Why does pol love Iran so much?

Other urls found in this thread:

last hope for the middle east

fights isis; hates jews


We do?

Because Sup Forums is inhabited by Redditors and retards.

>Shia is based!

Neck yourselves.

was once white

beatiful women

If RIDF shilling tells me anything, it's that Iran sponsors ISIS and uses them to destabilize Saudi Arabia and Palestine.

Spoken like a true redditor

Fuck Iran

You SHIITS are still Islamists, and you need to be killed.

One of my good friends was born in Tehran so I kind of care if his home country gets sold out to jews by my country
>he's not even muslim

Sup Forums also loves kurds and thinks they are christian freedom fighters for some reason. If I had to take a guess it would be misinformation.

At this point... I don't know which Muslim side Iran is on..... I do know they are pretty much White...

They have some darn good Olympic weightlifters... but I hear all the time about Iranian Christians,,,,, and I don't know what to do.

Why do neo-american cocksuckers like funding terrorists so much? Did you know high treason is punished by extreme torture and agonizing death?

>hur dur pol why u love x so much?

thats the wrong question, better is

>pol why do you hate amurica so much?

because we wuz aryanz n sheeeit
also because it gets (((you))) all riled up
also because they're not (((you)))
also because they're the only ones actually fighting (((you)))

I ain't got no quarrel with them jews.

No jew ever called me nigger.

Shite people that don't want any trouble. That's why Jews (your gov) want to destroy them) to please their masters in sunni Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Want more, Greg?

Duh, because the Peshmerga and YPG got headlines for fighting ISIS and they said, "Of course! We love Christians!"

People are generally historically ignorant enough to buy it not realizing they participated in the Assyrian genocide.

Iran isn't controlled by (((the bank))) and degeneracy, at least not yet.
I don't believe anything on NBC/FOX/CNN fake news by default about Iran. Its way too bogus and Hollywood I assume they are making shit up. But then again, I personally know deep loss so I am know one of those cuckservative boomer types that jacks off to Tom Clancy books.

anyone that opposes roaches is good in my book

Proud of their culture and religion

Apply all these characteristics to a Western/White nation and everyone on Sup Forums would want to move there.

More a love hate relationship

thats because you never seen a kurd.
Sup Forums also doesnt really look into things that they find accaptable

Greatest trolls of muh the gods chosen people.

They fight jews, don't have jewish central bank and are the source of culture. I love Zoroastrianism and i love Nietzsches book Thus spoke Zarathustra.
Best song

Iran means land of aryans and it's what Hitler wanted them to call themselves when they we called Persia. If you are truly NatSoc you can't hate Iranians. + Hezbollah has roman salute

Nah /sg/ hates kurds they are cancerous backstabbing gypsy scumbags worse than any roach.


Go get trapped in a mine you monkey

You idiot.
Learn what Aryans are before you speak.

>Why does pol love Iran so much?

It doesn't. It's just the Iranian diaspora in western countries like to shill here and claim that they're white. If your name is a stereotypical islamic name like Mohammad or Ahmed then you're a subhuman in my book.

where did you get burger
you retard?

They hate saudi arabia and that s enough for me

Nah I'm pure slavic czech and fugg you Iran will wipe Israel clean and maybe you monkey aswell

>sponsoring ISIS
never go full retarded Facebook grandpa

So Sup Forums loves iran but burgers hate it?

Iran literally is in the caucus mountains. They are the definition of Caucasian.

burgers have more jews than Israel so it's not really that suprising desu

>I do know they are pretty much White

are you a retarded faggot

>Nah I'm pure slavic czech

Do you really expect me to believe that? Go shill your shit elsewhere, Ahmed.

Shia is a Jew you dumb faggot

Go spread your jewish propaganda on reddit black leaf

Because they rustle Jewish jimmies and they're basically honorary whites

>Russians are literally ethnic Asian


what the fuck did i just read?
are you serious you retard?

No one said anything about Russia or Asia. If you are from the caucus mountains you are Caucasian.



Anyone who knows Muslim history knows that the Shia have been, by far, friendlier and more lenient to Christians than the Sunni, the Persians have also always been the intellectual and cultural driving force in the region.

We don't.

Iran is a sandnigger nation that needs to get nuked. The only people who like Iran, are the fags who meme that Assad and Putin are the greatest leaders of mankind (Kremlin shills).

Fuck Iran.

>says some stupid shit


hello r/the_shabbos

Iranians are honorary whites

t. JonTron

But not white.

