Post your face apps faggots
Post em
Why is this fucking nonsense being shilled here so much recently?
No thanks random government agency
because its fun when you put reaction images through.
That way they can I.D. people who use Sup Forums, since it's a mostly anonymous source. The more people they can get pictures of, the less work they have to do.
Sup Forums tier threads belong on Sup Forums, or you can fuck off to /soc/
An organized viral marketing campaign by the makers of FaceApp.
smile 2 makes me want to kill myself
This is the answer, well done devs of FaceApp you're marketing gods
Congratulations to all of you who are willingly uploading facial recognition data to the cloud. The app literally won't work without a stable internet connection. Wonder why? Hmm? I bet money that the tech behind this was developed by some deep state alphabet agency and now you're uploading your facial fingerprint to them under the guise of harmless entertainment. Haha.
im too ugly
fuck off
>mfw crooked gapped teeth
All these app makers have connections to CIA, FBI, and NSA contractors. The people who made pokemon go were CIA contractors in the past, and the company is likely a shell organization for them to collect images inside as many buildings as possible.
>posting in datamining threads
faceapp this for me
He looks retarded in every single picture.
femRand looks so wholesome
Back to your containment board, gen Z faggot
I almost destroyed my phone after using the smile filters. Godless filter
female trump looks like hillary clinton
can any1 do for erdoğan aka based sultan
Egg Girl looking good!
gotchu senpai
can I get a rundown on the app?
>baby Trump is literally Barron
holy shit
Joe here needs a make-over.
it's more fun than it should be
did someone save the one some Sup Forumsak did of Varg from last night?
it was based on pic related, I nearly pissed myself when I saw it
Christ spoiler that shit
>old man Paul Ryan
just tried my female self. fuck i'd fuck me
those trump genes are stronk!
Paula Josephine has me on the edge just by looking. It's unreal.
Why hasnt this stupid fucking thread been deleted yet? MODS
>male version
>nothing changed
tell me about it.
Also this is exactly how i wanna look when im old.
i actually fell in love with female self.
fuck i blame jews
What the fuck is this Sup Forums /soc/ shit?
>no smile2
>no oldface
>Those gender bender options
What the fuck, why do they actualy work so well?
debbie ramen noodles
emma watson dad confrimed
Reminds me of Styx desu
Surely this has been tried?
absolute beauty.
would marry instantly ( top right )
More faces. Train us.
I can't do it myself.
>female Alex is Amy Schumer
Please do Enoch
im not gay but hot alex jones is legitimately hot
Bottom right Rand so sexy
This womans face is on the wrong side of history.
>not: i require more faces
im truly disappoint
... David Bowie?
Male Taylor looks like he would be a funny youtuber