Agents are at the scene
Agents are at the scene
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He will not shedcuck us.
Tbh just leave him in his cuck shed. He needs to think about what hes done canceling the first and second season
what is this?
Shia is having a nervous breakdown and built himself a cuckshed in a modern art museum. we really broke the guy.
HWNDU Season 5.
>Still wearing the dunce caps.
To bring people up to speed:
livestream link no work
live stream still not working, also when was this taken?
Also , any location theory's?
someone posted a jpg of all the current location info last night, but mods are taking it down quick
Only works 8 hours a day.
Yeah it's down for whatever reason.
And it was taken around 4 hours ago.
I think people should spell his name "LeBeouf" moving forward.
It would be pretty hilarious if he came out from his month long hiatus to find misspellings of his name all over news articles.
>Agents are at the scene
left a dookie in the shed
no fucking way....
Make him say the 14 words
I have a theory
Shia is actually in Alaska, the cabin in Finland was actually a ruse to keep the autists distracted.
Its only on during museum hours.
you might be onto something here. but the chairs dont match tho...
>I'll be there in 10 minutes
you better deliver sven!
Doesn't take you guys long!
>being alone with the Finns
He didn't think this one through did he?
>Antoine griezmann hair
what a fag kek
lol that was fast. you finn bros are alright.