What is Sup Forums's opinion on polygamy?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on polygamy?
So many beta males around these days, it would probably be good for our country if the women could congregate with one chad.
It makes it so that only the Chads get to breed, which might improve the quality of the gene pool. It could encourage White women to not take nigger dick.
Bad for civilization but good for a primitive society
Eugenics would be better than polygamy in maintaining a stable society while breeding excellence. Don't wanna have a beta uprising.
It eventually leads to large numbers of young men that will need to take drastic action to get a woman.
Civil unrest will increase, imagine a world where most men do not have a woman. They'll become restless and aggressive.
It will also lead ironically to less rights for women and a more restricted family life for them. They become bargaining chips for their guardians to trade, fathers and brothers would become increasingly more protective of a sister or daughter because her individual value increases.
Women would need to be accompanied outdoors by a male partner to not only ensure another man doesn't woo her (stealing your bargaining chip) but to stop the dozens of sexually frustrated guys wanting to rape her.
Women will also be married off at younger ages because there us a constant shortage of them.
Mail order brides would increase drastically mostly because raids and wars for female captives is not possible in todays world.
There is a reason its only really sustainable for warrior cultures. In many parts of the muslim world today cousin marriages are the only way for the average men to get a partner.
Jordan Peterson discusses polygamy here and why it's not good for society if it is a common thing.
tl;dw: Men use aggression as a tool when women are not easily accessible, polygamy means only the top 10-20% of men in terms of financial success or appearance will have all the women reserved, the remaining majority of men will become more aggressive partly out of resentment and partly because it makes them stand out so they can compete more easily for what's left. Then overall societal cohesion decreases potentially leading to civil unrest and collapse if the situation for the average man becomes hopeless enough.
Essentially family and progeny are most of the reasons why for most men they improve their lives and make an effort to fit in to society, there are a few exceptions who focus on individualistic thinking and never marry but still work hard and fit in, but for most it's really the family that's important. When reproduction and marriage becomes a hopeless prospect the resultant nihilistic attitudes and the increasingly competitive atmosphere is not good at all.
who the hell would want to deal with multiple women? one is bad enough!
Great for top-tier individuals, horrible for the stability of civilized societies.
I want a harem.
I'm fine with it as long as every member of the party is consenting, that and there is legal visibility between property ownership and legal executors.. Hell I'm even fine with one woman having 60+ husbands, I ain't gonna judge a cuck.
its part of the natural cycle of civilization. it will become normal again like it once was. monogamy is for the easy times. polygamy for the hard. they give birth to each other though ironically
understanding of developmental psychology in child rearing and that time allocation counts a lot and each child will need some individual time with their father
or I guess I could be just another shitskin tier parent
When you research into, more cons than pros. Especially with the long-term effects on society: one being a direct-correlation to increasing crime rate.
Also, it's not healthy for the husband. There's literally evidence that the more wifes a man has, the lesser years he'll have to live.
I wish it was more acceptable because my gf has absolutely no sex drive
just have some whores on the side but keep her around as a companion desu
It's ok in small and rare instances, especially with productive and high-quality males who can effectively provide for lots of women and their children.
However, when done commonly on the macro scale it leads to some adverse and undesirable social effects, primarily related to most men not having any hope of having reproductive access to healthy or desirable female mates.
This causes a lot of societal aggression, violence, and pent up emotions and irrationality like you see among the male youth of Muslim countries, many of which coincidentally have normalized polygamy.
In short, it increases crime, degrades women's rights, and promotes child abuse and murder.
Some quotes:
>[Wealthy men had more wives than poor men.] While wealthy men had more total off- spring and longer reproductive careers (33 years for wealthy men compared to 22 for poor men), the chil- dren of poor men had better survival rates for their children to age 15. For poor men, 6.9 of their offspring(per wife) survived on average to age 15, while for wealthy men only 5.5 of their offspring (per wife) sur- vived to age 15. This is amazing, given that the poor men had less than 10 per cent of the wealth of the rich men
>The reduced supply of unmarried women, who are absorbed into polygynous marriages, causes men of all ages to pursue younger and younger women. The competition also motivates men to use whatever connections, advantages or alliances they have in order to obtain wives, including striking financial and recipro- cal bargains with the fathers and brothers of unmarried females [...] More competition also motivates men to seek to control their female relatives (e.g. sisters), as demand for wives increases. This results in suppressing women’s freedoms, increasing gender inequality and stimulating domestic violence.
No one on Sup Forums is hot enough for it.
You realize actual geneticists are in favour cuckoldry when it comes to eugenics, right?
