Christianity recognizes several kinds of love.
The love for your wife/husband.
The love for your family.
The love for your friends.
The love for humanity, the unfortunate, the poor, the elderly, the retarded, blind, destitute.
It's called agape.
I love everyone here. No lie. Every single one of you.
Christian Love General
I will leave my love agape for you
Love you too user.
I want to have consensual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation while holding hands with this girl.
Love you too user
So you love us due to us being retards right?
lol jk luv u xoxo
I'm not sure about the love of puns, but I love them.
How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten-ticles.
What is a thesauruses's favorite breakfast? Synonym buns.
Keep them coming, brother!
I sin all the time too. But little sins with good humor are a bit like love, if not love simply. Not going to judge anyone here.
To be honest, all the ChristChans do this, a nearly sexual attraction to Christianity. I'm still trying to understand it. Feels good though.
What about the love for your traps?
What's that called?
love you all, soo bleed for me anons.
[insert yandere pic]
Its because she loves a lot of men
God loves us all, user.
Silly Saudi. Are you in a western enclave or wahabbi or a secular arab? j/k it doesn't matter, I love you too!
Amen medical brother.
Open to interpretation but perfectly reasonable. Again, I'm trying to understand the draw myself.
and here i trought that criss chan was not a bitch.
She's only "mass-producing" white children.
Also,wow...this thread is filled with so much love,how often does this happen in 4ch?
muslim female for 4 years here
redpill me on christianity, im interested in all religions to learn about them
Also remember and take heart in the fact that loving someone =/= liking someone!
One thing I realized early on is that bantz are a type of love. Trying to make each other laugh, for what? And when excellent bantz are dropped, an avalanche of love.
Easter is coming, I hope everyone has time to celebrate it. Not really on 4/20 but I love the picture.
Even with all the slide threads always going on, this is the worst thread currently on this board.
>I love all of you because I think that's what my deity wants me to do
If you aren't using the King James Bible for your English bible reading, you aren't using a real bible
We have a good balance of shame and exposing our bodies. No sharia. Women have more power. You can see a lot of nude and semi nude art in Christianity. The reason is that God made us in his image, so we should not be ashamed of our bodies. We celebrate our bodies as we celebrate being the children of God. This is different from sexual, you can be nude without being sexual. It's totally freeing. Look into it more. Frankly I find that we have our own kind of Sharia that I dislike.
We believe in one God in trinity and trinity in unity.
We believe in Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God. For our sake He was crucified by Pontious Pilate, in accordance with the scriptures, was buried, descended into hell, and rose again on the third day.
We believe that man can be in no way saved other than by pure trust in the saving work of Christ, and His righteousness, which is outside of us, not being infused in us, but imputed to us by faith.
C'mon, you love me too you big booger.
For real, this one is tough. Even the Jews emphasize this one.
Thanks for swinging by!
Why doe?
Why not both?
Any Lutherans here \? I have been going to a WELS Lutheran church and I'm kinda wondering whats the deal with the lutherans these days.
Different texts as the source of translation. Most modern translations remove words which totally change the meaning of very important versus. They also use watered down and less convicting language, avoiding words like hell and damnation. The King James Bible is transcribed from the textus receptus which came out of syria, modern translations come from alexandrian manuscripts full of contradictions and inaccuracies. While you can still get some of the word of god in modern translations, the King James Bible is the most genuine English translation. And if you'd like to truly know the inspired word of God, or you just care about historical accuracy, the King James Bible is what you should be reading.
my issue here is that i see this as degeneracy. even if i was a christian, or atheist or what have you, i'd still see this as pure degeneracy and disgusting.
Lutherans like potlucks
I was raised Lutheran. My pastor is an old hippie.
Where do I find a girl like Christ-chan?
be fruitful and multiply.
Even an atheist like me? We need more people like you.
OK, there are a lot of web sites that host bible versions, do you have a favorite? Maybe audio too so people can listen to it while commuting and such? I think it should be accessible.
I love you guys, too.
What kinda Lutheran? I literally cannot tell the difference between WELS and Catholics. Only thing I can think of is the idea behind communion, not the way it is administered, just ideas behind it.
though I wonder, how does burgers celebrate the Lenten Season? Like right now?
Stop worshiping desert religions
Neither, neither of those is ok.
>not love for god
This is a thread of peace and love user. Even ISIS chiya-san is here
You are not disgusting. God made you. To think your body is disgusting or degenerate is wrong. It's the behavior toward nudity that can be degenerate.
