The phone call that ended the world


>mom calling OP wondering where he is

"Fuck you Google maps"?

"ayo new phone, who dis?"

"can I get a pizza boss?"

Not gonna lie, former Kim Jong Un supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Kim crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.



Make Korea Korea Again


"herro, me ruv u rong time! ching chong!"


what's that? I raff I ruse?

Are you 12?

But who was phone?

wat te fug


Kim: give it to me straight doc
Doctor: *inhales* DIAABEEEETUS!!
Kim: *dies*

I'm enlisting in the Air Force at 35. I don't give a fuck, bring it on. If I die in battle then I really lived. The tragedy would be dying with a whimper after spending my life in a quiet office with shitty coffee.

stop pretending to be tough in the air force

>it was all one big misunderstanding...

We all know you're a 300lb NEET who survives off of sandwiches your mom brings down and doritos that you get air-delivered to the basement.

No they drop
Em down a laundry shoot to avoid the 'smells'

>If I die in battle then I really lived
>General Patton: 'No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country' - 1944

you fuckin pleb bak2 r/larp


Yeah but my phone call cancels out yours.