Ok which one of you did THIS
25 African-Americans thrown out of restaurant after a white woman complained of feeling 'threatened'
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Wow it wasn't a Red Lobster?
>walks into your restaurant
What do you do?
They were probably loud, annoying and obnoxious as all fucking hell
Fake news
That particular restaurant here has nigger issues and its about time they shitcanned them when they are being rowdy
t. charleston
So you missed all the videos of BLM activists interrupting breakfast with incoherent screaming and trying to provoke fights?
Does anyone buy that line about "waiting patiently"? I've walked out of restaurants because of black customers and it wasn't about safety. Away from the TV, real blacks do not have an indoor voice.
Refuse to accept EBT (food stamps).
Start handing out job applications. Niggers will clear out.
>25 niggers loitering for 2 hours
>making patrons feel threatened
>day racis n sheet
((((((((((Michael Brown))))))))))))))
Holy fuck they're at it again
Better than gypsies.
>splitting all entrees and moding composed plates
I mean, why?
>24 niggers surround you and start jumping up and down while barking like dogs
>instinct kicks in
gee, what a crime.
Reminds me of how in Myrtle Beach,SC they have a thing called Black Bike Week where hundreds of thousands of black people on motorcycles from all along the East Coast visit at the same time. Lots of business in town would traditionally close that week in response, but the NAACP sued and now they are all forced to remain open that week unless they have a legitimate reason like "maintenance" they are doing instead.
I ended up going there during it one time coincidentally and it was kind of cool actually, seeing all these ghetto hoes with their asses hanging out being driven around on all the freeways, and seeing 200 bikes in the parking lot of a Hooters, etc
It's viable. They also don't tip. My sister hates getting niggers in her restaurant. Fucking stinky, jewniggers.
The restaurant did the right thing.
Hop into my car, drive as far away as possible, let the restaurant foreclose, change my name, grow a beard and live innawoods
Why don't you tell your sister to get a real job, user.
I see no problem here. We all know how groups of niggers behave anywhere they go, let alone in restaurants.
Maybe she should stop being a failure in life and get a real job that makes money.
>oops lost my store in a boating accident.
25 fucking people! Jesus Fucking Christ just have a party a your place, you know they were going to tip shitty too. any group that big tips bad.
This reminds me why I like southerners.
North = faggots.
>as opposed to a fake job that makes mony
***Any black groups tip bad
>Group of 25 niggers
>Waited patiently for 2 hours
No one actually believes this, right?
This. Also, how can anyone but the most bluepilled of whites not feel threatened by a pack of niggers? Everyone even close to the south knows they attack in groups.
>Michael Brown
25 black people = a force against tipping so strong the waiter goes bankrupt.
Thank you for the clarification, sperglord.
P.S. That picture is you.
The Battle of privileges.
The waiter would actually get his other tips stolen.
>on Sup Forums
You fucker.
>a bunch of black people were waiting peacefully and just out of nowhere they were asked to leave
Yeah, I fucking doubt that. They were probably being extremely loud and obnoxious and were starting to get rowdy.
>yo nigga wut da fuck, why we be sittin here waitin
>AHAHAHAHAHA *obnoxious nigger laugh*
>look at all deez dum ass white folk HAH HAAAAAAAAAH
They would absolutely ruin the experience of everyone else in their section, so sadly this is true.
> the most bluepilled of whites not feel threatened by a pack of niggers?
Do you not realize that that's why they're extra nice to them, keep their mouths shut no matter what they say, and try so, so hard not to offend them?
>military police,check
I mean,what could go wrong
Not give a fuck. It's the waitress who is gonna get fucked over
And none of them would tip
These niggers run in packs like the fucking animals they are. No manners, no respect. I can just hear these fucking dindus and their boot lipped mouths running. Wheres the nearest curb!!?
I wouldn't want them in my restaurant either. They would come in being loud and obnoxious, they would piss off everyone around them, they would probably complain about the food and try to get it for free "Uhmmm....'scuse me mister, lemme axe you sumptin. I ordered this salad and it ain't go no currots. Can I talk to ur managooor?" AND THEN....they wouldn't tip.
>They also don't tip.
Confirmed, my fellow employees and I've never had any noticeable amount of tips (or sales, for that matter) from ANY of the niggers that come to shows at our venues.
Virtually none, ever.
To top it all off, they are louder than the show going on, rude to EVERYBODY else, pushy about getting drinks for cheap/free, half are one stepped on shoe from starting a wave of crowd violence, the other half are breaking shit for funnsies, and ever male is smoking any combination of cigarello/blunt/joint/kool indoors illegally.
I am the security manager on duty most shows at these places, and I run a standing order to shut a "blacks only" show down and boot everybody out if anything the staff doesn't like happens.
EVER time we have any such show, all staff involved tell the owner and general manager we won't work them again (security guys can't really avoid it, though), almost ever show is different or newer staff that are working them, then they claim some new act isn't going to be like before, but it do, and the shitcycle starts aaaall over again!
This city gets a LOT of castoff wannabe gangbangers who couldn't hack it in Chicago, too. So - that's fun!
Even a black waiter would refuse that table due to the fact that blacks don't tip. My sister got a second job working nights at Buffalo Wild Wings for a few months. Large parties of blacks was common. I don't know another 25 but let's say 10-12. They put tables together and then the wait staff would argue about whose section it was. This one group left my sister a $1 tip for a $300 bill. Her black coworker said he was surprised they left anything.