That is the distinction we make. Also we flirt like hell.
Explaining Christianity is very difficult there are mutiple themes that are talked about. There's a huge spirtual concept in Christianity that many people don't do because it very difficult. The Self-indulgence, earthly feelings and the devil play a big theme in sinning. If one person wants to be close as Jesus Christ is live he has to remove his self-indulgences and start feeling/thinking how the world works in gods way. The world can be seen as a obstacle course made by god, for you to be traversed. It also learnd you not to look at the physical side of things but it is all about the soul. One may look good, be kind and funny but is his soul pure? The only one who knows is god, someone who acts very cold and isn't really friendly, maybe his soul is good, who knows? Only god. We must learn to stop taking direct roots to judge if someone is good or bad, and let god do it. It is hard topic to talk about.
Nothing you said is true, degenerate
Lutherans are the Chosen People. I'm not one myself, I'm just a Catholic peasant, but Lutherans are clearly superior to everyone else.
Fuck off, retard. Fucking hell, why do you retards think this is the place for your shit?
>Why not both?
Why both?
I don't like sin, and I especially don't like people who are unreflective and refuse to be unreflective.
Why do you think they are chosen then?
Please pray for the Koreans tonight guys.
Crap I thought I was posting on Sup Forums. How do I delete?
Emo Philips had an excellent joke in this vein.
Then your love means nothing and is worthless
Here let me help.
>Jews suck giant donkey cock for being corrupt, money grubbing elitists.
>/Our Guy/ was tortured and murdered for calling them out.
>Our culture produced superior intellectuals that tried to teach Jews to stop sucking donkey cocks. Most have not gotten the message yet.
>/Our Second Guy/ named Hitler tried to teach the Jews to stop sucking donkey cock through force. Most have not gotten the message yet.
>Given up on Jews and now try to convince them to move to "Holy Land that God gave to the 'Chosen People'" Jokes on them Lutherans are the Chosen People.
>Will be the last white people existing since most atheists and Jews want to suck not only donkey cock but African cock.
>Will eventually reunite all Christians under the banner of Pope Martin Luther I
Neither one of those scrawny genetic failures is OK
They both should be gassed.
I was kind of surprised by all the love I got back.
Godspeed Fashy Goy.
We are called to love everyone user.
Dayum, you mean Pope Calvin Luter King: Anderson KJV.
At this point she's basically just Kate from Life is Strange. For a super far lefty game, its depiction of a devout Christian is )))unusually((( respectful.
True ... i was reading a dutch version of the bible from 1950 and they replaced the word leviathan with crocodile . I now read the king james and a dutch version from 1600
You should ask God that. I didn't come up with it.
says the oblivious invalid posting embarrassing faggot drawings
hoo boy
lol... you definitely know anything.
What about the love of power?
I was taught to hate the sin but love the sinner. But my experience shows you cannot force people to do squat. You have to lead by example. And everyone does precisely that here, they offer their opinions but don't try to get anyone to adhere to them.
Sorry running out of PX pictures.
ACLU? I have no clue. It's basically catholic lite. Same liturgy same communion.
So Christianity is dying in the West and middle east, but it is growing rapidly in Africa, India, and China. I'm curious what kind of effect this will have for these civilizations in the future.
I can hate sin and love the sinner while simultaneously not liking the sinner.
You're not obligated to like anyone.
then civs will be in vice versa.
Make Africa the New Europe
But where do you think all love stems from?
I'm thinking Eros, but I'm assuming you've just read some Lewis.
Anyone know the artist on these?
I've already cocked up my own thread enough, and I'm afraid I'll detract from the purity of the message, but just look around, love wells up from this place.
Fuck rosolina! She's a FUCKING BITCH!!!!
Anyone else feel that all the young people in Pope Francis' church is filled with ideologue crypto commies?
Related music:
Thanks user, even after the constant artillery of shill threads, these types of threads are quite the oasis in the middle of the desert. Don't worry, things will be what we believed in. The Universe is chaotic, however it recognizes the patterns being made by even the smallest particle. It morphs into the reality what those particles will and do, thus applies to all of us here, living and well.
Good Friday soon, will Christ chan be crucified?
Catholicuck here, alive and thriving
I love hating faggots.
Heavenly father, please stop OP from being a faggot. May your divine electricity strike him and purge his soul. Amen.
There is only one God and Christ Jesus is His Lamb!
Based picture! Fuck varg and his dipshit followers
Isn't Malaysia a muslim nation? What's it like living there?