Trump is flip flopping on everything I considered important.
it was just an attempt. there won't be another. enjoy the decline bros.
4D chess
100 D mahjong
Was left Sup Forums bitching about Obama this badly into his first term? ORRR
Is this nigga a SHill. Fuck outta here bitch boy
Wait a see what happened, it hasn't even been 6 months. There will be another, it will be okay.
Shills have learned to communicate with one another.
I'm a shill? Trump's done a missile strike on Assad in Syria, said China isn't manipulating currency, and currently just said that NATO is good again.
So basically he's changing his tune on everything. But go ahead, call me a fucking shill, you bitch.
Jesus, is there anything he won't completely flop on?
You speak nigger tongue
Fuck off shitskin
President Trump is doing great. You're crazy.
At least we still have the wall
what a cuck
That's gonna be next to go.
Thank you for Correcting my Record.
shills all the way down
You can be in denial as long as you want, if he's flipped on everything else, why wouldn't he flip on this?
China is threatening NK of an invasion. He cut a deal.
But yeah, he's a neocon lite.
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