that Zlumpf would be any different
Dont know
If he builds the wall and gets another young Justice confirmed, he'll have been a success.
And the economy is already doing a lot better so that's a benefit as well
Until the globalists decide to assassinate another justice.
We would become Canada.
They'll assassinate you.
We'd all be dead.
What difference does it make
Basically nothing. Both Hillary and Trump are crap.
i love her cyanide tooth!
That suicide bag isn't properly sealed.
more welcome refugees :)
She did win. Trump's policies = Hillary's policies
Lets face it, at this point: Literally the same, but less orange. Trump has folded like a lawnchair in winter.
opinion discarded
>tfw you will never vote for or against DJT
we still are doing all that
u stupid fucking leaf
fuck me kek wills it
Things would suck even more.
That cunt needs to fall over and die now.
we would be in the same fucking situation we're in now. i was duped by 2015. my entire life i believed it didn't matter who you voted for, conservative or liberal, democrat or republican. they were all pushing the same fucking agenda, it was just a matter of gears. dems were full speed toward socialism, republicans were slow gear (controlled opposition to appeal to the societies culture).
i fucking believed man. i sort of fucking believed. i half fucking believed. i'm not surprised, i was always skeptical, but i'm not too proud to admit i fucking believed.
i shilled on reddit. i shilled on twitter. i made youtube videos. i combed through wikileaks trying to find damaging info on "the other side". i didn't find much, but i did make some good youtube videos on the issue to warm people and disseminate the info.
it was all for not. it was all bullshit. i was used like a useful idiot.
the left will try to use this to suggest it somehow proves them right. it doesn't fucking prove them right that someone got into office and turned out be a fucking pawn of the left-wing, socialist and globalist establishment (along with the rest of the GOP). that's just bad fucking logic. but the reality is the reality. we all got fucked in the ass. america got fucked in the ass.
>What if she won?
The crowing from libtards would be deafening.
Wall street would immediately start lining up for its payouts.
Foreign money would start demanding their favors almost immediately.
Minority pandering and other social nonsense would continue unabated.
Her loss means the left got a reality check. They got a little too high and mighty and starting pushing their views as religion.
Still, we need Donald not to shit the bed. The Republicans backing him have been stunningly incompetent. His staff choices are turning out to be less than stellar as well.
>Wall street would immediately start lining up for its payouts.
Wall Street is not the enemy
I will agree with that, but it has attracted plenty of bad actors that have done real damage to the economy.
We would all be dead right now desu
>wallstreet is not the enemy
I doubt that very much
i used to have one of these gamepads