Tipping men is homosexual in nature

Tipping originated as a way for men to provide resources to females- it's in man's nature to provide, and female's nature to recieve.

However, with increasingly male restaurant staff, men are becoming accustomed to paying other men- truly homosexually inducing behaviour.

But there is an easy fix: your wife/gf should be preparing your meals.

And if you do go out, request a female- even offer money to those responsible for assigning you a server- $20 is a small price to pay to avoid homosexual behaviour.

Other urls found in this thread:



Be honest, Are you a Jew?

>Tipping originated as a way for men to provide resources to females
Except it didn't. Tipping was pushed as a way to pay servers less during the economic downturn, to prevent service industries from going out of business.

But of course, once implemented, servers weren't ever going to get their old wages again

>Be honest, Are you a Jew?
I'm advocating AGAINST tipping males, which would be anti-Jew- since the Jews want us to pay more and to be more gay.

Tipping originated during a time when women weren't allowed to hold a job outside the home, leaf. Get fucked.

>this jew is trying to save 20%. What kind of jew works so hard for 15%? But be honest, he was never gonna tip the full 10%.

I don't tip and never will. Don't want them to start expecting it.

I've never felt comfortable tipping men, so I usually don't.

No its in man's nature to conquer and control only beta pussies think they were born to serve women.

Tipping for excellent service is okay in my book.

>I've never felt comfortable tipping men, so I usually don't.
That is your instincts telling you to not be a faggot.

Doesn't deny that he is in fact, a jew.
Nice try, Schlomo

Stupidest bait I've ever seen. KYS shareblue

Tipping originated to get preferential service over other customers.

Stop being retarded.


Pay your own staff America.



I was under the impression that tipping was just to help out low income people in general and to make it convenient to pay by rounding up to the next largest bill.

Kys. Cook your own food Stacy.

TIP is an acronym.

OP is also an acronym for cocksucking faggot

>the tipping shilling gets btfo
>they switch tactics and start calling you gay

>a fucking leaf
Every time

>all of these fucking idiots
A tip is a bribe for good service
your tip competes with everyone else's tip for the top priority spot

try and get a second drink at a crowded bar without tipping on your first one
you're gonna be waiting for a looong time

listen up, morons :

TIPPING means saying ty to good service.

this way u literally strenghten the good.

that's it.
it's literally classic capitalism.

it's the good principle. the moral way. the way to improve the world, and starve out the parasitic, the lliberal, the leftish.

Why are all these kikes making threads about tipping today?

This so much.

First drink you order, tip at least $10/20 depending on area - then the rest of the night you've got priority service at the bar

>muh tipping

Tipping is bullshit altogether but it isn't socially acceptable not to, so throw a couple bucks on the table and stop sperging out over it.

probably the same angry parasitic cunt that made the first tipping post today and got shat her face on.

#PARASITEGENDER cunt complained, that 8% tip was basically 'an insult' to her.

typical useless woman 2017 aka subhuman trash