Women are better coders than men! The only reason they don't do better is because sexists like you say they can't.
Women are better coders than men! The only reason they don't do better is because sexists like you say they can't.
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is this le satire?
women have still done nothing of note in tech. funny isn't it?
they haven't created anything, haven't founded any big companies. how strange
that's how you spot reddit tier programmers
The CEO of Yahoo is a woman, you bigot
she was, and she did shit
didn't answer the question though, did it? i'm talking, what have women created, what companies have they founded? not taken over and ran into the ground
Man that wasn't hard, I just googled "tech companies founded by women" and all these results popped up, how weird is that
I never said women couldn't code, literally if they want to code they can code. I don't give a shit.
hahha, a load of shit no-one has ever heard of
meanwhile, on the men's side, their is Apple, Microsoft, Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook
Someone post the fast inverse square root one
some faggot cited this study during a speech at my company, which prides itself on diversity. he pretty much lost the entire audience within 15 seconds and dropped the entire topic. people are getting tired of this shit.
Nothing recent of note, but there were a number of women instrumental in creating early programming languages, including FORTRAN and COBOL.
I don't have an image, but here's the code with original comments:
float Q_rsqrt( float number )
long i;
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;
x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed
return y;
Shit I forgot it mangles consecutive whitespace. Anyways you get the idea.
SlideShare is the only notable entry..
Even then, it isn't anything comparable to Google or Facebook.
>list of no name companys
>half of them are based around feminism
holy shit, that is kind of sad.
Huh, women seem to be great at everything nowadays! I think we men should just sit back and let them do all the work! Male employment is just another form of systemic sexism, after all. I say we make EVERY programmer female!
>The researchers then queried whether women were benefiting from reverse bias – the desire of developers to promote the work of women in a field where they are such a small minority. To answer this, the authors differentiated between women whose profiles made it clear that they were female, and women developers whose profiles were gender neutral.
Do these people actually think that people approving code look at the people's profiles who wrote it to decide if they want to approve it or not?
Also, there are less women coding than men. So the total amount of code written by men is much greater than the total amount of code written by women, comparing the rate at which their code is approved has no meaning when the sample sizes for the two sexes is so different.
Finally, I would make the assumption that a large percent of male coders on github are self-taught, while an overwhelming majority of female coders on github went to some form of education for coding, which would result in better code for them as a group.
>not peer reviewed
It's a selection bias anyway since they were only able to determine the gender of about 35% of the pull requests.
Yea partiarchy though
As someone who is terrible at programming and hates programming (IT student) as far as I am concerned the women can have programming.
coding is so easy monkeys do it.
Jesus fucking christ. This one gets me every time.
Wtf does this nerd shit even mean. Do I laugh at the woman or not
>less women in the industry
>those that stick around are more likely to be more invested than hobbyist men
>surprised that they do better than men on average
Now if they compared actual professional level people with this then it would dip back in favor of men.
mass effect andromeda
thread closed
nice b8 7/10
As an engineer who works with code and actual programmers all the time, this makes my fucking blood biol
Why do you study IT if you suck at and hate programming?
I get high marks in all my classes including my programming courses. It's the only degree I think I can complete with out rock bottom marks.
But you won't be able to work in the field unless you can do something related. Do aussies have unemployment bucks?
Friendly reminder this exists:
but user, muuh ada lovelace...
>tech companies founded by women
top kek
Maybe they should program dishwashers now.
Nigger, you're wrong objectively. But still a handful of prominent figures doesn't really make the situation better. Men did more for programming.
>Men did more for pretty much anything there is
Even women stuff, like inventing vibrators (because they were fucking horny all the time, while their husbands had enough of their shit...), that's how fucking useless they are :DDD
Writing code is perfectly attuned to the autistic male brain, women are no good at it, why does feminism try & steal what little we have left ?
>college degree = better coding ability
Women force their way into every male hobby looking for attention.
>looking for attention.
Well, that's what they do...
they think it's easy way for a white collar job, just like all the normies and pajeets
>meanwhile, on the men's side
Are you insinuating that all men can take credit for the accomplishments of a few? Almost as pathetic as stormniggers claiming the accomplishments of whites.
It's supposed to make ugly, fat, pizza-faced virgins like you who think they're geniuses angry.
straya wit tha shittiest of posts
women and indians are horrorific coders
fuck 4 chan i had to do 4 verify things in row fuuukkkk
its said she stole that shit
dude you love the cock sayin shit like that to bros
that place got taken over by SJWs a few years ago
>(a > b && b < a)
> laughing at poor victims of terminal brain cancer
> argument
and every one of them founded and/or controlled by kikes
>they assumed that coders would be prejudiced against code written by women.
>Their "research" then proves this claim
Since logic is both a staple of science and coding, this is already a poor showing. Confirmation bias leading to bullshit conclusions is a fucking hallmark of leftist politically driven studies like this and is in no way scientific.
Microsoft, Apple, Twitter.
The guys algorithm returns the square root of a number and it is optimised so that it is fast. It's not easy to read or understand because it is a complicated algorithm.
The girl wrote an algorithm to return the higher of 2 numbers. Her algorithm is very basic, yet very badly written, could be done much more simply and she put retarded comments all over it.
what % of women are engineers again?
