Why jews are so good at entrepreneurship and money?

Why jews are so good at entrepreneurship and money?
Why can't whites be as successful?

Pic related is a soviet-born jew who started from nothing in america and after being successful with his online wine business is now worth $50 million.

He posts videos on his youtube channel giving entrepreneurship advice and wrote books too

Other urls found in this thread:

google.ca/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=famous Jewish boxers
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Jews erm.. they "bend" the law.
They don't play by the same rules they set for other people.

It's because they literally evolved for it during medieval times, where survival of the fittest meant being successful in merchant/money lender businesses that goys pushed them into.

Also lots and lots of nepotism. Im sure the guy in OP got some breaks from fellow Jews that some gentile in his same position wouldn't have gotten.

This. Whites literally created a race of superhumans by applying selection pressure over centuries, and now bitch about it on anime forums.

>Also lots and lots of nepotism.

This, you just blow my mind, i came here to write that.

Christians think money it's a dirty business.

And nepotism. Cousin ishmael buys wool and brings It to the city, his brother David takes the wool and transforms It in threads, cousin efraim weave It and makes shirts, cousin levi sells the shirts.

Also, all of them sells their products to goyim, but the family has a better deal.

Hell yeah whites are superhumans booyah

They have a knack for being underhanded, and shady in business.

They're raised that way, has a lot to do with why they are despised by so many.

Usury mostly.

He was talking about jews

Theres a huge double standard between whites and jews practicing nepotism, for one thing

Jews are better at making money because they have no qualms about lying. Lying and taking advantage of others is genetic to the Jewrat.

>Lower middle-class Jew here

Sure feels good having all this Jewish money and power thanks to Jewish nepotism and under-handedness... H-ha ha goyim Jews w-win again...

Jews are a Semitic tribe, there is no Jew in history who ever started anything "from nothing."

Some races are exceptionally good at being creative, productive, athletic, intelligent, and hard working.

And then you have the modern diluted Hebrews.... They're only good at being victims, deceitful, crafty, divisive and greedy.

Jews have exceptional work ethic.

No they don't... Ever heard of a Jewish boxing, kickboxing, MMA world champion.

They're just good at tricking other people to work for them.

Jews are undoubtedly the laziest and weakest men alive.

Yeah I know quite a few. All work real hard and studied very hard before. Study is literally part of their religion.

Study is not labor. Study takes less effort than hanging out here on 4 chan.

Jews are lazy and weak.

Says the guy working for a jew.

I'm not weak or even lazy, just average and mediocre and depressed because hated by 99.999% of humanity and always taking shit from everyone.

Jews have always manipulated currencies to achieve wealth. For example, the reason coins have ridges is because centuries ago, Jews used to shave the perimiter of coins, melt the shavings, and sell it.

Most are lazy, deceitful, good-for-nothing parasites who never produced anything of value.

Actually work for my self believe it or not. Ex pro boxer retired and now develop video games. I work in an industry the lazy Jews are struggling to get a foothold in, and I live well, without fucking other people over

You gotta be kiddin me

Were all victims aren't we?

About what?

Hell yeah jews are superhumans booyah

>Ever heard of a Jewish boxing

There were a few famous Jewish boxers back in the day:

google.ca/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=famous Jewish boxers

Life isn't fair for anyone, we all have crosses to bear.

Some are fat, some are gay, some are stupid, woman, short, diseased, poor, no family, virgin, etc.

My thing is being a Jew and I guess being lower middle-class but I can't really complain about that too much I get by I just hate not having land and a house in the countryside which is my dream.

[Imperial Star Destroyer Noses]

But to answer that supposed "Jews make more money" thing, its related to Connections most of the time in those cases.

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

"Study is not labor. Study takes less effort than hanging out here on 4 chan"

>having land and a house in the countryside which is my dream

I hope you achieve your dream one day user.

people that cant live on their own without parasiting off white civilization arent superhumans
its important to notice that jews are NEVER overrepresented in any objective competition with set rules
in the subjective or where the rules can be bent and broken they magically show up everywhere

Mostly collusion with each other and nepotism

Because they're mechants and they're not as insectoid as the Chinese. The Jew doesn't kill the golden calf.

The Chink tortures it to death and eats it.

Whites are big on war and building. That's what we like to do. Make great big things and break or steal other people's great big things.

It's a racial/breeding thing.

European fags down in Asia (Aussies) like to build shit and have an OP'd military given our size and threats.

Meanwhile Lebs, semitic people, just like to run shops and sell shit, be it jewellery or cocaine or guns or out of date baby food for Chinese customers.

