‘Ban Cars to Stop Terror’ Says Sweden’s Best-Selling Newspaper After Stockholm Attack

Cars and other vehicles “have turned into deadly weapons”, and should be banished from cities to stop attacks like the one in Stockholm from happening in future, according to Aftonbladet editorialist Eva Franchell.

Crackdowns on immigration or extremist ideology are not the way forward when it comes to terror prevention, according to the veteran journalist, writing after Friday’s terror attack in Stockholm left four people dead.

Instead, it is cars — which she calls “effective murder machines” — that Franchell says “must simply be removed from city centres and places where people gather, if people are to be protected in future”.

Vehicles are “easy to steal, and so nothing has been able to stop their advance”, writes Ms. Franchell.


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>drumpfkins will be against this

hello? cars kill people and destroy the environment

so do humans

This is completely reasonable.

The same should happen in this country.

A tram+train system in every system would be faster AND safer.

it was an opinion piece written by some mother. you dumb ass hat this article means nothing

>ban assault cars
holy shit sweden has become internet satire
also how the fuck would you ship things?

Seems reasonable for me. Cars should be banned for all swedes.

Innocent refugee of the religion of peace then derails train and causes a good amount of casualties, you didn't really think this through did you Nigel.

It's still safer

(you) need to quit smoking crack.

If every driver was a professional there would obviously be less accidents

dont really give a fuck about the anomaly of some haji

and after banning all trucks, food and other stuff magically appears in stores, people moving to new houses have to carry their furniture, nobody cares about busses because they are for fags and poors only and ther's no need for taxis because it's tolerant to let sandniggers rob and rape who are trying to walk home,,

Imigrants but much more

>Cars are driven largely by men so by giving a lot of space to cars; we’re giving a lot of space to men — at the expense of women
Of course cars are the patriarchy. Should have fucking known.

Sweden Yes

But muh right to high capacity fuel tank, automatic vehicles will not be infringed.



It was so obvious, how could we not see, that the patriarchy was behind this too.

Are jews patriarchy?
Do jews have a chest-beating man pumping his dick into his fists while saying "my privilege" smugly sat behind them too?
Of course, foul evil men are behind the jews.

>mfw memes becoming real


what the fuck

>electric self driving cars get pushed through not due to hippies but to stop terrorists

>people claim it's tolerant and progressive

Fuck this gay earth, at least we have trump.


So was Harry potter and look at it.

Your claim has fallen through so quickly, any other bright ideas?

I... I think I need to stop memeing this shit. It's going to actually happen.


what is a concrete barricade lol


>harry potter means anything

okay buddy

Sweden shows us the light again

they can ride around on those camels they bought

>Ban assault vehicles is actually becoming reality
Okay I'm convinced Meme magic is real.


cars are vehicles of peace


That's why we need libertarianism.

To avoid this idiocy.

all cars are thirsty, ableist pieces of shit and need to be burned down

i want that car

What!? This cant be real. What the fuck are they smoking.

they also wanted to ban fireworks because refugees had been firing them at swedes

>>Ban assault vehicles is actually becoming reality
>Okay I'm convinced Meme magic is real.

Yeah, far too many coincidences for my liking.

Either Kek and meme magic are real, or Jews are super-autists controlling the world, yet when they monitor us they cannot detect our sarcasm, banter and satire when we post and take everything we say far too literally.
Seeing as you got Brexit and Trump they consider us a threat and monitor us more only to take more of our jokes as a serious issue (only to alienate the few who still support them).

Either way, we carry on doing what we're doing, we're winning.

basically if there is a problem you would NEVER, EVER remove people to solve the problem. You need to change the environment. It needs to be changed so that EVERYONE, no matter who it is (including war criminals and murderers), will not cause a problem.

I would use one of these unironically desu

Literal fake news

If you read breitbart kill yourself right now, and spare us of your idiocy. That shit is literally trump news (tm) shilling network reporting on some non event, it's an opinion article. The headline is great for for rallying circlejerking trumpcucks, though.

Notice how breitbart links in the op from breitbart never are archived, so we don't give clicks to their shilling network? It's because breitbart shills here actively spam these non news

>the general population opinions don't matter only mine

You might want to walk outside , it's a religious text to a large part of America's young adults.

I remember saying ban cars after the first mudslime attack as a joke. They are actually trying to do it.

this is satire right?

swedes wouldn't have used this as an argument because they will only lose vehicle types and get harder time keeping their licenses


A little cuckar to park next to your cuckshed

Hello, darkness, my old friend.

Today them want to ban cars. Muslims will suicide-ride bikes with bombs. Then them will ban bikes. Muslims will suicide-run with bombs on legs. Then them will ban legs. Why not ban muslims at first place?

Next, ban the native Swedes

But really thought why would anyone need something that powerful, Other than Muh dik

>Sup Forums spent years joking about liberals banning assault cars
>now that joke is becoming reality

Damn, I'm starting to believe you people really are wizards

this could work. If there is no native Swede in the city, no Swede could be harmed there

Alternatively, start harming the foreigners and push them out of Sweden. Sounds like a more sustainable solution.

I'm gonna let Tzuyu do the talking for how I feel about this.

>start harming the foreigners and push them out of Sweden.

0/10 this is not nazi sweden anymore

Stopped clock, my friend

not sure if we can be considered wizards or we just have our heads half way out of our asses

Nahh, it's the old stopped clock phenomenon happening Just in front of your eyes

Why not just ban Muslims? Isn't that the better play? Having everyone change their way of life just for that means the terrorists/Muslims won.

can't argue with that logic


Recently I joked that the politicians in Finland most certainly would demand lowering the speed limits in the aftermath of a muslim truck but this is much beyond that.


Magic comes from the strongest of wills

while i do think trams/trains would need nice it'll just make terrorism easier

>everyone gathers in a single confined space
>one blast/virus/machinegun
>cripple entire transportation system
>cripple local economy for x period

that's not to mention the installation costs for infrastructure and dealing with Big Oil and automotive competition


i gota agree , ban cars now. sweden is ahead of the curve here.

Welcome to the darkest and most autistic of timelines.

Buckle up, its only just begun.

>Inferior potassium


When will they learn that some men just want to watch the world burn?

Turning Sweden into a third world country probably actually would help them to stay White, since they could no longer afford to maintain the welfare state.

What happens when the sandniggers start bombing the subway/tram systems then?

That would actually be pretty sweet.

There'll just be more stabbings and bombings. That's it.

Then they will just ban bombings , duh

The CIA probably gets its ideas from Sup Forums at this point. They're about that retarded.