I mean if we jus tlimited women to nto having kid unless guy says yes wilingly you could fix society FAST
esp combined with 0 welfare capitalism
>women have still done nothing of note in tech
This bitch created the biggest con game in tech history. So there's that.
This can't be real....
But she didn't get away with it and lost everything.
Could you imagine their source code? Most of the file would be full of inane comments.
// Tee hee I'm a programmer too :)
I checked again to see what you were talking about
I wish I didn't...
Ahah hAHhahhah HAHhAHha hHAH hAH hA
what their obsession with women coders? Is that the final step in the jew plan?
My aunt is a coder. She worked for NASA on the shuttle program until the Challenger explosion when half of NASA got lay-off, then she went to work for the DoD. These bitches in OP are a joke and disgrace to real women everywhere.
>Is that the final step in the jew plan?
No, no.. what are you thinking? There's more to come! Much more!
Girls can code. I'm a woman and I got back from a job interview today where I was asked to write a solution to the classic FizzBuzz problem; this is the solution I presented. I was told that I should come back for another interview.
Programming is like Sup Forums. It's something that (((they))) simply cannot subvert because it requires a way of thinking that cannot be subverted.
Those all seem like preexisting ideas. #3 is basically angies and craigs list.
Women are smarter than men and stronger than men. We get it, Jews. For fuck's sake.
Go ahead and work for a living while men NEET it up and see how much I care. Feminists have spent nearly 40 years now telling men that they are inferior to women in the media and educational system. Now that we're dropping out en-mass or simply working unskilled jobs, feminists start writing articles about how men need to start being "men again."
Are we inferior to you or do you want us to take the lead? Make up your fucking mind, you lesbian kikes.
> if (a > b && b < a)
Please tell me this isn't real
That function be done comprehensibly in 2-3 lines
if (a < b) return b;
else return a;
If someone reading your code couldn't understand that then they don't know what they're doing
It's seriously amazing how much money she fleeced from people by just having a vagina in the tech industry.
She hasn't been killed or gone to prison yet so she is doing pretty damn well all things considered. And it wouldn't surprise me if she somehow still managed to walk away with a few million from idiots
Can't you make this much easier by using modular arithmetic, an if statement for when mod3 and mod5 return as 0s, and when both are, and all else is as their regular number?
i think they even stated too that the women involved were more likely to hold degrees than men.
the cheese grater is a nice touch.
?| In before its a drane not a cheese grader kys
I'm in CS.
Women are not better coders.
Especially in the lower divisions. Oh my god. They didn't even understand loops.
>why do guys make things so much more complicated for no reason
>on the men's side
jewish side***
I understand loops. I might suck at everything else. But I can get stuck in an infinite loop. Lol.
Wtf is that garbled shit?
t. Binary search cuck
So if the two numbers are equal, it returns 5? Which could be one of the two numbers, so it'd give an inaccurate result?
There's still a problem if both variables are the same. In her code it would return 5.
Because IT ain't fucking programming. It's managing a fucking box in a server farm for some large corporation.
You ever see the episode of Silicon Valley where their software was going to be turned in to a box and placed in a server rack. Then they go to the location and see two paltry locations in a multitude of similar boxes in a warehouse? That location is what IT people manage. No programming, no nothing. You respond to outages and test signals and shit. They're paid sums of money to sit on their ass and monitor fucking boxes.
It's bitwise operations that manipulate the memory addresses storing the number.
It's hacker magic that fucking works better than running a basic sqrt(...) function. Most of the time you see this type of shit on enterprise systems that require heavy math calculations or in games because you can't be running square roots (or you'll see squared functions to avoid the sqrt).
>That function be done comprehensibly in 2-3 lines
One, actually
>return a > b ? a : b;
Yes, this is an error in her code.
youre just as stupid as she is
yes, returning '5' would be retarded and confusing for a use, but
>Which could be one of the two numbers
if it returns '5' because a==b, and if one of the two numbers is '5', then the other number inputted must be '5' too...
Real women break past the expectations put before them.
The problem is, they're not real women;
They're feminists.
Except it returns 5 regardless of what the two numbers are.
You're correct in that if both numbers are equal (and you're looking for the bigger of the two), then it doesn't matter which one you return.
But in her code, it'll return 5 even if both are 12.
Yeah, but if it was 1 and 5 and returned 5, you wouldn't know if it was because 5 was bigger or that the two numbers were equal.
Alright, autists. Argue about meaningless code on your own time. No one is impressed you've pointed out an obvious error in a meaningless piece of code. No one would use that function over using the basic Math.min or Math.max functions.
An user many moons ago posted a bunch of pics like this
did anyone save them?
I want to nut down her throat.
This shouldn't even be a function.
#define max(X,Y) ( ((X) > (Y)) ? (X) : (Y) )
True, and even the original example could be dibe on one actual line. Either way you're doing one comparison only
Stop getting buttfrustrated over this.
This isn't about women genuinely caring about claiming superiority over men, it's the usual rundown of female narcissism working with corporate and government power to get roasties free jobs at your expense. Nothing new here.
>/*else return 5 because I'm so random yay
fucking kys