Fuck me, China is going to invade NK
Xi has told Trump. "we'll do it"
Fuck me, China is going to invade NK
Xi has told Trump. "we'll do it"
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Is that News site satire?
Huge win for globalism today.
Was he eating chocolate cake at the time?
I predicted this months ago. It basically was assured when China stooped buying their coal.
Basically, China takes North Korea, makes all of it China, Opens up trade with South Korea, agrees to become South Korea's manufacturer, China becomes the world go to manufacturer, ends up with more money than everyone, including America. Becomes one of the most powerful nations on earth, even stronger than Russia.
No, Russia will take control. They already have agents in government.
>only 25,000 chinks
call me when they bring zerg rush numbers
Russia has to go through China to even tough North Korea, and it's not like South Korea is going to let them just waltz in, in fact, Putiin won't risk it.
More fake news.
Fuck Glumpfkims
>he thinks china will stop at the south korea border
You probably pull off toppling the government with with 100k troops. The Nork military only has ammo for about 90 days of war and about 6 months of food stuffs. The war would be very short.
did shia just hide in Finland for when the nukes fall?
Really makes you think, do we know of any other unsual activies form the jews?
Russia borders NK.
It's happening.
What is satirical about that piece of news?
Chinas founding fathers were great friends with Kims Dad. The one still alive still have plenty of influence I doubt they would invade.
I'm going to sleep now, let's see if WW3 has started and Shia has been found by the time I wake up
No you didn't, faggot. I predicted it.
All US reporting is satire
>even stronger than Russia
Outside of Moscow, Russia is a third world shit hole.
I agree, I can't really see myself voting for Trump again after all of this. He has betrayed us. I want /r/the_donald posters to leave.
>mabye if we reduce the fakenews from 150.000 to 25.000 its harder to deny and less people will call us out for spreading fakenews
shhhh mericans dont know what geography is
Its funny how people think China will be an Ally of the USA. THE USA is actively arming Taiwan, pushing for independent Hong Kong and is arming the Philipines and Vietnam.
You should streetview the back country roads near the NK border. It's fucking creepy out there. I feel sorry for the camera van guy who had to take that drive.
No, China is there to reinforce NK, bong.
>Implying China would let North Korea descend into Chaos while US forces are stationed in South Korea
>Implying China is less invested in the Russia-Chinese-Iranian alliance than Russia and Iran
Even if Trumps smile convinced Xi to invade NK, the PLA will not go against the last bastion of pure authoritarianism which kind of gives the PLA leadership erections.(everyone with an authoritarian sensibility gets erections when looking at NK)
can confirm China has increased bandwidth limits to overseas servers considerably within the last 24 hours, what is usually capped at 2mbps is now clocking at over 6mbps clearly for faster communications and quicker fap sessions
>China is going to aid the US in removing North Korea
I never in a million years thought I would type that out
They have to get their combat experience somehow.
Trump's like the bully in the playground that tricks the retarded kids into fighting each other.
this is a good prediction. Trump basically had the option of allying with Russia or China (or both). And right now Trump is allied with China.
If the US and China successfully get rid of Kim Jong Un and North Korea regime, that means US (most technologically advanced military) and China (most numerous military) will be in alignment and will be able to remake the world in their will.
Hopefully Putin will get the message and we ally with him as well. Regular globalists wanted the alliance to be a US-Euro-JewIsrael centric New World Order or one world government.
Trump wants to make the New World Order an alliance of US/China/Russia because those are the top 3 most powerful nations.
China is our bros right now. For real. Russia has the option to be bros, but they must bow, not us.
For the record I'm not a shill. I don't want to go to war in Syria or any of that. I'm just saying what i think
This. Trump is the biggest globalist we've had in the White House. 4 months and he's already taking out the last countries without the Rothchilds.
>even stronger than Russia
They already are, not really an accomplishment.
Of course they would. Why wouldn't they?
It is on the boarder of Russia? I've always thought they were on China's Boarder. I'll have to look it up sometime.
>China becomes the world go to manufacturer
uh.... they already are you stupid fucking nigger
if true WWIII is def happening. But why would China risk it? Why not just team up with US and keep winning? Team up with US = no chance for loss. Fighting US = big potential for loss (plus loss of biggest customer)
I've heard people say that, but I can't believe such a prosperous country would actually be as bad as they claimed.
It's not really tricking it if Trump told Xi, "You cap it you keep it."
Your a faggot, I predicted this.
You're fucking retarded. China is done protecting NK. Trump and Xi broke a deal, it's why he has softened on China's currency manipulation status (among other things) - it's why China has started to turn back North Korean shipments.
>Cucked by Jew stepson
>Attacking Syria
>Sucking up to Israel
>"Savior of Western civilization"
If you're retarded enough to believe that, then good for you.
I suspect Trump wanting Assad out may have to do with how much intelligence is really on the ground in Syria. Maybe if Assad peels a bit too much off of that onion, he'll see for himself who really is behind ISIS. Or maybe Trump just doesn't want to piss off Israel over Syria.
China should do it for the lulz.
this, its win win for chinkaman
kim bongos has served his purpose to china and now that we arent in a cold war he is useless to them, espeically since he is acting like a fucking faggot trying to start wars with chinas biggest trade partners
If they invade they will annex the country.
