If you still defend this man after he betrayed you, you are a cuckold.
If you still defend this man after he betrayed you, you are a cuckold
Trump is the man
Fuck off shill
he didn't betray me tho he's killing sandniggers like i want
In fairness at least he's not Hillary
What is all this shit lately? How did he betray us?
He might have betrayed you, but not me. I support our President and Commander-in-Chief.
He bombed an empty airstrip in Syria, told Steve Bannon to make amends with a Jew, and wants to pressure a communist gook with nukes.
I'm proud of americans for their incredible president.
Death to Trump!
The only cuck here is you beating you dick watching 2D porn while I'm watch 5D chess
Wow. Sup Forums btfo forever. How will we ever recover? Better to stop being right wing and become traps and poz our neg holes. It's what Stalin would have wanted
>5d chess
What is this meme?
Trump is love, Trump is life. Trump forever!
Yeah I should ignore all the good stuff he's doing and only acknowledge the one bad thing. Makes sense.
nice distractions, nigger
This. At least Trump is the poison that anesthizes first. Hillary is just a force fed cyanide pill.
wtf I love democrats now
I agree. When he does, I will be the first one to criticize him.
>1 post by this ID
and then
>2 posts by this ID
>we're being drafted to fight WWIII. Let's remember the good things he's done.
>fighting WW3
>on foot
>not drones
>in current year
WTF I hate niggers now?
WWIII is a spook.
He acted in """America's interests""', though not the interests of the American people.
Well, Trump hasn't "betrayed" anyone, so this entire type of thread is without merit.
DJT is still in his first 100 days. He's settling in. He's building his Administration. He's making friends. He's cleaning out the closets. He's doing diplomacy. Everything you and I are seeing in the news is an echo of an echo.
Stay tuned.
And ultimately, he's going to have to make decisions that are expedient to his office -- that means potential unpopularity in the "image" of why we think we put him there. Again, stay tuned.
He's a good man, and he's smart.
>Pointless hypothetical
Assad is whiter. Trump is again whiter than you.
WWIII will be fought on the backs of taxpayers. If the government can't afford enough bombs to throw away, they'll just force money from the middle class.
how has he betrayed me
The core base of Sup Forums doesn't care about Trump, Assad, Hillary, etc. Pol is a board of peace and surf boarding dogs. The only faggots that post pro-anti Trump/Assad/Clinton/etc. are usually shills, bots, T_D faggots, or Stormfags.
Ok: He intervened in unnecessary foreign affairs, violating the NAP, sucking tax money dry, and potential involving us in shit that we could have avoided if we didn't do anything in the first place.
What's next, fighting Palestine in our next proxy war?
>Trump betrayed us when he bombed Syria
>implying all of Sup Forums takes part in the /sg/ circlejerk
Assad is nothing but a sand nigger who looks like Sid the Sloth. Had he actually been a competent ruler like his father, the Syrian civil war would have never happened.
>1 post by this ID
>If x then y, checkmate z
Sage all slide threads.
I still drink from my trump mug
I don't think this WWIII meme is very entertaining. World wars were a 20th century thing. It won't happen again.
I'm not even a Trump fan but what's so bad about one little missile strike? If he didn't play ball with the establishment at all they'd just block everything he wanted to do like they'd been doing so far.
>actually being this completely cucked
Did you guys let your girlfriends cheat on you in high school with Tyrone too?
>lying about use of chemical weapons
>pushing hard for the ousting of assad
it might be in """"america's interest"""" but most people realize what cancer (((america))) has become
>had big chief obongo and friends not spent millions destabilizing the middle east, the Syrian civil war would have never happened.
I bet you're an isis sympathizer too you faget
>It won't happen again.
That's a bold claim.
Anyway. We're fighting a proxy war that is not in the interests of the American people. It's unnecessary.
>If he didn't play ball with the establishment at all they'd just block everything he wanted to do like they'd been doing so far.
literally Hillary supporter-tier thinking.
>Well herpy der dur of course Hillary takes bribes and makes fake promises to the public that's part of politics silly
go back to your subreddit and discord faggot
His foreign policy disappoints me but ironically pleases the masses of idiots
I still like the way he is tearing up the federal government
> If Tyrone fucks your girlfriend, you win
The American government is very manipulative.
I heard that Russia is our greatest ally here in the United States
literally hillary-tier politics
>Hillary Clinton called for Donald Trump to 'take out' Assad airfields hours before air strikes
8 more years baby
>tearing up the federal government
...by inserting his own globalists.
