Trump is fucking up so bad. He stabbed you in the back like Bernie fuck over his supporters.
Trump is just a Zionist in disguise, just barely.
Trump is fucking up so bad. He stabbed you in the back like Bernie fuck over his supporters.
Trump is just a Zionist in disguise, just barely.
lose some weight you fat faggot, jesus you;re mentally ill and you can't run for president when you're stuck at home being 300lb NEET. Stop blaming jews for you being an obese fuck
Trump is merely a vessel for the red pill. We can use him to further our cause much more powerfully than we could have with a raging Hillary fanbase and media praising her every move.
And you still got fucked over by the Jews as you chase after a 30-year-old single mom because you are embarrassed to want a young virgin. Good riddance you AmeriFag.
nice projection of yourself faggot, does that cock taste good in your mouth?
my god, youre missing a chromosome.
>Da instead of the
>Cognitive Dissonant Trump Support
I agree with that, if Trump is really Red Pilled.
I'm not surprised Trump betrayed us. I was kinda expecting it.
Wow r/the_donald, blind faith sure is cool! Jolly gee willikers! I hope to be a badass like you in that pic!
gas this jew
Hello, fat man. How's losing weight going?
>He stabbed you in the back like Bernie fuck over >his supporters.
Good attempt at English.....
Bernie sanders was always a leftwinger in disguise
If you think Trump wasnt a zionist puppet before he even got elected you have a shit-tier of understanding this world..
The only reason i was happy he won, is that the political correct leftist finally lost one..
A victory for the politically incorrect.
You got fat, long time no see, time to consume a receptacle filled with the male sexual organs.
>Names son "Baron"
Baron is hebrew name...
like im gonna watch a video of some fat dude talking at me.
Wayne looks like a disgusting fat piece of shit. What can we do to help him. I genuinely want to help him out.
Maybe we can contact someone in his AA group and get them to stop by his trailer.
Is that you ?
>I'm so badass defending the neocon jew cuck on Sup Forums
Did someone seriously make this?
damn wayne you have gained so much weight in just a few months. jump in that pool and roll around in the cover and just let go
get off the stage you fat fuck