STUDY: Male Supreme Court Justices Constantly Interrupt Women Colleagues

>STUDY: Male Supreme Court Justices Constantly Interrupt Women Colleagues

>The latest target of “manterruption” accusations is the U.S. Supreme Court.

>A new study, conducted by Northwestern’s Pritzker School of Law, looked at oral arguments for the years 1990, 2002 and 2015. In all years, authors Tanja Jacobi and Dylan Schweers said, male justices interrupted female justices far more frequently than the other way around.

>For instance, in 2015, John Roberts, Samuel Alito and Anthony Kennedy each interrupted Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor 10 or more times—meaning in total, each woman endured more than 30 interruptions.


Have men gone too far this time?

What do you think about this?


I've noticed myself doing it in my teamwork/leadership org.

Women drone on and on unless someone shuts them up.

Women ramble. You talk to men in short, direct sentences or get cut off.

>Women drone on and on unless someone shuts them up.

No. Sounds to me more like men can't stand women having a seat at the table.

>nigger hands suddenly touch her

No they never get to the point and need someone to clue them in that they are just rambling and to say something useful or shut up.


When women are babbling on about irrelevant bullshit they need to be interrupted
This only stopped being commonplace when kikes kicked the
>"muh vagina gives me special rights even though I platform it as equality" narrative
into overdrive
I interrupt other men too if they start rambling like idiots
Just happens alot less often

Do you comprehend the amount of smug self satisfaction there is in constantly pissing off ruth bader?



Or maybe it's because those women are commie shits and not worth listening too.

When we get equality here then i will give a shit


>Woman rambling on about pseudo science garbage and sophistry using the latest buzzwords for an eternity
>Man tries to bring some reason into the discussion

cry me a river


Also you might want to change your filenames or else everyone will know you're the faggot from yesterday

Women are like dogs and they belong in fucking cages.

That's because all women on the supreme Court are giant cunts

>That's because all women on the supreme Court are giant cunts

Uhm, sweetie, that's quite bigoted. Are you mad women are becoming more successful than men?

Anyone who's ever been in a corporation knows this about women. They do one of two things in meetings:
1. Go off on total tangents completely unrelated to the shit a meeting is about
2. Talk endlessly about basic retard level shit everyone in the room ALREADY KNOWS AND AGREES ON

People get interrupted when they don't have anything of value to add. Turns out (big surprise) that tends to be women most of the time. Frankly Sotomayor and Kagan shouldn't even be allowed to speak, their votes were decided before the case was even heard 99 times out of 100. Just shut the fuck up you two commie cunts and let the adults who actually have to make real decisions talk.

Some fag keeps posting shitty asscreep webms is this your strategy to get yous from shareblue at least post good creeps last time u posted a different fat nigrd ass and this bitch is clearly 50 years old

>Uhm, sweetie, that's quite bigoted. Are you >mad women are becoming more successful >than men?

But they make seventy cents on the dollar, so they are clearly worth less


>male justices interrupted female justices far more frequently than the other way around.

From this study, we can conclude that bitches often say some dumb shit and, as a consequence, are often put into their places by actual qualified justices (men).

>But they make seventy cents on the dollar, so they are clearly worth less

Hopefully that will change soon. Women do deserve equal pay.


Haha fag

Equal work = Equal pay, bitch. Come back when you can perform equal work.

If we're judging by the value they add to businesses, women should actually get negative pay.

I wonder who gets more talking time. I bet it's men, we shouldn't yield more floor time for pussy'splaning . We need to disrupt this sexism by stopping them from their violent acts of the matriarchy.

They are sexist. These old, out-dated thinking men need to be replaced by tolerant Women of color

>Equal work = Equal pay, bitch. Come back when you can perform equal work.

I have female friends who are in the military, we can do equal work. Asshole. That's why there's woman police officers, woman firefighters, woman soldiers. Just shut the fuck up you small dicked loser. You must be one of those social outcasts to be hating on women so much.

Why hire them if they only sabotage the company?
It has to be in the interest of the employer to employ them in the first place, even if it's for less money.

Women have only been allowed in the infantry for the past few months though

Because they passed laws forcing companies to have a certain number of them.

It's a real pain in the ass figuring out where to stick them where they can do the least damage.

Good. Women are to be seen, not heard. If I was Gorsuch, the first thing I'd do on day one is pop RBG in the mouth to assert dominance. Then gleichschaltung that shit over a plate of tendies.

>That's why there's woman police officers, woman firefighters, woman soldiers

0/10 bait yo - too obvious.

>this us why we have HR and secretaries
Can you cite the specific law though, for debate purposes?

Then why doesn't every employer hire only women user?

brevity is wit

>I have female friends who are in the military, we can do equal work. Asshole. That's why there's woman police officers, woman firefighters, woman soldiers. Just shut the fuck up you small dicked loser. You must be one of those social outcasts to be hating on women so much.

Women work over 2 hours less per week on average than men, which explains away almost the entire wage gap.

Wanna help close the wage gap? Cancel your dinner plans and work overtime.

Blond women are scum. You, as a German, should know it.

women should be property
and not allowed to speak

You heard her folks. That settles it. According to science the next SCOTUS pick needs to be female.

Why are people falling for this


Women drone on with no point. Man speaks up because we have shit to do in the world. REEEEEEEEEEE

Not an argument.

A dog barked at me while I was talking to my friend the other day. This is clearly indicative of all dogs and we need to put a stop to dogterruption.

Can't consider it interrupting if the fact is that they just don't shut the fuck up.

>this faggot will never zip his webms and upload

women one study found say 3x the words men do
its lucky then that women get to do on so long without an interrupt, I bet that feminazi study didnt count number of words total by man n woman THAT be an interesting study by the supreme court jsutices, also not the women are all commies, which means they need to be corrected on all thier premises nonstop which they try and use for argument