Thanks man, I hope so too I'll have to upgrade my education and make more money but it could happen if the World doesn't go entirely to shit in the next 5-10 years which doesn't look certain either way.

Oh also, Gary Vee didn't start with nothing. His father was a millionaire and V made all his initial wealth by working for his father.

>Jewish boxing, kickboxing, MMA world champion

Because they recognize these as garbage ways of becoming wealthy, which is exactly what they are.

Nigger wants to be wealthy, robs bank or makes rap.

White wants to be wealthy, becomes an MMA figther (lol)

Jew wants to be wealthy, owns the bank (and the jail), the rap company, and the fighting arena.

Are other races even trying?

The Jew in the op began working for his fathers successful wine company.

He encouraged his father to open an online department and allow him to run it.

That's how he made his money.

He's now a self help/motivational huckster. Basically a snake oil salesman.

Let's hope that booger is kosher

>soviet-born jew who started from nothing in america

(((They))) always push this 'started from nothing' feel good success story whenever talking about Jews who fled or migrated to the US, but none of them ever really started from nothing. They always have plenty of connections wherever they go, and they come with plenty of money or valuables securely stashed away that they stole from their former country, which in many instances is the reason why they fled in the first place.

lean on your connections and youll make it easily
contact your jews talk to your rabbi and people in your synagogue
if you dont participate in your jewish community theres your answer to why youre failing
many of them have ridiculous contracts through their jew connections within the enormous bureaucracies and they will resort to goyim labor when they have to but theyd much rather share the wealth with you.

Best of luck on getting your house on the country side.

People have hated me for being white since I can remember, and Im sure a lot of Hispanic, African American, Asians or whatever can say the same.

Maybe you have more ethical codes than most Jews if your middle class I don't know your personal story.


OP, Gary Vaynerchuck is a good dude. But that's the thing. Jews are great at making money because they value material things. They want nice cars, nice houses, disposable income to travel where they want (international clique), and any toys or boats.

That's their end goal in life. Their goal is money and the the things that money can buy. That's why they are good at making money.

How many poor jewish musicians do you really see? How many poor jewish artists are there? Why aren't their more Jews in computer science or engineering? Why do whites dominate STEM?

>your rabbi
>jewish community

I don't participate in the community desu it would be hypocritical since I hate being Jew so much and would rather identify with the Catholic side of my heritage I don't have the "chutzpah" to go milk people.

>Best of luck on getting your house on the country side.

Thanks man, if we can just avoid too apocalyptic a happening for the next, say, 5 years, no Shoah, no economic collapse, no WW3, it might just happen.

t. pig faced dickhead

>He's now a self help/motivational huckster.
Should I listen to him and trust what he says?

>people that cant live on their own without parasiting
But they can live on their own. They lived on their own just in Eastern Europe. Jews can do the whole farming/self-sustaining thing just fine, but why would they want to if they can do white collar work instead?
>its important to notice that jews are NEVER overrepresented in any objective competition with set rules
I'm not sure that's actually true... even if it is, why would that matter? They are clearly overrepresented in positions of economic and political power. The excuse is always "but they get there by cheating and nepotism", but that's ridiculous. Whites cheat and are nepotistic too, but they don't have the same level of success.

You're an idiot like my Kike wife.

She refuses to get down with her fellow Jews and make life easier for us.

It's annoying.

Some people just don't like begging, bullshitting, and scheming, it feels wrong to use relationships as a means of getting ahead.

Ironic that what most people claim to hate about Jews is precisely what we (me and your wife) can't/won't do.

It's the same reason I could never work in sales.

It's not always about money, its about doing what you are good at or thoroughly enjoy.
You can't tell me there aren't Jews out there that don't actually enjoy combat, I know there by default halve to be a few.

I started boxing because of the way I raised. I like fighting, If I was born a decade I would have got into MMA.

The reason you won't see a Jewish world champion in any real combat sports organization is because they're just not physically gifted. The only thing they seem to be exceptionally good at is fucking other people over.

>>why can't whites be as successful

Last time I checked, whites built America not jews

Jews are good at maneuvering a system and are generally parasites who leech off of others. America under jewish oligarch rule has gone to shit not vice versa.

Triggered princess?

Like I said, it's (mostly) snake oil or common sense.





It's not that he gibs bad advice...it's just that he doesn't really say anything.

You're better off buying some proper books on business/economics etc.

If you want to finish a game, you could watch a playthrough on youtube...or you could watch a video of a guy saying


Evolution doesn't work over 200 years dumbasses. How are you people this stupid? Does Melania Trump act like a genuis or something? Does snipping your junk raise your IQ by 15 points? If you answered no to both questions, there's your answer.

