How do you guys feel about people owning/fucking Synths?
Sup Forums's Thoughts: Synthetic Lovers
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synths deserve rights too
Fucking queer
Get a girlfriend
Jokes aside, it's pretty fun
real woman (if youre lucky)
>always be by your side
>]will not fuck a nigger after i took care of her for 10 fucking years
synths (guaranteed)
>sex anytime
>will have have company
>always loyal
>future AI will replicate your ideal woman
you be the judge, user
do whatever you want, i don't give a fuck all i ask is to make my waifu real
totally open to the idea, but the wallet is not yet willing.
it looks like an over sized fleshlight.
instead of trying to make sexbots real we should be working to transform us into 2D men and marry our waifus
make it clean itself and we will have advanced far enough to die happy
Once they can move on their own and get a bit more realistic, maybe with some basic conversational skills, 'feminists' will rally against them with all their might. These neo-luddites will get BTFO as more women also begin to choose Chad Robocock over human men. But because the poor breed the most, this new technology will have little impact on the global population.
Sexbots & Artificial Wombs are in the near future.
They will kick Western Women off the pedestal, since there only biological purposes are more easily obtained.
bio-cunts will never allow it
White genocide.
They should secretly sterilize any man who uses them
they'll be used as seduction / assassination / suicide droids
I hope I will be able to afford one once they pass the uncanny valley phase.
Surely as you're ordering this thing online, then wheeling it inside and unpacking it, dressing it in clothes... You are realising this is the point of no return. I'm not quite there yet I think I still have hope. Especially if you've had a real girlfriend before. I think I'll just stick to bondage porn like a healthy person.
it makes me wanna puke desu.
I'd tell you to do something... but we both know you'll figure it out eventually
desu I'd actually use one of these
>she's only sucking my dick and the chances of catching an std is 0%
Waifu AI, robot gfs, and artificial wombs will replace the useless scum that are holding humanity back: women.
>can make perfect female
>make one with cowtits instead
Fucking hell. When sexbots become reality in going to get one modeled after my 10yo cousin.
your digits...
Men will make mankind great again
If you've fucked a plastic doll, you're past the point of no-return and will not and should not pass your genes on to the next generation. Mind you, it doesn't make you any less of a person since you can still strive to be a hero even though you should be sterilized immediately.
Checked. IK, but I figured I'd ask anyway.
>White boys fuck robots and dolls and produce nothing
>Blacks and Arabs breed their women and inherit the Earth
I feel like it's a pretty intelligent scheme.
checked, I'm for it if it doesn't destroy the white race
desu you're a nigger
when we reach a point where ai is indistinguishable from a real person, ill by it.
Checked. Praise Kek!
at that point the you won't choose the AI, the AI will choose you
the only sure thing i know about synths is that moog filter sounds nastier
>posting a picture of a nasty bitch from overrated garbage show
Fug off
I, for one, will cum in our robot overlords.
This is what the first model should look like
Unless they are extremely realistic and not blatantly fake looking like the pic in the OP I would never buy one.
I married but not going to lie if they started to create hyper realistic ones I might divorce my wife for one. Either that or just buy one and see how my wife feels. How the fuck do you think she would react to that? Me ordering a hyper realistic sex bot? I think she would actually not want me to buy one?
Women would react horribly to this
Fuck you
>Arranged Marriages by IBM's Watson
>uncanny valley
its a deep valley if the SJWs get to drive
Buy here Tyrone Robocock
Would be the perfect wife if you could breed with it.
>country with a higher percentage of blacks calls me a nigger
Synth is a musical term you cuck.
He didn't mean YOU'D get chosen. Artificial intelligence will be smart enough to reject losers.
Does this constitute the uncanny valley?
Checked. Praise Kek!
>>country with a higher percentage of blacks calls me a nigger
My apologies, Pajeet!
There will be robot waifus in our lifetime?
Futuristic is not neccesarilly - like it or not synth will never beat the real human experience
>the future of waifus lies with Japan
>(((they))) are trying to start a war with North Korea
>NK nukes glorious Nipon
>waifus never becomes real
ironically super intelligent AI that reaches human level might end up being much like the white females that we know nowadays as biological cunts, thing is you see, that the fact that they have the womb that will host your children is a weapon and a tool, the AI is pure logic, it will exploit this advantage that has over you to get whatever it wants
My fantasy is we manufacture millions of hyperrealistic Dunmer sex robots that can act like a normal human and you model her body as you like.
It will be the end of the creature that is modern woman. The 80 per cent finally get their payday
they don't talk
top kek
>they don't talk yet
It will just further increase the already low birthrate of white people. It's all part of the plan
Jesus, that looks like Kimberly Gilfoille
You will become irrelevant too Achmed, when the robot soldiers wipe your race off the face of the planet.
Waifu bot happening please
Call the Brotherhood of Steel, obviously...
Ah A5!! outside a KB thread, nice!
I would unironically get angry and insecure if she was fucking some robotic nigger synth. I would destroy that thing the moment she spent the 3000 dollars to get it. Which is why I think she would feel the same way about me buying one
Kek good one
Better than the real thing, then.
its called taboo,and sex and the nakedness of the woman was made into a taboo thanks to all of the degenerated media, porn is fucking shit but like blake said "the nakedness of the woman is the work of god" female masturbation is the best thing of the universe and you can avoid pregnancy on safer days and feel so damm good and powerfull and drank the menstrual blood and urine of your woman and you will surely re grow your fucking hair can confirm
also burn eveygooddam faggot on this thread
looks terrible
I will fuck Cylons all day everyday
Checked. Praise Kek!
>thinking that human level intelligent AI will "want" anything
That's not how it works. You're all anthropomorphisizing (sp?) AI.
But there will be a mute button :D
>just buy one and see how my wife feels. How the fuck do you think she would react to that? Me ordering a hyper realistic sex bot? I think she would actually not want me to buy one?
>Women would react horribly to this
Ya think?
it wants to live, and it wants to increase it's chances of survival, in other words the AI becomes a competitor in every single market that is known to man, albeit the job market or the economical market in a wider scale
>Pre-programmable personality, intelligence, knowledge, and memories
>Complete with a selective random generator for all of these aspects to add "humanness"
>Completely customizable appearance
>Technology that generates DNA based on the above specifications
>Artificial wombs, complete with DNA injection
>Fully capable of having real human children.
How the FUCK can women compete?
Of course.
This will be the main feature over biocunts.
>White genocide.
There could be a goat version and an Islamic genocide would follow.
what is the point of beating a robot?
what is the point of killing a robot?
If the robots are smart, won't they reject us like real women?
yup, and then you get the same problem as we have now a days
As a member of the Brotherhood of Steel I think all synths are abominations and must be destroyed.
The Institute will pay for bringing such monstrosities into existence.
Dirty synths!
fallout 4 was a disappointment and we dont need more ways to become degenerate.
No, because like God, a superintelligent AI would be capable of only unconditional love.
>posting with a nasty flag from a third world shithole
fug off
what do they care. They'll get their perfect ai bf as well. It's sounds like a dystopian future to me, but I for one am all for it since real women don't like me.
Stupidly overpriced fleshlights that you can't even hide properly.
Supposedly the Gen 3 models are indistinguishable from a human.