Syria fags BTFO

Syria fags BTFO

>muh false flag
>muh fake news
>muh neocon
>muh 4 dimensional chess

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>Syrian experts
>Mexican intellectuals

Putin himself dropped the bombs

Sorry no battery brb

>"I never had a private server." says senior US official.


dafuq does it matter if it was a false flag or not?

US intel who has been lying to everyone's face for 4 months miraculously tells the truth about something that we agree with

>intelligence community

Does anyone believe a word these fucks say at this point?

/sg/ should just be removed from this board once and for all. Absolutely cancerous. Where else on Sup Forums do you find people unironically defending Muslims and saying Arabic shit like Allah sou bashar or whatever the fuck they say

>syrian experts


No shit. You think Mattis or Tillerson would fall for a false flag?

>us bombs syria everytime there is a chemical attack
>israel drops chemical bombs in syria, blames assad
>us bombs syria

What does Putin get out of backing Assad? I never understood their relationship

nigger BTFO

Trump admin trusts it, if you don't then you don't trust Trump admin. If you don't trust Trump America is fucked.

Hrm. Sounds familiar.

You fags should read this and then comment on the issue.

>government will pay
>can't even pass a bill with three majorities

>>>>>d chess
try 378d time traveling quantum hyper hover chess

It's omega D pin the nose on the rabbi

Weak Syria = Weaker Iran

Saudi-Qatar pipeline would cripple Russia.

name them and give actual proof

this reminds of me how they had recordings of putin ordering the his secret rebel agents in ukraine to shoot down the passenger jet

>put literally got on the phone and called them and told them to kill those people on that airplane. we got evidence. trust me. my dad works for nintendo i know the truth

Oil you mong

>First they said they had "observers at the scene"
>Then they said look at the "credible open source reporting" from the scene.
>Then they they said, but muh "significant body of pro-opposition social media"
>Then they had turkroach doctors vouching for sarin.
>Then UK stepped in and said their doctors confirmed.
>Now they have a recording which they haven`t released.

Honestly, how fucking useless is our Intelligence that they keep inventing newer shit to convince people to repeat 2003

ooh I found these intercepted transmission under the couch!

proxy shills BTFO

>Honestly, how fucking useless is our Intelligence that they keep inventing newer shit to convince people to repeat 2003
I think they don't really dare to this time. They know all too well that nobody believes their lies any more.

Port in the Mediterranean. Also stops a natural gas pipeline from gulf states to Europe from being built (Russia exports gas).

>knew Sarin attack was coming
>didn't try to stop it

realistically why wouldn't Tillerson fall for a false flag? is he suddenly experienced in anything other than the oil business?

>Trump admin trusts it, if you don't then you don't trust Trump admin

No, if I don't trust it, it means I don't trust it.

It doesn't mean I don't trust him. These are not mutally exclusive concepts.

Did they fall for Libya and Iraq?

Oil and a counterweight to Turkey and Iraq. There's also a naval base there.

Depends who sources their info.

If it's something like bellingcat (whose assessment was 100% based off of nothing but White Helmet accounts) then we're fucked.

Same intelligence agencies that claims trump is a Russians puppet #fakefuckingnews, nice try cia.

> "US Official" aka "Anonymous Sources"
> Propaganda Heartstring pulling Image

They are not even trying anymore with how obvious they are with this shit.

It's WMD's + Incubator Baby's + the 2013 Chemical incident. bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

oldest tricks in the book

Israel created fake transmissions like that to get the US to bomb Libya the first time back in the 80s



no argument

You would be amazed how dissonant they are.

We've been pretty good at playing dumb the past few years.


>no link
you expect me to believe this?

>Trusting anything America says


> arguing with a retard

uh yea no thanks fag

That's even worse.
They could have stopped it but Trump needed his dead babies to bomb Assad.

yeah... you're probably right, burger.

>you are an asshat: the post

a fucking smug anime pic could do better

>implying any of this is true

>They could have stopped it but Trump needed his dead babies to bomb Assad

Are you fucking braindead dude?
Trump didn't want to bomb Assad.
If this shit is all true, and Assad really did do this, then literally fuck Assad.

We could have had a sweet coallition against ISIS.

All he had to do was not use gas attacks.


>You think Mattis

He loves a fight and doesn't care for the justification. He practically admits this.


Just a pawn of Trump, who cares what he thinks?

Are you fucking retarded man?
Trump wants to please Israel.
Pleasing Israel means hurting Assad.

We could have had a sweet coalition.

All he had to do was not bomb the people fighting them.

Look I want to believe we aren't full of shit here, but where's the proofs?

just as always, i dont really give a shit.

Generally trying to have regimes friendly to Russian interests in the region around Russia.

Why bother posting unless you hope others will sympathize with your projection of apathy?

>We could have had a sweet coallition against ISIS.
and there's the motive/reason. Someone, someone, someone didn't want Trump getting any closer to Assad/Putin. Draw Assad as a monster, and the Doland can't really associate with him, if it's true or not. Simple as that.