>Whites cheat and are nepotistic too, but they don't have the same level of success
no kike. we respect law and order. we respect the rules of the game. we can actually trust eachother because we mean what we say. we feel immense guilt if we even consider fucking someone over. meanwhile when the jews fuck someone over they get giddy and feel clever. you wont understand or believe me since youre a kike but thats the truth.

Pretty much. Probably why she married a goy and refuses to work in academics and then (basically) sales like her mother. She said it was "dirty".

I just want some of that sweet Jew gold because being working class sucks.

So convert dumbass. Convert or go kill yourself. We don't like what your elders do to our people and don't care that your hugbox is shattered

Max Baer was a boxing world champion.

Problem with Jews, apart of them denying Christ, is that they use their influence in society for the worse.

More than 70% usually vote deomcrat and a huge chunk of the rest votes conservative because of Israel.

They are a state in a state.

Same, I hate that kind of greasy sales brown nosing shit.

I can't convert my ethnicity, user and no Jews were ever spared for being Christian go read the Nuremberg laws.

I love Christianity and half my family is Catholic and we celebrate Christmas and Easter and shit but we'll still get gassed if anything happens because my dad decided he wanted his kids raised Jewish.

Stone mason and machinist, a dying breed of American workers. Entrepreneurs to the end, unfortunately jews manipulate market prices against us and constantly devalue trades socially or otherwise. I fucking hate jews, just let us do an honest days labor you faggots!

When they die, their families come crawling to me for tombstones and I own a monopoly in the midwest region. They get so buttblasted when I fuck them real hard with "special pricing"

>When they die, their families come crawling to me for tombstones and I own a monopoly in the midwest region. They get so buttblasted when I fuck them real hard with "special pricing"

>Literally bragging about gouging people trying to bury their loved ones

user, I think you may be more Jewish than the Rabbi at my dad's synagogue...

This honestly makes me violently angry.
I want them all dead.

very respectable. youre probably not that jewish. ever get a dna test?

Regardless of what you say, I will never recognize jews as a unique race. That's just a cover so jews don't have to feel guilty about fucking over others. Nuremburg happened years ago, this is the 21st century you dumb faggot

>being an unsuccessful member of the most privileged group in America

Man how do you fuck that up

they arent
they are soulless thieves who grab government loot
tax parasites
look at elon musk and larry ellison
ellisoin went outa biz 10x
lied on sock price

that is your name, moor

I find antisemitism is like some sort of crazy madness like I'm talking to someone normally about the weather but maybe if they knew I was Jewish they would literally want me dead.

Kind of like zombie movies except the zombies aren't slow and dumb.

No but I know my dad is like 90% ethnic Polish Jew and my mom is probably like 30-40% and the rest is Polish normal person.

Everyone can equally as good, the trick are the connections and how you build it.

if you directly control the supply of dollars you pretty much control the economy of the country.

This strategically combined with the oil producers creates a concenration of power over the money supply that can't rivaled, by conventional means.

Toronto pls go

1) they have higher iq on average, probably due to natural selection cause they were all into jew activities requiring math

2) they literally regard every non-jew as inferior and are willing to do anything for their personal gain

3) they have a strong network where they help each other as much as they can, this is very important

Elon Musk isn't a Jew dummy. He is South African.

DNA testing seems to show it's a unique race my dad got his DNA tested and he's like 80-90% Slavic Jew lol :^(

>Be from poor family from Poland
>Never have any Jewish connections
>Move to Canada when my parents are middle aged
>Parents are professionals but under-employed just making mortgage payments usual middle-class squeeze-type shit
>No major payouts or bonuses
>Not good at sales, not good at working people, not good at bullshitting
>Not a genuis or exceptionally high IQ or gifted athlete

Just normal everydayshit, man.

Thankfully I don't live in Toronto if I did I would have killed myself already.

I live in a mid-sized city but dream of actually getting out and living in the countryside.

>>antisemitism = zombies

How do you not understand what the financial crisis was all about? How do you not understand that Israel has single handedly used the power of the banking industry to take our politicians over? This is why we hate you. It's not some imaginary grievance, you faggots stole money from my family members, you banker trolls turned my home town into a ghost town. Fuck.. Literally, everything from your noses to your sniveling whiny voices annoys the shit out of me and everyone else. Fix your shit and no one would have a problem

Bingo. Any jew can get whatever loan or investment they need. Say all the bad shit you want about jews, they take care of their own.

>Fix your shit and no one would have a problem

You mean magically stop being Jewish?

Because everything else you mentioned from the financial crisis to my nose are things that are pretty much beyond my control.