Is this acceptable? I would like the two Koreas to be united once more
So everyone, Everyone uses China to manufacture goods, Everyone?
Russia isn't as destitute as all of you are making it out to be, now is it. I get it, they're slav. European niggers, or whatever, but it can't be as bad as you say it is.
why would china invade? in my opinion nk is a proxy state. they will move the troops into nk to invade sk
>So everyone, Everyone uses China to manufacture goods, Everyone?
they are the worlds biggest manufacturers yes, why the fuck you think taking North Korea is going to bolster that is beyond me though.
China is making a shit tonne of money, even now our government, well elections are almost here, but our government and the former government literally gave them access to our waters to fish as long as they'd like, and they've given them thousands of acres for farming. Along with the Bahamar deal. They're making money hand over fist.
China has the market on rare earth minerals cornered. The Norks are sitting ontop of an estimated 6 trillion dollars worth of rare earth minerals but don't have access to the global market due to economic sanctions.
Moscow? Moscow is garbage overrun with Kebab.
St. Petersburg is the last bastion of Russian civilization.
Does South Korea get all their goods manufactured in China?
Not really. Chinese manufacturing is incredibly immature and low level. If you mean pumping out dollar toys and shit, yes, but for high end manufacture Japan, the USA, and Europe still hold that over China.
China's still having issues reproducing Russian tier engines, they're still 10-20 years behind on advanced manufacture. But it's easier to learn from someone else than it is to pioneer a field, so I doubt it will take than two decades to catch up unless their economy implodes or something.
Why do you have a photo of my hometown train?
the chinese army is much better equipped and trained than the nork
That's the three most powerful countries in the world allied with one another. Surely that would be the end of history?
How fucking boring.
IIRC China already has a large army on the border.
You couldn't be more wrong. He said china a is using USA to further their economic goals
>tfw shit stabber
Are you a moron?
Watch the little fat fucks army can actually fight and pushes back all of the Chinks forces
Kim Jong Un, will launch every nuke he has. Hitler demanded every German die in resisting the invaders. Kim, much like President Clarke in B5, or the mad king Kataja (am I spelling that right), The Centauri Emperor, who wanted Centauri prime to burn while he ascended as a god. These guys are usually full of themselves, so watch out. It's Like Jim Jones but with nukes instead of kool-aid.
Is china sending their troops to help Trump or to help NK? Can i get a quick rundown?
Learn to internet u retard
Is the largest exporter of cheap goods to the west going to ensure its own financial collapse by backing NK? you dont even need to be asking that question bro
Holy shit... I never even realize that. Such a small border but it's there.
if it was to help NK they would move them into NK territory wouldn't they? As deterrence?
calling it now North Korea will become Germany post ww2, it will be divided between communist north and capitalist south. Also china is already looking into africa and the middle east so they may go the route of the soviets
disinfo and fake news are fucking everywhere.
fuck globalists
fuck kikes
fuck trump
fuck US Senate
fuck dems
China (asian jews) will backstab their vassal for personal profit.
Somehow Europeans will still blame only the USA though. Well...they might say something about Israel too.
China never did nuffin, dey good boys.
Before China takes North Korea, if it was to happen, I think there would need to be an investigation into just what the fuck was going on there.
This might be a big reason why the U.S. is getting involved at all.
So North Korea will become Korea post WWII?
>North North Korea
>South South Korea
That kid who stole that poster doesn't even know that he might be set free within the next couple weeks
>the country using Muslim refugees as leverage to put political pressure on Europe is complaining about globalists.
>this same country wants to join the EU (globalists)
ummm, ok.
Without exeception all the shitty clickbait headlines are from britbongistan tabloids.
im not a hopeless fucktard like you to defend my leader no matter what
North will probably become china and South Korea would still be south korea but there would probably be a few mile buffer zone with a heavy US/allied presence
where were you during the coup?
doing nothing?
yeah, I thought so.
exactly but probably be just "unified" Korea and china at that point
Sleeping as it was night.
now keep being a good goy to your ZOG shill leader you retarded faglord
>tfw you act like a tough guy talking shit about how you'll take anyone on but then the one big mate you had that was keeping you safe gets tired of it and even he's going to sort you out
>The Nork military only has ammo for about 90 days of war and about 6 months of food stuffs. The war would be very short.
go neck yourself
>China (most numerous military)
Actually I believe North Korea has the most numerous army.
That was a really stupid decision.
Chinks have overfished their own waters. They do not understand restraint.
>bahamian intellectuals
Unlike Germany who had to rebuild their nation all by their lonesome, North Korea will have China, who'll go in there, liberate the people, and rebuild. that's if Kim Jung Un doesn't blow it all up first.
My government is corrupt, as the last one was corrupt, as the UBP was corrupt under British Rule. Nothing Changes. A deputy Prime Minster, Made 115 million off of the road works, and made only God knows how much when he sold Batelco, Our telecommunication company to Cable and Wurtless (Wireless) for 200 million. And Cable and Wurtless got back 32 million for signing the contract. Orka, urka, whatever, was headed by actual executives of cable and wireless at one point. And the guys in charge now, did ever worse than that, Bahamar for example.
Jesus, such an accurate description
Sadly, this is true. NK is the only 'free' country besides maybe Syria left