Fuck donald trump. putin is my president

i only voted for trump because putin wanted me to. that was the only reason. and now that trump has backstabbed putin, trump can suck my dick



Fuck off traitor. You are the worst kind of scum.

you act like that pic proves he's a jew or something. when heads of state go on diplomatic missions, they observe the local customs out of diplomacy. if he went to jamaica, he would've smoked a joint. if he went to norway, he would've worn black metal facepaint. if he went to sweden, he would've toweled sweat off his forehead with a black dick. it's just diplomacy

The only traitor is someone who helps a bunch of backwards goatfuckers.

i am a traitor. a turncoat. the fifth column. i could be anyone you know. young, old, male, female, black, white, latin, asian... your neighbor, your coworker, your friend, anyone. and when the time is right, i'll slit your throat for the russians. sleep well, my fellow american


maybe you're a jew for having pics of jews on your hd?

I agree.

I've got a Vepr with a Zenit scope and a stockpile of Brown Bear. Just say the word, Vlad.

shitty false flag

You can't get awayf rom the jews.

what faggots like will never understand is that i have no desire to "become russian." nobody trusts a traitor and they value loyalty more than americans do, so the russians would despise me even more than he does. i don't care. all i care about is seeing their vision for the world succeed and the american vision fail. that's worth more to me than my life

American proxy free from gov, nobody told pol

i live in the united states, retard. test my knowledge

Who was the first gay president?


Wrong, James Buchanan
Obama was the second Gay President


It's increasingly clear that the bad guys won the cold war.

The USSR was far from perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than the globalized ZOG corporatocracy that sprang up in its wake.

The country in which I live stopped being America a long time ago, and it's time to let this imposter state burn.


A manlet and a MOBSTER, you are worse than liberals at least they hide their willingness to suck soviet dick.



>USSR was far from perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than the globalized ZOG
What kind of special retard are you?

Soviet union was shit. HELL, ask any yuropoor to talk about their parents experience.

YUGOSLAVIA, CUBA, EAST GERMANY, BEST KOREA was subsidized. Ask the ones who didnt. ask Poland, Ukraine, rural Russia, Estonia,

t. john mccain

Sup Forums shilled for Soros



Putin will be leader of Earth Federation, sieg heil

soviets can diaf teebeeaych pham. it was a western jewish conspiracy againt holy russia. tsarist russia best russia


>won the cold war.
you know it wasnt an actual war right?


putin could still wig out and totally judo flip that dude in the face if he wanted to. that's what i call REAL ULTIMATE POWER!

that what i call 15 years of Kremlin brigade trying to convience you the guy is a badass. Nigger all the memes and shit were a PR campaign in pair with Best Korea levels of stupidity.

read a book nigger. i've read several books about putin and his badassery is no meme. when the berlin wall came down, he single handedly stood off an angry mob of germans on the front steps of the russian embassy armed only with a pistol. THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED