My liberal cuck younger brother is at my house. How do argue pol.
My liberal cuck younger brother is at my house. How do argue pol
Next time you're arguing surprise him by sucking his cock
Find a better source than Sup Forums to back your arguments up
if you can't beat a libcuck in an argument then you should get off this board
Are you really so autistic that you can't figure out how to talk to your own brother yourself?
>implying half of you don't "win" arguments by autistic screeching "drain the swamp" and walking away grumbling
Have capitalistic and monarchist gay incest, that'll show him!
also if you're using the words "cuck" and "liberal" against your own fucking brother most likely he'll be able to kick your ass
Just give me answers faggots
Just don't?
What is anyone gaining from it?
You'd be surprised how effective the autistic screeching tactics actually are on the long run
Perseverance can be turned to erosion, annoyance to apathy
No my brothers a pussy he's 511 160 I'm 61 195
I forgot to mention he's dating a Jew like a real Jew she goes to synagogue and shit
Have a good time with your family and get off Sup Forums.
So basically this?
Basically he has the hairline of Danny devito
Well, hope you have a good time with him
Doesn't seem like you see eachother very often so why not make the best of it and leave the banter to long-distance chatter over IP?
I've been sending crude humor to my family and hardly getting into arguments for a while, and only recently have I gone over the line, and they're laughing at me every time. Worth it, desu, as long as they can get a laugh out of it
Because I can't anymore
Get a swastika tattoo and explain him that like you he is part of the master race. If he argues with you explain that you were redpilled on pol and that he needs to start reading it daily.
if you're brother is a cuck and his girlfriend is a jew, then definitely cuck the shitbird.
1) he gets to watch his brother fuck his girlfriend (as a cuck, he will enjoy this)
2) fuck a jewish girl in a demeaning way, literally in front of her lover
3) ????
4) profit!
Italy thanks for the pizza and advice
call him a stupid nigger then throw your feces at him
dont argue with idiots.
it makes no sense.
you also wouldnt argue with an eggplant, would u ? because it has no intelligence, so it makes zero sense.
Punch the faggot out of him.