She must, it's France's last hope
Marine Lepen will win!!!
Btw, you can help her to win by linking the comment pic related on this video (just scroll down a little)
It's the top trend in France right now
The vidéo itself is more or less alt-right friendly, but the comment section has been raided by PC leftards and now they've got the top comments
The one on my pic is the highest non-leftist comment
This video will be viewed by millions of retarded teenagers just reaching vote age, it's important
>by linking
Kek wills it
>I heard you're not voting for Le Pen
>I'm here to kick your fucking ass
We're pulling for her, cheesebro.
Good luck. Save France, save your people. Even if Le Pen loses I still have faith in her because her voters are very young.
It will either be her or Mélenchon the full blown pro-Castro commie anyway
Vive La France! Je crois que cette election sera un tournant dans l'histoire et la politique francaise.
>France's last hope
France is beyond saving, faggot.
She will lose
F for France.
She will just go full cuck like trump if she wins, why bother.
>She will lose
Probably, but one can hope
Pour Macron on ne parle plus de MILF mais de gérontophilie
I feel like i'm greatly improving my French from reading these comments.
Trump made putin a cuck. lel
>14 votes
Le Pen will WIN!!!!
Yes, it's sad
The guy who makes this vid is most probably a Sup Forumstard and he dies his best to drop some redpill on normies, but they're so endoctrinated that the comments are full of whinning leftards or retards trying to convaince themselves he's merely trolling and not really "far right"
It's quite weird his "alt-right" channel became so popular despite how leftist the audience is
She's part of a "small" party and has opposed the system all her life
checked and checked
just checking in to do some checking of the checkables
Praises kek
Victory upon us
Did Geert use to be on that list?
I believe so. Outcome of that battle was not decisive victory, but it was a strong showing and we're in it for the war anyway.
Have a look at his message to turks just before the elections. Fell into Sup Forums's blind spot unfortunately.
It's a rapidly dwindling list.
Order of importance:
>Brexit: achievement unlocked, still underway
>France: if a moderate like MLP can get in, then it fundamentally shifts the power dynamics of the continent in the wake of the Brexit
>Germany: might as well give it a shot, but let's be honest; you might as well root for Sweden
Germany is gonna take a while since their in prosperity because of the E.U. They won't throw a shitfit until it collapses or the refugees attack even more
Many other E.U countries are starting to show populism in the wake of dwindling economies. If Le Pen does pull out of the E.U then it will collapse like a house of cards and Europe will be right back to 1933
The EU is about to die regardless of what happen
It will be either Lepen either Mélenchon that will win, and both hate the EU
In my personal vision for the future, it's good for Germany to retain the EU in order to buy time for a transition for whatever happens next. Priority there is to attempt a symbolic revolt against the caliphate invasion.
As long as it's France for France and a vision take advantage for more control over the EU then it should be good.
None of these has a chance of winning remotely close to that of Macron. EU will be alive and well till the German elections, at least.
Well, Mélenchon is a commie faggot that love immigrants, but at least he hate the EU
Literally no one supports Macron on the internet
I know France is full of old people that only watch TV and do not use the internet, but I'd be suprized if the difference was big enough for him to win
Stopping the immigrants should take higher priority I think. As you say, the EU is going to die anyway (or at least reform.)
Yeah, but lot of people live outside of major cities and dont realize how shit immigration really is
>Literally no one supports Macron on the internet
I'm doing exactly this right now
Of course Trudeau's on the list. If you vote for his rivals, he wins!
Checked and that's what makes the internet so important. There's no better way to see what's going on in a different part of the world or talk to the people who live there to try to find the truth.
But you're Brazilian
>Supporting Marine LeKike
>and not based Macron
Kek gtfo my board shill
I'll have my french citizenship in less than a decade, write that down! And pay your taxes so I can use your welfare pls
Sieg Heil!