>hiring freeze
>stopping the EPA and and department of energy regs
>removing all the gay agenda shit
>increasing NASA funding
>decreasing funding for NPR and other shit
>cabinet leaders that are actively trying to shrink their departments
This stuff alone is worth having trump
Not a mention
>endles butthurt frim entrenrched intersts
>regime change in syria is not in our interests
have you forgotten what the fucking petrodollar is?
that's not it
>failed to repeal obongocare
>welching on all his promises
>ousting bannon
>filling his cabinet with goldman kikes
>golfing as (((jared))) runs the government
They would have never had the opportunity to. It's a given that competing powers will be looking to destabilize your country. A dictator kidnapping and mutilating teenage boys who protest over a water shortage isn't.
PUTIN 2020
>>stopping the EPA and and department of energy regs
yeah, let's let his (((friends))) destroy our environment and beautiful nature for their financial gain, what a great thing
You have to go back
xD upboated fellow pede #awoo :D
Again, you have to go back
the rest of the world is getting real sick of your shit. russia could feasibly defend syria single-handedly + get revenge if they wanted to. what are you going to do about it, put sanctions on them? lol
The environment has literally ever been better at this point the regulations are just stifling they aren't helping the enviroment.
Most regs help companies from having to compete with startups and at elitteraly written by corporate lobbyists.
The EPA regulations as they exsist right now are not what helps the enviroment
russia would last about a week, in a war against the united states.
meh, I only memed for him to stop the witch...
RIP Vile Rat!
We always knew he had a jewish problem, just kinda sad he seems to be influenced by the media whilst knowing how corrupt they are.
>didn't institute martial law pending the massive corruption investigation needed
nothing of value was lost
Betrayal hurts.
oops forgot to finish muh counter signal meme
you guys are retarded
he sold us out
stop defending him
there's nothing objectively morally wrong with wanting to see a man have sex with your wife.
>trump bombs an evacuated airfield with minimal damage done
>base operates as if nothing happened
>says we're not going into syria
>people throwing out Sup Forums terms and slurs everywhere desperately trying to fit in
really get's your noggin joggin
I've been on 4 _ch0n /new/ since 2010 you stupid fuck
you the_cuckold redditors are the ones trying to fit in. and you are unwelcome.
Fuck off reddit
>Bombing Syria
lol, fuck sand people.
Le ebbin trash man basically proved that the EPA has been corrupt as shit for years. It needs to be remade.
>YES, goy, YESSS! More destabilization! Create MORE refugees! MORE wars for Israel!!!!!!!!
I voted for him just because of scotus.
I am completely satisfied.
>muh Lion of Damascus
>muh protects Christians
>muh false flags
Fuck off
It's ok user. Let it all out
>being loyal to some foreign sandnigger dictator and his Russian puppetmaster instead of your own country
>turning on someone because they did one thing you don't like
drumpf btfo right?
Fuck off, Shariablue. Sageeeeeeeed.
Gorsuch alone is worth it
I'm just enjoying a nice taco bowl and giggling like a retard watching all this unfold.
>pulling an oldfag card
Thanks Jesus this place does not have an account system, or fags like you would be running around with their 10K+ posts and 1K+ karma
umm, hi
Diva Brock looks like a DMV lady with a short fuse
Not an argument
I browsed reddit the other day after T_D raided and decided to check our r/MAT seeing as i've been called a shill from there multiple times and they were having a conversation of how the_donald were cuckolds, made a lot of sense.
>Vote for him because he's a dynamic strategic genius
>Betrayed because he keeps being strategic and dynamic
I fail to see literally anything wrong with this.
bottom right looks like Green Day's drummer
Go fucking gas yourself, race traitor TRS shill.
how's that jewish cock taste?
No Clinton ever again
Listen up reddit 15 year old fags
enough of this
>le god emperor
>muh 200 D bingo
Supporting any politician - *instead of the policies we elect them to enact* - is idol worship.
Politicians are our employees, and it's up to us to manage them...or "You're fired."
Supporting Trump - and not the policies we elected him to enact for us - is as dangerous as "I'm With Her." It's as ludicrous as being the CEO of a business and saying "Even though he's not doing what I told him to do, I support Abe in accounting."
There has clearly been a coup, a takeover of the US gov't by globalists and the Deep State. This means we, all of us, must work together to retake control of our government. The forces working against us, against all humanity, are both powerful and utterly ruthless. Don't for a moment think they have any intention of doing anything that's in our interest - or even letting us live, if our death is better for them. Read the archived threads about (((Kushner))) and his messianic apocalyptic Zionist cult for why this isn't just a quibble over policy. This is a battle for the future of humanity.
And since Trump has either been MKULTRA'ed or was their mole to begin with, the globalist shills will now be just as hard with "SUPPORT TRUMP" and "ATTACKING TRUMP IS UNAMERICAN" as they were trying to "SUPPORT HILLARY" and "TRUMP IS HITLER."
Don't support *any* politician. Support America, and your fellow Americans.
We are not fucking dogs, so shut the fuck up with this loyalty bullshit.
Mike Enochberg, is that you? How's your Jewish wife you obese faggot? Go beg for more shekels.