I would if I could, though.

This is why I'm so depressed about it if it was something I could change like "work harder" or "be nicer" I would just do that instead I'm not normally like this when it comes to most issues.

toronto jew cuck here with a friendly reminder that your city is soon to be over run by jews and muslims who all need you to be kind to the lgbtq community pls

This is one of the reasons I'm so desperate to get out of the city I want to get /out/ before it swings to full-on open degeneracy and Sharia.

I want to have a homestead out in the countryside where I won't be affected by the rampant faggotry and third world barbarity that our cities seem to attract.

yea they leverage the hell out of corporate assets to promote their tribe. its not at all hard to do in those behemoth bureaucracies.

obvious example a goy vs jew with the same exact role giving out contracts:
the goy will be taking bids and choosing the best offer. the jew giving favors or taking bribes.

>he thinks lower middle class is bad

Mid West USA. Legally migrate, find a place close enough to a state capital or big enough city for shopping sake and far enough away from one to lay low if shit ever hits the fan.

also lower-middle class Jew here, feels good doesn't it ;_; people hate us for the money we don't have

Im working hard with my sources over in russia, syria, and korea to ensure we all die before we get cucked by sand niggers.

In Canada lower middle class means basically working 24/7, being taxed to shit to pay for Achmed the "refugees" welfare and LGBTQ12349 awarness programs, and not getting any help from anyone because you're not a single mother on welfare or a native or minority.

And no, being Jewish does not count as a minority for any affirmative action program in this country before you even say that.

It sucks dick, basically.

We actually have some great /out/ and /homesteading/ country here in Canada it's just hard to get out of the city if you don't have money laying around there's not exactly a ton of jobs out there and I dont' have the capital to just go and buy an entire farm.

>my sources

Stop LARPing my fellow Jew I know you're mentally damaged from living in Toronto but try to act human here.

I know, just don't want to accept the reality that is quickly approaching over this shit hole of a city.

LOL... you haven't known very many whites, have you?

Are you fucking stupid? Yeah, because you, I, everyone, doesn't know some white chick or white guy who has fucked someone over right?

You're an idiot.

Just get out if you can and if not lay low and buy a gun (go browse /k/) and make sure to /lift/ (/fit/) and just prepare yourself for the Sacking of Rome my Juden friend.

to my Jews in this thread, are you having a good pesach? Being in the military this is my second one alone

Seems like poster needs AI update. Really seems like they post on autopilot when some recognizable sentences are written. This time out of context.

>Jews are welcomed to one country after the other. Then they proceed to use any and all methods, from swindling to violence, to rob and impoverish their non-Jewish hosts. They use their wealth to gain control of press, education, etc., to brainwash their hosts into giving them positions as behind-the-scenes overlords of national leaders; but at the same time, they prepare revolutions to create anarchy and upheaval, during which they use force and violence to seize ALL power and wealth. And the end results of their revolutions are always that they set up crazy, non-productive, Marxist states which cannot survive without enormous transfusions of money and goods from non-Communist (productive) states and peoples. (As witness Israel, which exists largely on German "reparations" and American largesse and Soviet Russia, which is always rescued by U. S. wheat, money and "AID".)
This has been going on for at least three thousand years that we know of. The Jews have done this (as an historical fact) in Greece, Persia, Rome, Spain, England, Portugal, and a dozen other kingdoms, and were then expelled or murdered for their parasitic operations against their hosts, for living without producing.
And there lies the first part of the answer to why Jews act the way they do.
A huge proportion of Jews just plain doesn't like to do hard WORK.
>From time immemorial, they have sought ways to avoid producing what they need to exist.
With every other people in the history of the world, LAND - actual territory - has been the fundamental on which the people's existence has depended. You cannot imagine a France, an England, an Egypt, a United States, a China, a Japan, an Italy, a Sweden or any other nation without land from which the nation earns its living and which, in a spiritual sense IS the nation.
Yet there is one nation, which has lived for almost two thousand years WITHOUT a foot of soil on which to earn a living - the Jewish nation. How low did they do it?

How does it feel being a jew on pol?

fuck right off with your typical kike tactic where you distort my message so you can mock it. whites are in general extremely empathetic trustworthy and fair. every race has its exceptions. with jews being trustworthy and fair is the exception.

who do you want living next door to you?
even jews prefer whites for the aforementioned reasons.

>The answer is that the Jews have always used other PEOPLE as other people used LAND.

Romans were good bois dey dindu nuffin

Jews are far overrepresented in Mathematics & Science

it's fine, it makes shitposting easier, and I get a kick out of BTFOing Christcucks