You guys realize that if NK nukes USA, its going to hit California, right?
Is Kim /ourguy/? Will he finally sink Commiefornia into the dirt ? Why shouldn't we be totally okay with this?
You guys realize that if NK nukes USA, its going to hit California, right?
Is Kim /ourguy/? Will he finally sink Commiefornia into the dirt ? Why shouldn't we be totally okay with this?
>kim nukes Cali
>millions of degenerates die (I don't like using that word since it's overdone, but it fits)
>USA assrapes NK
>installs Jewish puppet
Two large groups of commies die, win-win
Nukes can't hit USA and we're not going to war with them anytime soon.
They dont have the capability to put a nuclear warhead on a missile idiot.
You realize that they can hardly get a working missile....
U R fearmongering TURDSLURPER!
>impling NK can even hit something
You're retarded
If nukes were to be used, it would likely be a very small
They aren't known to have miniature warheads required for ICBMs, but their submarines may or may not be able to deliver a warhead anywhere on the coastal U.S.
i want blood we need war
Digits confirm!
Submarines have nukes don't they?
All the liberals that survive will move to texas.
>California, Seattle, Portland, Hawaii
I literally cannot see a loss anywhere. I hope he hits Japan for nuke number three just for the lulz.
They won't nuke anything, my cum can go further than their missiles.
Thanks for giving chuckles...
If anything it would hit alaska
Haven't you seen the threads about the sub hunters off LA? A NK sub is just going to go Divine Current on it.
China just told NK to sit down and shut up.
There will be no war.
>no more episodes of trawlermen
>nuking our country
gas yourself you fucking faggot
Slit your wrists
It's just like a WW3 nuclear armageddon, on a personal level
submarines of countries that aren't stuck in the 60s yes,
what did the fatty strap it to, dolphins? cause it sure cant fly....
Who knows man, NK is now a cornered rat, and cornered rats lash out. Don't think they'll try and go for US, if anything they'll go for SK
They are just going to nuke japan, if anything. Their missiles only have range for that
>mfw Japan doesn't do anything and becomes the only country in the world to get Nuked thrice
you have to go back...
I live just south of San Francisco. I. Ready. Let's do it.
Kim could single handedly wipe out the homeless, hippie, antivax, antigmo, sanctuary city, and liberal douche techie "disruptor" Mecca saving humanity.
Kek Japs become the Nuke capital of the world
In seriousness what would happen if NK nukes SK? In what position or stance will China take if that does occur?
NK is believed not to have the capability to hit the continental US with a nuclear warhead. If anything The Carrier Strike group would shoot it down with Aegus anti missile if it even gets off the ground
China wouldn't risk a U.S. Economic retaliation. They would side with us.
>Cali fag here
Not a bad way to go. NK pls hit LA
>USA pokes NK beehive
>NK nukes west coast leftist shitholes to ashes along with the majority of welfare leeching illegal beaners and a huge population of criminal blacks
>republican victories assured for a generation
17D tiger electronics wristwatch battleship
It'd be amazing. Yeah, millions will be vaporized instantly, but we will get a lot of threads, shitposting and be able to watch Sup Forums implode with "pray for your waifu!" threads
>Nk hit cali
>Trump declares war on Nk with huge support from the west coast.
>Wins reelection with a landslide from the coast.
Screen cap this
North Korea doesn't have the tech to put their nukes on missiles
There's no risk of America getting nuked
God knows that would suck but I'd lose my sides if Japan gets it again, desu.
>Why shouldn't we be totally okay with this?
s h a d i l a y
Just put it to your head and pull the trigger.
Sorry, America can't handle the number of body bags required to finish the Korean war.
Kim is still a commie, and believe it or not, nuking us would mean the end of the world
We have submarines that can shoot projectiles out of the sky. You think this is the 1950s?
digits confirm, OP is a faggot.
They might actually be able to hit Alaska
Calirepublicans look at your comrades wishing death upon you. You truly are the worst cucks.
Norks don't have nuclear weapons. This is just Western propaganda trying to undermine the success of racial homogeneity and socialism.
DPRK fries Cali?
Too good to be true, wouldn't keep my hopes up on that one.
Do we really want a refugee crisis of Californians leaving the state in a mass exodus away from the fallout?