Should be based on how much money a man has. Makes sense for a man to support many women if he's more than able. Correct divorce laws so women don't up and jew him.
polygamy is natural.
t. stephen hawking
>natural = good or desireable
i'm in a long term open relationship and i've dated multiple people at once, i can't be monogamous and i see no reason to pretend i can
it works for me, it's not for everyone
Rich polygamous men die younger and their families have far higher mortality rates compared to poor monogamous men
Quoth the Turk
polygamy is gross. Save your intimacy for someone special, that way it will mean something to them and to you.
polygamy porn dump?
it isn't good or bad, people are just different sexually no big deal as long as it's consensual between adults
Just like it is natural for you to scurry under my fridge when I turn on the kitchen light.
Not in a capitalist society, you don't. Although, it would make divorce court more entertaining to watch.
sex isn't intimacy, there are different kinds of sex and different levels of intimacy
you can have sex without it being an intimate experience because the two aren't mutually inclusive
Sounds good on paper
Great if one perfect chad breeds a lot of women and birth geneticaly superiour kids.
But as society goes it's extremely bad.
Imagine being raised by a lot of women who squabble all the time... Child can get very confused and can fuck him up in childhood.
Even muslims Caliphes used to have 1 fovorite wife who was basically a normal husband and wife relation while other wifes were used as concubanes or sex slaves so they would not have interfierence with raising up children.
Husband can get very distracted and very anxious with keeping up with all the women. It's leaves all the relationship part out and replaced it with breeding part and nothing else.
tfw no harem
i don't have kids, and i'm not married but i've been in an open relationship for over a decade and have dated multiple people at the same time
it's really not a big deal
Betas are betas because they don't rebel
Badly, I have enough problems with monogamy.
You seens to forgot the fact that before the XX century nearly half of the men never managed to marry.
No, that's Omegas. Betas are number 2 - they don't aim for the top, and they don't like being pushed around.
Betas are submissive. Submissive people don't rebel
betas love being pushed around, check the kekoldry threads
Not getting married =/= never having sex
Europe has always had lots of brothels.
Men in muslim countries need to resort to fucking young boys to get their rocks off.
Probably one of the reasons why the Middle East is full of some many angry beta males desu, why do you think the idea of receiving virgins for committing Jihad is so alluring?
The thinking man's relationship, only virgin losers have one partner.
If I didn't live in the U.S. I could have multiple wives if I wanted to because I'm Muslim. I fucking love the idea of polygamy. You can have women to do more work for you and just look at how many kids Mullahs have. If the West wasn't cucked the West would have so many more kids if polygamy was allowed. But if it can't be legally established like in Saudi Arabia there is no point because you don't get the benefits from it
However there must be some laws associated with it in order for it to work because dealing with women sucks, but in Islam women can't
>argue with husband
>refuse sex
>be around husband and friends when friends are over unless allowed
>leave the house (to an extent)
>wife must give her whole salary to husband
All this is based off how strict the laws are though
With dudes.
>Probably one of the reasons why the Middle East is full of some many angry beta males desu, why do you think the idea of receiving virgins for committing Jihad is so alluring?
The angry beta males doing this are always the retards who get tricked into commiting Jihad because they are usually the dumbest members of the group. The idea of virgins is alluring but the guys doing that shit are literally passing up on the chance to get a wife right at the age of 18 typically.
In Muslim nations and in Muslim communities women must be married off young, so even if you are ugly and beta as fuck, your father, brother, or guys at the Masjid can arrange a marriage for you. This is why there's so man ugly Muslims and such high birthrates because ugly people always end up breeding anyways
All you guys who desperately want wives just convert to Islam for fucks sake, spend time at the local Masjid making friends, and then ask to be introduced to a Muslim woman and get married
It doesn't work
never been on reddit, i just don't care for full on monogamy; it's not for everyone
if i was pretending i could be monogamous i'd just end up cheating
Utahn here, fuck polygamy and fuck Mormons
An erotic fantasy but ultimately damaging to society
I live in southern Utah and see them all the time. They are all weird looking and stare at you like you are an alien.
I fucking hate this place.
widespread polygamy is doomed to fail due to eventual beta uprising
Ya'll mind if I bump?
Polygamy = aggressive expansion. That's the only way to keep the number of women needed high.
A man can take a second wife so long as she is a single mother. One mans trash...
I don't like it.
Legalise it and watch the brithrate skyrocket.
i have, i just don't see a reason to force myself to have sex with one person my whole life just because i'm in a relationship
that's fucking stupid
It's probably the future, once sexbots get perfected. The betas will be satisfied with robo waifus and no longer willing to settle down and support women in their late 20s early 30s. So the women will just stay wrapped around Chad's dick forever.
