Well Sup Forums are you? You're not racist are you?
Well Sup Forums are you? You're not racist are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
>creates a Mobile Directory of 600 books
Wew, some serious shit going on here....
Keep me posted
“When I was a teenager I began to realize that a lot of the books I read didn’t have characters that looked like me,”said Kaya. “Realizing that made me feel invisible.”
I'm going to write the most aids filled pozzed up book an release it, and the shit head left will eat it up as I bring in the shekels.
>black authors
>niggers caring about books and or reading aforementioned books.
My sides op.
>College Student Creates a Mobile Directory Of 745,960,000 Books That Prioritize White Supremacy?
>Looking For Books About White Supremacy, Written By White People?
>“Realizing that made me feel invisible, because a bunch of white girls told me that is how I should feel."
"If you want to keep a secret from black people, write it in a book." -- black coworker
I've blamed Shakespeare for making me think, I guess through my privilege I can somewhat relate
I am absolutely racist, 100%
>Wage Gap
>Black book store
>closing because few people shop there
>my sides
>reading books not written by old dead white men
no thanks
>these characters don't embody black stereotypes
>how can i relate to them when they don't speak ebonics or talk about real nigga shit
>hiring an idiot that uses the word "tryna"
LOL - black people wanting books?
>On the worst night of London rioting almost every shop in Clapham Junction was ransacked - except one.
>The bookshop.
>In one of the most telling images of the summer, looters stole TVs, hair products and iPods, but the Waterstone's branch was left untouched.
>The "joke" the next day was that the rioters do not know how to read.
>I only read literature where the author spends long passages to describe the person in every detail.
Most stories don't even mention the skincolor of their characters.
Black Book Store = Islamic Pork Store
>I only read books about colored people
Fucking racist cunt
>shaniqua rolled out of bed at 2 PM, still reeking of chicken from the night before. jamal had long since left after their unprotected sex had finished. she staggered down to the mailroom of her section 8 apartment and pulled out her welfare check, exclaiming, in a tone characteristically inconsiderate of others and representative of someone lacking any sort of self-reflect "AW YEA NIGGA DAT'S DAT BREAD FINNA COP DAT FUCKIN WE WUZ KWEENS N SHEET FINNA GET MY HUR DONE NOW NIGGA"
>being black
>being literate
pick one
Why is this so funny, yet so infuriating at the same time?
>nigger makes a list of anti-white books
WOW, no wonder they were flying around in pyramids levitated by the power of their minds! How can whites even compete with this much raw brain power?!
Rofl I'd buy this novel
>Try and create content that appeals to different races
>Immediately get branded a racist
Then after $1M profits release book 2 where alien nazis send all the characters to gulags in Siberia
I don't give a shit about the color of writers. A good book is a good book.
Didn't a black girl like 10 years older than her do the same thing and no one actually got any of the books? I kinda felt sorry for her desu Sup Forums.
That's my plan. I'm going in hard deep covert leftist, and once I get ingrained in the left and they are listening, I'm gonna go full 180 and start dropping bombs on them
>"When I was a teenager I began to realize that the COPS tv show had many characters that looked like me"
>"Realizing that made me think that Black Lives Matter"
She did not realize that the orcs and goblins in LOTR are niggs and sand niggs
Do asians want to read some kangz shit by a black author? I doubt it. Poc is such a shit, regressive term
I'm assuming their all coloring books?
> this
And if it does mention their color it's like...once? Does that really ruin an entire book for you?
Aztecs and blacks are two different races
Also the Turner Diaries has plenty of nogs in it.
Right. They're two entirely different kinds of nigger.
>600 books that prioritize diversity
So let me guess, no white authors?
That's what libtards think diversity means now. No whites.
>There are not enough books written by non-whites
>This is white people's fault somehow and not non-whites for not writing books
>How should I rectify this awful injustice?
>Write my own books?
>Instead I will find some books written by my fellow Pee. Oh. Ceeee's and have my picture taken with them for a news story.
If Diversity means no longer accepting meritocracy as a deciding factor, it means that whites can't get jobs even when they are the most qualified or worked the hardest.
Diversity is just anti white policies.
Facebook is 30 percent Asian employees and only 50 percent white.
Guess who's trying to hire more black people even though whites are even more under represented?
And when Aztecs were doing shit tier farming, Greeks were turning Rome into a massive city state.
You're giving them too much credit.
Oxford university predates the Aztecs.
what, chinampas are real and are still used ( with small production but its mostly for show rather than actual food production), not sure about the number but whatever.
>books=pic related to nignogs.
Is this the thread where I virtue signal my disapproval of irrelevant headlines?
I actually like this. Good thinking on her part. The left is so busy trying to convince people that this demographic doesn't exist when they have existed for as long as white people. Maybe it will show they them that people before them had potential and so can they. While it sounds obvious to some...alot of youth dont feel the same..maybe this an help them.