Yeah, but most people need to see for themselves
Otherwise they think it's "far right propaganda"
Lel, maybe, but it'll be too late for Macron
Very true. I was on vacation with my family last year and when we got back in range to have cell phone service, I thought I'd check on Sup Forums to see what had been HAPPENING lately.
Turns out I was just in time for some streams of one of our major nigger chimpouts. Claims that blacks were chasing down whites in gangs just because they were white -- pretty disturbing idea. So I turned up the volume and watched it. My family became very interested to see what it was.
France after Macron will be just better, je m'en fous
>Checked and that's what makes the internet so important.
And places on the internet where *relative* free speech is still guarded. As soon as someone begins to decide what "hate speech" is, what is "trolling" and what is not, what is "offensive" and what is not, that all goes down the drain.
I came to Sup Forums for Sup Forums. i stayed for the discussion.
please.... it's HER TURN
Not yet
She won't win this time, next time maybe
Not for the faint hearted
Nice joke
Btw, I wish the elections had happened a year sooner
People have short memory, and the FN keep going down as time is passing since the Bataclan
Also, this piece of shit Mélenchon is jumping in the poll while two months ago he was nothing
Not sure if it's a strategy from the media or the truth, but it makes me sad the elections werent earlier
Gaze upon the true president of France, whore.
>Also, this piece of shit Mélenchon is jumping in the poll while two months ago he was nothing
>Not sure if it's a strategy from the media
I can only tell you about my state run media and the BBC. Of course France is almost never mentioned at all because they want people in the US to live in a bubble. But when they do mention your elections, the agenda is always clear:
>Le Pen is a horrible criminal racist who has no chance of winning, unpopular, and fails to promise frexit
>Candidate X is the rising star
>Oh wait candidate Y is the rising star
>Fug, well candidate Z is the winner this time
And of course they rarely even mention was wrong with X for Y to be the better choice, or what was wrong with Y for Z to be the better choice.
It's like our Republican primary elections. 17 people ran, and it became a game of trying to figure out which one could possibly beat Trump. So that tells me there is a lot of media strategy going on.
Fuck off with Justin Castro. Canada doesn't make the list until Kellie Leitch is pur PM.
Le Pen is like Hilary, and Melenchon is like Trump. Everyone discounts him, everyone thinks hes a joke, but he slowly, slowly gains on them...
Then on election day, he stomps Macron and Le Pen into the dirt and takes France on a path to a brighter future.
Eat shit and die faggot, France wont vote for someone that right wing, and even if they did, after how bad Trump is crashing and burning, and how much she is like him, she has no chance.
Its over, get used to a Melenchon presidency, its the future.
Seems doubtful. After that first round of debates they were all hanging of the dick of that one guy whose last name begins with an "A" and there was even an attempt to hype him up on Sup Forums in the days beforehand.
I think I saw him mentioned once or twice afterword, and now he's dropped like a hot rock. As if he had any market share to speak of beforehand. The whole media focus wasn't even about him but rather how Le Pen was worse in every way. 100% kike bullshit.
Well if hes forgotten, Le Pen is being shit on, and everyone knows Macron is a duplicitous piece of shit, then who does that leave?
The right choice, obviously.
>Melenchon is like Trump
Not really, Melenchon is like a more charismatic but less genuine Bernie (less genuine in that he's a freemason and probably not very honest about his beliefs).
And unlike Trump, the media are very complacent with him despite the fact he's anti-EU and identifies as a commie
>Le Pen is being shit on
As they said in WWII, you know you're over the drop zone when you're catching the flack.
Actually the messing that I've heard is that Macron is supposed to be the shoe-in because he's such a nobody that there isn't much obvious dirt on him. Kind of like Obama in that respect, perhaps.
>and takes France on a path to a brighter future
Not in skin color anyway
The only of his beliefs I know he really hold true is his love for mass-migration and his hatred for white Europe
Stay in your shithole, we're full. We got enough monkeys roaming the streets.
there's no doubt she's the right choice now
says the welfare-less burger negger