The black claimed blacks don't do math and can figure out 15% or 20% so they just don't tip but considering that it was common for blacks to order drinks and an appetizer and just leave without paying I just think it's because they're blacks. I want to know how those niggers even have credit cards.
I don't agree with tipping, user, but it's fact that they are the only ones who go there who literally do not tip a cent.
Wanna-be gangsters are worse than actual fucking nigger gangsters. Hard core nigger gangsters stay in their own neighborhood and when they do interact in public they have respect. Wanna-be gangsters feel the need to prove how tough they are and will start shit over nothing.
As long as they behave, for the most part we do nothing.
Once the 'black shit' starts, we tell them politely once to leave, and the second time we have to tell them anything it's "Leave or we are calling the cops for trespass".
95% of them leave after hearing the word "calling".
I worked at a restaurant as a waiter in college. This was in South Carolina (if it matters, most blacks are the same no matter where they are). I worked at Joe's Crab Shack, a place where black people loved to go.
I could post good stories all night but I'll just say that black people, when they all get together, especially at restaurants, turn into sub human scum (more so than usual).
They're absolutely awful customers. Loud, obnoxious, dirty, smelly...you name any bad thing and it'll fit. They ruin the experience for everyone. They steal plates, cups, utensils, and anything else they can fit in their pockets/purses that isn't glued or nailed to the table.
They throw food on the ground. Not just like a little bit falls on the floor on accident, it's like they purposely miss their plate. I sometimes wanted to go to one of their houses and secretly watch them eat to see if they actually act this dirty at home or not.
Good for this restaurant for kicking these shits out. A table of any black people, much less over 20, is awful. It's a disaster and the restaurant will end up giving half the food away to ghetto queen and king Felecia and Tyrone. Your server will be pissed because of the experience then get left no tip at all.
It's not my job.
My sister also makes a decent living doing it. More than $25 an hour with tips.
I don't agree with tipping, it's just a fact that niggers are just about the only ones who just don't do it. Ever
Sounds like fake news. Why would you even "complain about feeling threatened" in that situation? Why wouldn't you just leave? If you're a lone white woman and you're scared of 25 apes in a restaurant you LEAVE THE RESTAURANT, you don't get them pissed off by having them thrown out so they wait for you in the parking lot.
Fake and gay.
Also, I think there is a rule change that parties larger than 8 have 15% included in the bill now. This is called "the nigger rule"
I meant to post this one.
Call Darren Wilson to go a second round with Michael Brown.
They where probably being a extremely loud and voicing anti-white shit.
>bring up their 2 hour wait to evoke sympathy but instead cause everyone to realize that nobody in the pack of over two dozen niggers had the forethought to call ahead
That was roughly the reason for pointing it out.
>Michael Brown
He lives!
WHY are they all fucking fat? I thought black people are poor as shit
Free food, lazy, no job, watch TV all day, only eats junk, you name it they do it.
>showing up without prior arrangements when you're a party of 25
Zombie dindus
They're poor as shit because they spend all their gibs and money on gangsta clothes, chainz, and fast food. And the solution? More give, of course.
and get mugged
right before they skip out on the bill
>that one nigger with the white shirt who waits for the other niggers to break in, smash the glass, and do all the hardwork only to jump in real quick and grab everything before anyone else can.
it's like poetry.
OMG Aunt Tereca just died
I have heard that term too.
Or "raghead tax", "poo-in-loo tax", "frog tax" (for general euro trash, "china tax", you name it.
These fuckos come to this country and NEVER assimilate. Their offspring are taught not too, either.
Holy fuck South Africa is a crazy place.
Clearly a bad business owner. Those fat black people would eat and drink a ton. The only one to suffer would be the waitress who would have to deal with 25 subhumans and get 0 tip.
she must have been a racist if she didn't want to be in a restaurant full of animals
freshly converted webm btw, save for later nigger hate threads
Yeah a party of 20 is fucked up enough, with blacks I'd kill myself. The restaurant I used to work at we had a whole little league softball team show up of like 40 people and we kicked em out because it's just not something restaurants allow unless they are a chain.
They really aren't.
>founded by (((EZRA LEVIN))) and (((LEAH GREENBERG))) former democratic staffers
>Just disrupted a townhall they demanded to have with a Republican Congressmen, chanting and holding identical signs
Trump should have the Department of Labor track chronic no-tippers and launch civil rights lawsuits against black customers for not tipping.
refuse service
I can easily imagine what unruly cunts these no-tipping, trifiling niggers were
lol :)
Wow, it wasn't a Chuck E. Cheeses?
>Micheal brown
jesus it looks like africa.
>why mcdonalds furniture is bolted to the ground .WEBM
Yeah, "celebrating". I've heard that before. It means they were being loud drunk retards.
Most restaurants add gratuity to parties over certain size . This policy is made known to party before service.
Black people have HUGE obesity rates
But yes I wonder what the follow up to this story is because if you look at they were probably engaging in some serious ape culture shenanigans.
lol thanks for that
>group of 24 friends
why is every nigger gathering a fucking flash mob
This is all a fucking lie. The staff jsut didnt wanna fed 24 niggers 30mins before closing to not even get tipped. Fuck off niggers. NEXT STORY!
D'you think maybe they, I dunno, THREATENED her?
>leaving out the fact the group kept sexually harassing her
>waiting patiently
What did those poor chairs do to deserve such treatment
Prolly some racist ass chairs.
Is Rhodesian ridge back?
Mark up grape juice to $6 a can and add 300% gratuity to check for parties over 8