We're going to enter a nuclear war because a bunch of autistic racists on the internet thought it would be funny to...

>we're going to enter a nuclear war because a bunch of autistic racists on the internet thought it would be funny to elect the angry orange man as president

good job, idiots

Are you saying you like dead babies, that's not very tolerant of you.

Blurpfh is going to start WWIII

You're welcome, OP.


fuck off.

nuclear war is the punchline. it's still funny.

Good, I want the world to bathe in nuclear fire, especially the chinks.

It's not a joke nor did people think it would be funny, people got tired of the liberal bullshit being forced on us in the US.


Trump will only use nukes on ISIS

i guarantee it


Its not like Hillary would do any different. It was inevitable.

>Also a leaf



no, it's his daughter's feefees that are causing ww3

This. Trump got swept into it, Hillary would have just charged in. Turns out it's not the man (or woman), it's the office. The bureaucracy is in charge now.

At least in a nuclear winter only whites will survive

What a time to be alive and soon to be dead. RIP world


faggot, HRC had the same shit in mind that el trumpo is doing now.

i am still hoping that mr.prez over here is just playing an extreme game of 11D chess.



you fucking hippy kike faggot git the fuck out of here.

no worries, user.

i thought it would be fun. and so far, so good.

All true Sup Forumsacks will be shielded by Kek's power.
From the ashes of the old world shall come our world.

kill yourself nigger nuke leafland

It had to be this way. It had to be the most unlikely way. Because if it was likely, it would have been prevented.

Kill those mother fucking sand niggers now

maybe the biggest fucking thing for patriotic americans were the scotus picks. shillary would've made so much damage with liberal scotus, that trump just had to happen, and thank god he won.

I really enjoyed overhearing convos in NYC since the syria thing. Liberals were dying to criticize trump, but they all voted for hillary here, who was vocally pro syrian war, and who approved of Trump's missiles.

You make the mistake of thinking that those who elected Trump care. Annihilation is the whole point, slow kid.

If we get into a nuclear war its because George W Bush let N.K.get nuclear weapons in 2006.

The Chinese don't want a nuclear fatboy kim either. If both countries can pressure without direct military action (ie war) then that's amazing.

If not, the prospect of a nuclear North continuing to flaunt its shit will only make the US seem weaker that they let a tiny little country have all that power.

They're definitely considering that if they feel they could stop any nuclear bomb from detonating above ground or in a populated area, action could happen. Only in conjunction with the Chinese, and that's to make Russia look like its irrelevant at its own border.

So we'll see, the kid running the country is a fucking joke desu. He's a petty fuck (murdering his pro-China half-brother in Malaysia not too long ago) and its doubtful anyone high up in the military truly thinks he's competent.

Get ready for a deal, just not sure exactly with who and for how much.

that is all

the president doesn't matter and voting doesn't count for shit, this war would've happened regardless

voting is just a pacification and division tool and makes scapegoats out of the people on the "winning" side when things go wrong