Why the fuck is there an investigation over littering.
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really makes me have to take a shit
dis gon be gud
>putting it in crystal clear toilet water
>no peepee or poopoo on qurans
false flag
Hey, my university is in the news. That's something I didn't really expect.
>A group of Student Government senators found
Yeah, c'mon man... At least lay a nice beefer on it or something
looks like a classic case of hey rabbi. the books are placed to photogenically for it to be real.
Its really not anything big. No one at UTD is that active around campus since its really a commuter school. Mostly a bunch of asian kids and people who couldn't get in to UT so we all just keep our heads down and run from class to class.
sounds about right
it's basically a big library
Hey Muhammed, whatcha doin'?
Its the school newspaper you dork
That's a nice looking bathroom.
Yeah, wasn't paying attention. Saw something with UTD in it and got a little too excited. I wish a happening would come to my university. Would at least be something exciting on campus for a change.
>no poo on them
Well that's no good! It's going to clog up the drain pipes. Those need to be fished out and thrown in the garbage where they belong.
moslems will want to burn the place down if they see this shit. Spread it
>a group of student government senators all went to pee at the same time
>stumbled across Qurans in toilet!
What's the over/under on how long it is until one of them cops to doing this?
Muslims are a protected "race" user
>This is a serious and shocking incident that requires a police investigation.
Why? It's a fucking book. Muslims are professional complainers
Someone start putting Bibles in the toilets and watch the response
are you saying we shouldn't hate them both user?
He's saying Europeans hate Jews more than they hate Islam which is objectively true.
Praise Allah, user
Should've taken a dumb as well.
The only guy who got killed was the one on the left, though.
Yes, anyone who had gone that far would have peed allah over them to really piss off the muzzles. Or they'd leave a steamer if they were really serious.
This is definitely staged.
now that trump is elected, we can do whatever we want. we ain't skeerd of yer stupid coran. it's time for you mooslums to to go back
Blasphemy laws only apply to the benifit of muslims unfortunately.
The Quran belongs in the toilet
Shit in the toilet etc, etc
Or an incinerator - hopefully with the muslim still attached
....HEY IMAM...
>some shit in a toilet
What is the problem here?
Should've dropped a fat sausage on it
I bet a thousand cum soaked socks that this is a hoax
Fortunately blasphemy laws do not exist in the last bastion of Freedom, the U S OF A.
I'm nearly entirely sure of it. For being conservative, these Muslims sure are drama queens.
"“I was appalled. It made a lot of the hate I had been hearing and seeing on national news real, and very present,” he said."
also them pages would be soaked through. looks like someone tossed them in the terlet and took a picture. Hmm
>samee ahmned
>government funds (((artist))) to create "piss christ", a crucifix in a jar of urine
>government investigates and intends to punish people who put korans in a toilet
My almonds....they're activating on their own!
The funny thing is that Christ is even sanctified in urine whereas Islam can't take the slightest bantz #halalsofragile
>Jonathan Schuler, the head of the SG legislative affairs committee, discovered the Qurans in the bathrooms after the Student Government meeting on March 28
Good, fuck Muslims
Fuck, I live down the road from a north american university and I'd fucking love to do this, but I wouldn't spend a penny on the korans & hadiths.
Has anyone shit on them yet? I want to see pics of diarrhea korans.
Also I'm thinking, the thing to do would be to pair off the korans with other religious texts. Koran plus Bible in one toilet, Koran plus Torah in another toilet, Koran plus Tao te Ching in another toilet. Watch the fuckers squirm over how shitting on a Koran is hate, but shitting on the others is freedom of expression/littering.
Janitor here
Please don't
If you want to take a dump on some sand nigs sacred moon scrawlings, please do it in the comfort of your own home, forest, etc.
Let's follow suit, everyone order some of these shitskin books and drop them in public toilets
>Eat Taco Bell
>Place quran in toilet
i hate this school so much
this is absolutely a false flag done by some paki
My shits are going to clog your toilet one way or another, sorry man. Might as well make a political statement while I'm at it.
Hey Imam, watcha doin'?
g-go comets...
>Jonathan Schuler, the head of the SG legislative affairs committee, discovered the Qurans in the bathrooms after the Student Government meeting on March 28
Ahhhhh how convenient
OOPS he made a poopoo :)
Based Texas
>leaving biological evidence
Why the fuck do redneck dumbasses spell Muslim wrong?
Fuck mooselimbs, they aren't even people.
To be honest this is clearly a false-flag op. A real vandal would have ripped them up or pissed/shit on them as well.
This was clearly some struggling muzzie trying to be bold but still being fearful of his moongod. He figured he wouldn't get mad if the books just got a little wet with clear water, but pooing on top would definitely void his 72-virgin pass.
The better question is: what did they do with the toilet korans? Throw them in the garbage? Flush them? Or hand them out to Muslims?
This is the life I chose... wrist deep in piss and shit
And this is how I spend my free time
wrist deep in piss and shit
at least try and get it in the toilet
>a rare free thinking arab appears
>denounces faith
>throws qorean into toilet in a 7/10 personal symbolic milestone
>isamic dummies of all races go bat shit
>more moderate arabs denounce islam until all the qurans are flushed and all the sandchimping is done
>brief moment of peace
>fukushima kills all
>The better question is: what did they do with the toilet korans?
Probably left them there for a janitor to deal with, and janitor probably put them in garbage
All I see is shit in a toilet?
Remember, like, 10 years ago when liberals would do this kind of shit with bibles?
>leaving dna evidence
That's way to big of a load of shit for a toilet to handle.
Moslem is actually the more accurate form.
Ive been trying to shit for like 4 days
It sucks cause being lactose intolorant i drank a bunch of milk because it gives me horrible runny but burning shits, well now thats all just in there being blocked by the brick that cant pass my anus, so ive essentially got diarhea that cant escape
Biggest thing that pisses me off about Islam. No one bats an eye when someone makes a catholic priest boyfucking joke, and yeah the Catholics get pissy, but they get over it.
But god forbid you criticize muslims, you get CAIR, the DNC, and Lena Dunham up your ass, death threats on twitter, and possibly a fatwa from some batshit Imam.
Figs. Thank me later.
if only I lived in Europe I could shitpost and trigger millions of Muslims.
They just need to pour some hot water, and a few minutes of plunging. Why are they making such a big deal over someone clogging a toilet with shit? Not like it hasn't happened before.
Looks like they've been in the toilet for 2 minutes... the water would eventually get soaked up, but there is only a fine line. False flag.
My school finally does something right.
Just get a cheap book, put a Koran binding on it and do whatever you'd do with a regular Koran.
Most of them have never read it.
could have already been there and person didn't look/change stall because they were desperate
or if someone doesn't flush could have been placed by teh next person
is it even illegal, beyond destruction of property
I've cleaned worse than a poopy book.
Put some gloves on and throw it in a garbage bag then flush the toilet.
Get a hot cup of coffee and add 2 tables spoons of coconut butter after drinking 2 cups have a tablespoon of coconut butter every 30 minuets.
You WILL shit.
>meanwhile in india.webm
Illegal, no. But schools have discrimination and tolerance policies, and zero tolerance policies for violating those.
never had this problem ever, if you don't feel the urge to shit it's obviously not time to take a poop. coffee makes me have to shit within 5 minutes of taking a sip.
UTD student here, this campus may as well be University of Texas at (New) Delhi. If we assume that it wasn't a false flag then there is a good chance that some Hindu did it to piss off the mudslimes.