You are nigger nation thus you should nuke yourself.
Fuck USA

he meant shia lebuf lmao

Same with the Russians, everything said about them is a lie.

Black mongoloid leafs are definitely not white tho.

See. They have no real argument as to why Iran is based other than


Top kek. It's honestly pathetic at this point.

> le pouf
okay makes sense

people need to start educating themselves on these issues

stop falling for their tricks

I can said I'd rather be a nigger mongoloid leaf than a monkey mine-dweller.

White is a slang term. So you can call who ever you would like, white.

Khaybar 2.0 soon kike.

You have no argument why USA is based
Iran formerly Persia is cradle of civilization. I love Zoroastrianism one of first recorded religions. They ruled the world for like 600 hundred years. They had some amazing kings and have crazy epic culture and architecture.
USA has no culture, kill yourself kindly

Original caucasians deny the holocahoax and push back on the joos.

I don't, if I could push the button to glass it I would at once.

Beacause they officially hate the Jew parasite and the Saudis

I'd definitely take civilized monkey mine-dweller anyday instead of your jewish cock-gobbling kind

Not an argument, Nigger.

> You have no real argument as to why the USA is based.

Nice shitposting. You can talk when your country actually is relevant and contributes to the world. The US has done plenty to earn our rightful spot where we are. You cucks havent done shit. No one could even point your country out on a map. That's how irrelevant and meaningless you are.

(((israel))) and its kikes control our country, iran and its muzzies don't
doesn't mean we support them. one is just worse than the other
try coming up with a less retarded question OP

you're actually retarded

like anything on this board it needs some attention span

I dont know whether your gubmint allows you to have any though

those of us who value our heritage and oppose the NWO and Israel will always side with Iran

Persia > israel any fucking day

>muh aryans
>muh hitler
Please, please die.

based soleimani. he will rule iran one day, screenshot this post.

I'm defending Iran tho and since you are changing subject i have to conclude that you have cucked-out of the argument
stay governed by kikes burger
just like you have always been

Their origins arent arab and islam was imposed on them which is why they are the only based country in that region.

Slavs will be here long after the last anglo turned black so i don't care about your bullshit

Nice Reddit spacing you fucking faggot spic.

You're defending Iran because you're a dumb shit. I will defend my countries stance on Iran and call them what they are, our enemy. And like all of our enemies, their time will come.

>replies with some more dumb shit


Oldest country in the world
Rich history
Been fighting Muslims for centuries.
Even after Muslim invasion still highly secular
Hates Israel
Friendly people
Hot Persian women

actually pretty fascinating. thanks for sharing

They are enemies because your jewish overlord told you so on CNN you faggot. Attacking me with no education bullshit even though you haven't presented any argument. that's what i thought
and since I speak your language by internet standards i already have proof that i'm smarter than you

Because you said

> like anything on this board it needs some attention span

> I dont know whether your gubmint allows you to have any though

> those of us who value our heritage and oppose the NWO and Israel will always side with Iran

I'm not sure if you're trying to meme and be funny , but that is seriously so stupid, it doesn't even deserve a legit response.

>Literally aborting themselves to death by the millions
>Being flooded with chinks and mongols from former SFRs
>More Anglos in Australia than there are people in your shitty noncountry
Rofl get real you delusional faggot

> They are your enemies because the joooooos tell you so!

No, they are our enemy because they want us destroyed. They openly chant for the death of America and are one of the most anti-American countries on the planet. It has nothing to do with Jews telling us to hate them or not hate them. They do a good job at making us hate them

Apart from the abortion part you're memeing.
We are not getting replaced tho and our population growth is still higer than yours.
Start arguing anytime :^)

Honestly, the life of an Iranian is worth far more than the life of an Westerner so brainwashed into sucking the cum out of a Jewish cock.

Fuck off.
Still waiting for arguments

We'll see when Iran is covered in smoke and fire in a few years.

>2 squirts of jewish cum have been deposited in your mouth


It's the "with us or against us" bit.
Pick Jews or Muslims. Iran dislikes Israeli hegemony and doesn't want a destabilized ME.
It's not support as in "Zionist we must invade right now oy vey for greater Israel", it's simply a preference. Same goes with Syria.


What's funny is you know exactly what will happen to Iran and all the Jew cum jokes you make won't stop the inevitable.

Lol, you don't know what cuck means idiot.

If I was Pro-Iran, I would be a cuck.

AIPAC is that you?
>every disagreement must involve American taxpayer dollars and military-aged white men
I can see your nose from here.

I know what will happen to you burger.
Pretty quckly the 60% will become 50% and then 0%