If some countries provide healthcare or housing, why not universal internet access? An even better example is (university) education, after all the internet is just access to all of the information available through schooling. If Internet access were declared a human right, it would be odd to see if it could somehow be differentiated from information access as a right, but that's for a later date. So Sup Forums, what do you think, should Internet access be a universal human right or no?
Should Internet access be a basic human right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Naturally, yeah. If you don't offer it, you're preventing the right to the pursuit of happiness
No, it is a privilege and a luxury.
>basic human right
no such a thing
God Damn
That's how white women are supposed to be .. huge boobs to feed our white babies and us white men .
you are the worst kind of American,
I smell a bernout.
That's considered high speed in austria right?
It's basically essential to working adult life in the developed world at this point. The unemployed should get it for free, since its literally impossible to apply for 90% of jobs without it.
i have very limited understanding of how the internet works, but I'd say to some extent every business and household requires the internet to function. We've all lost internet connection and it means, no access to email, no access to school work, no access to the vast array of online stores. I doubt a hospital could function without it. It is kind of a grey area for me though. I need it and can't function without it, but its a luxury of modern middle class life to have it, and there are ways to function without it. I don't want to pay for poor peoples internet though, but I would pay for a hospital to get internet running at high speeds because it really needs it.
Because you don't need internet to live, there's also internet cafés and libraries with computers, internet and printers
Next question
>Should Internet access be a basic human right?
the apartment building I live in literally has free 2mb/s cable internet. Uncapped 350mb/s costs 29e/month
Who is this semen demon?
To bad you prefer boi puccy and hentai
What's the upload? Mine's ~25/month for 100/100, limited options in my area
>Implying any (((human rights))) are legitimate.
That document is honest to goodness the first leaf shitpost in history. People are fucked up here.
In the modern economic climate you essentially do need Internet access to do most jobs and therefore live. Freedom of speech isn't necessary to life and yet it's generally considered a universal human right.
Emily Helen Barry
You don't need internet at home to do those jobs
Again though, I don't really find it believable that someone who has a home wouldn't be able to afford the cheapest available internet connection
i pay 44 per month for 60
Thank god gates and zuckerberg are going to bring high speed internet to sub Sahara Africa. Meanwhile less then 70 miles from sf I can't even get a cell signal. Fucking kikes
>70 miles from sf
You aren't to leave your enclosure, citizen.
They're probably going to use them in isolated areas of developed countries first, simply because they own more, have more money, and can pay more money for company goods/services, although it depends on how quickly wages and economic growth can occur in poor countries with large numbers of urban poor, in the case that it's very quickly then there may be more money to be made selling to them.
Emily Helen Barry, sad she hasnt porns
i pay 20 bucks for 3
just fuck my shit up
your mum is a basic right also cunt
>What's the upload?
currently at 19mb/s
No. People can pay for their own free porn. Pervasive Internet doesn't make people any smarter, I'm willing to bet it damaged us more than anything.
Literally OP
all these datamining threads using the same pics of women...
My dick between those tits should be a basic human right. God damn lol.
Sex should be a human right. Thousands of virgins die every year, never having had sex. It should be that everyone at the age of 16 has the right to sex, and if they can't find a partner one will be assigned to them
Internet should be mabdatory
"I have big tits and get paid regardless so why put in any effort lol" - the pornstar
Sweden is doing something along those lines, not quite there yet though, they're thinking about giving people sex breaks on the job. Additionally, IIRC the WHO or some other (possibly mental) health organization has declared not having a SO as pretty much a disorder.
Angela White
Not only should internet be denied to the vast majority of normies but if one were to want access they would have to take a basic competency test attributed to Physical and Network computing.
no. internet is easily accessible and that's great, but access to it isn't and can't be construed as a right, same as the supposed right to healthcare, right to and abortion, etc. and more dauntingly so, a 'basic human right.'
basic human rights are not rights that need to be provided to you, but rather things that are not to be taken from you or implemented upon you; the right to live, freedom from torture and slavery, your freedom of speech, freedom of thought, conscience and religion and so on.
if you think something is your 'right' and it requires someone else to provide it to in order to have -- internet service included -- then you're advocating for big brother government and the welfare state, and you are wrong.
Yes. So many government programs require you to fill shit out online these days it is starting to be necessary.
Free internet at most businesses as well as librarys
Sorry neighbour, she's a jewess who is fanatically Hillary.
But those joobs look amazing.
Oh hey Destiny.
Is there any proof she's a Jew(ess)? She doesn't look like it, I'm pretty sure people just made it up on here. Also just because someone has different views from you doesn't mean they can't be physically attractive, hell, almost nobody on here takes womens' political opinions seriously anyway.
What is a slippery slope?
>Angela White
Here we go again
Why? Is any government version better than a free market one?
this is the kinda woman that starts wars lads, holy shit just look at dem tiddies
There is no such thing as human rights
It should be free and you should be required to use the internet so that your ISP can monitor your political beliefs.
The government could provide a public alternative for free, private alternatives could still do what they wanted though, like how private healthcare is a thing in the UK even with the NHS.
Not particularly applicable to this situation.
Really? I never found her that hot compared to anybody, not really my standard for pronstars I guess but to each their own.
Rights are not about what 'should be', but rather what is. Rights are natural, fundamental, inherent, and objective.
Conscious beings have the right to do what they want as long as they don't infringe on anyone else's rights.
Beings have the right to pay others for healthcare, housing, and internet access if the transaction is mutually consentual. They do not have the right to coerce others into providing services.
Nobfuck no Sup Forums is already shitty enough as it is no need to add more faggots
>I never found her that hot compared to anybody
Exactly. She looks like the kind of cow titted slut you could hook up with almost anywhere and take home to fuck like an animal. Her huge tits and average looks is the sexiest thing about her.
happy hug a koala day
They don't have internet cafes or libraries where I live.
You don't have public librarys?
She is extremely high on my fap list.
It's kind of pathetic to have a memorized ordered fap list IMO