>There may be a chemical weapons attack at some point, we should prepare for that
>It happens

>IF all this shit is true, and Assad REALLY DID do this

You sound like a news anchor right now.

Not to mention the US funded ISIS for a reason.

>Senior US officials
(((US officials)))
oyyyyyyy veeeeeeeey!!!!!

Fuck off.
Yeah Trump is friendly towards Israel, but literally a week ago he was saying he didn't give a fuck about if Assad stayed or went. He basically said, no regime change needed. live and let live, and then (assuming it's true) Assad pulls this fucking bullshit and does the one and only thing we and every nation on earth agree is unacceptable by using gas attacks, he fucked us. He fucked everything could that could've been. Trump has to fucking do something, or he would've been destroyed politically.

If if if if if if if if if if

(((Senior))) US official

It's a codeword.

They never make any of this shit public just like the Russia hacks, because it can be debunked by actual experts

Here's a report by leading MIT chemical weapons expert who says the American narrative is full of holes

fuck off 1 post nigger

¡CARAMBA! Señor US Official has struck again! ¡Ayyy dios mio!

>assuming it's true
This is how women view politics.

fake news
alternate facts

>uploaded by RT America
nice try, shill

I agree this is what (((they))) want.

But if Assad literally did it, then wtf is Trump supposed to do? He can't just ignore it.

I've been defending Assad for days now because I saw no evidence he did anything wrong, and he would have literally no motive.

But if he did it, then he is literally the stupidest motherfucker in the entire world.

He's still a neocon even if it was real though.

Fuck you dude.

I didn't think he did it, but if we literally have recordings of the Syrian military making plans to do it, then he did it.

>Muh unnamed official

What fucking logic is there in attacking a civilian target late in a war you are on the verge of winning, with a chemical weapon that will inevitably outrage the international community?

There is literally 0 logic behind it, so everyone defaults to assuming it is another false flag (As there is a precedent for false flag gas attacks).

You probably believed Iraq had WMDs at the time too.

Get out bill, your show sucks.

I've heard similar claims before from the (((intelligence))) agencies.
>Saddam has WMDs goy, invade and defend isra- I mean defend the free world!

(((((((((((((((((SENIOR US OFFICIAL )))))))))))))))))))))))))

>US intel who has been lying to everyone's face for 4 months
t.butthurt TrumDumpster

Oh boy, it's the Yellowcake reports all over again.

Can't wait to hear more bullshit from the CIA.

>someone I won't say who someone intercepted communications I won't say who that said something about something I'll definitely say that

motherfucking CNN dude what is wrong with you?!

That would not hold up in court of law.

>But if he did it, then he is literally the stupidest motherfucker in the entire world.
In dubio pro reo. Ever heard of that? Yes? Now observe the media (played by the CIA). Assad did it. No questions asked.
Any other topic, and they are much more carefull. Funny, isn't it?

Fuck you fucking retards.
I've already said, I don't have proof.
I'm just saying ***IF*** he did do it, then he's a fucking retard, and deserves what he gets.

I still don't want to do anything to remove him, because fuck regime change, but you guys have to admit, that Assad basically fucks everything great we had going together if he did this. I mean it's literally pointlessly goading the world into hating you.

It's always the same. Same old, same old...

He's just evil. He was laughing and stroking his mustache the entire time "Nyah!"

US "Intel" also claimed there were WMDs in Iraq. If anything this has only come out after they've had more than enough time to falsify the communications.

This, 100%. But the gullible goyim fall for it when they see muh dead babies on TV...

only way I would believe Asaad had sarin gas was if Israel showed us the receipts from when they sold them.

>I'm just saying ***IF*** he did do it, then he's a fucking retard, and deserves what he gets.
Point is: that "if" is completely inappropriate. So stop it already. You don't walk the streets, yielling WATCH OUT THE NEIGHBOR IS A GOD DAMN COMMY - IF...(some whack story about shit). Please...

Wow it's almost like sandniggers living in a country that stockpiled chemical weapons hate other sandniggers and want to kill them with whatever means necessary

But of course not that would be illogical, the SAA and the SAF are all Highly Organized Elite Uber White Nationalist Soldiers taking orders from Hitler beyond the grave not to use gas attacks

Yes, he would have to be absolutely retarded.

It's a legit paper written by an actual chemical weapons expert working in MIT

RT just picked up the story and ran it

Pics or it didn't fucking happen

You don't know shit about the law.
I've seen spics go to federal prison on less evidence.
Just phone conversations about meeting at the time and place of a drug deal to "make the deal" was enough.

You don't know shit.

Dude. I fucking know the Media wants this war to happen. I know they're biased and in with the neocon neolib globalist expansion cabal.

But if he did it, then he did it, and it still fucks us all in the ass for no reason other than he wanted to be a cunt.