We do realize that and what you need to realize is that this is all part of Trump's 4D plan
>Cali gets nuked
>now have excuse to smash NK
>takes 24 hours
>diplomatic ties with China and for that matter all of Asia strengthened like never before
>world cheers this triumph
>lefties are BTFO as Trump has crushed a totalitarian regime that has frustrated the world for decades
>meanwhile his major opposing voter base has been vaporized
>who would be stupid enough to run against him in 2020
>election is just a formality
MFW two-term president
Finally we can be rid of pesky businesses like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and SpaceX.
If he hits south Commiefornia so based Washington and Oregon are safe then sure. Probably gonna be DC though.
If you really think that they are gonna be able to float some shitstain diesel sub all the way across the Pacific to be in range, you're insane
>inb4 diesels are super quiet
In shallow water, perhaps, but they certainly aren't up to the challenge, trust me
Would NK submarines be able to get in firing range of DC or only the west coast?
>lefties are BTFO as Trump has crushed a totalitarian regime that has frustrated the world for decades
Yeah CA is a real problem, we need to do something about them.
Would Fukushima technically count as one?
yes but seeing a turd world army getting curbstomp in a conventional war is always fun
What is EMP you non military inclined ass hat
We dont spend 13 trillion a year on defense so some rice nips can throw 1950s DIY nukes at us.
To get from NK to DC you'd have to go through the Panama Canal, the Suez canal and Straits of Gibraltar, around South America, or around Africa
Yeah, no, not gonna happen
>NK nukes even hitting Japan
OP is a tard.
You may hate California
But California is an American powerhouse
It has the gdp in the trillions
And is as big economically as France
Losing California would be a bad deal for America
Good fuck California
i live in alaska.. our air defense is fairly good. practically nothing to worry about
Nevada user here. Does this mean we get to watch the fireworks?
*only country to be nuked at all
How tall is he? How big is his cock?
NK could have help from COMMIES,
Didn't they want to secede anyway?
Yeah so that would be four nukes
can it hit san francisco? i'm close enough to where it won't kill me, but still be a light show
You guys do realize California contains the second biggest port in the United States?
You also realize how much shit California produces for the rest of the country that would die out due to radiation right?
>hurr nuke the lefties
they'd destroy our economy
you realize all your shit-tier comic book movies will also evaporate. right?
found the shill
That faggot can't even nuke the sea reliably. If he nukes Commiefornia, nothing of value is lost. I don't see a downside.
Guam, Alaska or Hawaii WAYYYYY before the West Coast. If and only if he can get South Korea, Japan or China FIRST!
By then though, the northern Peninsula will be glassed to shit.
they are gonna nuke themselves
just watch
God, this would be glorious.
You have to go back.
Until it sinks in the ocean... then based Arizona will be the second biggest port.
This is true.
I would prefer to see them lose statehood, but remain a US territory kinda like Puerto Rico.
They get no voting rights but still have to render to Caesar for protection.
How am I a shill?
I'm trying to be realistic you dumb twats
still don't care
We would launch counter missiles from Hawaii and California and it would blow up over the Pacific long before ever reaching our EEZ.
You do understand that we have bases in SK and Japan for a reason right? We track the Nork airspace and if anything launched we would know about it soon enough to launch a defense and counter offensive.
>doesn't want California to be nuked
>not a shill
get the fuck out of here
I don't want California to be nuked because It would absolutely destroy our country economically you dipshit
>See submarines.
Who gives a fuck? Fuck California.
>Who gives a fuck
I guarantee you will after it happens
Cali being nuked potentially puts your SSI at risk, bud.
DPRK has access to commercial ships, they could easily sneak a nuke into a U.S. port and detonate it that way.
>mfw in gold miners
>gold will spike due to nuclear threat even
>will make lots of money on dirty spics and worthless hipsters dying
See? The leaf gets it.
>They are just going to nuke japan, if anything. Their missiles only have range for that
Holy fuck, what if Taimanin Murakami dies?
What if the nuke disrupts the hentai industry?
>boomers and hebrews collude to turn west into 3rd world labor camp
>millennials and gen Z cut off from the economy, no investments, no good jobs, cant afford house, cant afford car, real wages dropping our entire lives
>niggers, spics, arabs, gooks flooding in
>expect us to protect your high speed usury slave economy
no thanks moshie, I hope there is a crippling depression