Lets be clear, are you talking actual polygamy or harems, causs your picture is a harem and those are two different things.
Nice fantasy, shitty reality.
Why not both?
sounds like a fun idea until you realize that if 1 man has 3 wives then that means 2 men have no wives and have no aim in life and fall into sexual violence and extremism like is the problem with islamic culture
>What is Sup Forums's opinion on polygamy?
I think many females are completely worthless except as lazy concubines for some rich soulless lizard. They make shit mothers and wives and are only good for lipstick-lezzing out with other hot females and being used as sex toys.
But as proper wives? Mothers to children? Forget it -- utterly worthless. Their only value is in the completely shallow range.
Speaking of which, what's the difference between Chad fucking your wife, and you and your wife selecting to override your genetic structure with Chad DNA to artificially mold gametes more similar to his, or straight up taking Chad sperm from a sperm bank so your wife can carry his child?
So that your wife doesn't actually have sex with him?
You are still raising another man's child. If you go the eugenics toute, aren't you a cuck?
you don't think someone else actually fucking your wife is different than artificial insemenation?
It's ok if I'm the one with the harem.
polygamy is against western culture
I see it as a sex driven degeneration
>Sup Forums
>having more than one gf
Not for me
But reminder that Polygamy is perfectly legal in the Bible
A man can own as many cunts as he can afford to support. And that's what marriage is, showing who owns a cunt.
Emotionally it may be different but in practical terms it comes out to the same thing.
That's only if the sex ratio is even or nearly even. It can easily be solved by birthing more females than males.
>it's really not a big deal
If there is anything I've learned from listening to libtards is is that when they say this it is almost always a big deal.
Not surprising, though. They like to ignore the effects their stupid actions have on society or pretend they don't exist. Ingest cyanide immediately.
i see numbers
>implying the black man doesn't already do this
This should answer almost all questions.
Polygyny would be fine if you didn't have the inevitable problem of there not being enough women to go around. If that happens you end up with idiots who strap on bomb-vests so they can get some virgins in the afterlife.
Not a fan. Degeneracy.
it should be illegal for women though.
Transhumanism is superior to eugenics.
>implying that this is a bad thing
Why not both?
>founded by (((EZRA LEVIN))) and (((LEAH GREENBERG))) former democratic staffers
Same here, but more so because I want variety and my long-time girlfriend has lesbian tendencies (noting attractive girls/women to me, having wet dreams about FFM threesomes, etc). It would be fun for all three of us. Also, I could spread my genes a bit more but still be there as a father if it were to work out between the three of us to that length. I wouldn't even consider three, the dynamics could get out of control.
You would probably have roasties that marry multiple beta orbiters and also marry a Chad, but only fuck the Chad. It would be an effective way of taxing beta male stupidity.
i have 5 girls whom i see at least once a week and have sex with. its not a big deal. i like them all.
Prevents the uniform distribution of genders, and therefore is unsustainable without constant conquest and warfare to cull unpaired men. This goes against the basis of civilization, in which every man within a society has a stake in that society and it's future. This would also cause in-group altruism to diminish.
It's ok.
I am on the process of convincing my girlfriend to get another girl and move to a house in the mountains. She is a bit reluctant from now but it doesn't look impossible.
If it would work in practice or not that I can't tell.
As a person with no wives and no close prospects to having a wife it's okay
You niggers don't understand real polygamy. Let me explain. My uncle actually does have multiple wives but he still lives in the Middle East
There is still plenty of women in societies where polygamy is allowed and encouraged, like in Muslim societies. The issue is that women cost LOTS of money to provide for, so polygamy is only practiced by rich people. In Saudi Arabia for example, you can go ahead and marry as many wives as you want, but only the rich princes and private citizens who are rich as fuck do it, and in KSA women can work and have to give their salaries to the husband as well. Also in Muslim societies literally the biggest betas can get wives because women are literally arranged with men for marriage. So if you want a wife, your father, brother, friends can arrange you with one.
Polygamy would not work in the West because women have free will and marriages aren't really arranged so there wouldn't be enough women for the loser betas, because the men who can manage to get multiple wives will take them all and the women can still support themselves because they can work and keep their salaries.
> If that happens you end up with idiots who strap on bomb-vests so they can get some virgins in the afterlife.
This is just a belief made for dumbasses, those men can still get laid and get wives easily because marriage is arranged in Muslim countries. Where women have free will though, this is where you would see even more angry men
Polyandry is not real marriage.
Now you're describing some Heinlein-esque bullshit. This shit is why i cant read his stuff, all the stupid forms of group marriage.
It really isn't that different no. In both cases, you are raising a child that is not your own, and your wife has been impregnated with another man's genetic code.