According to Brits, young anime girls in bikinis are child porn and Facebook needs to step up to prosecute you evil child rapists.
Guess what the leading story in the Times of London is tomorrow
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You like lolis, don't you op.
From my own experiences most of these "3D lolis" are actually "legal girls" on asian countries,they dress in a way so they look like they were minors but they are fact I DO happen to have one of these cosplayers added on my FL,she's about 20 something years old but looks really young and short
Gochiusa is trash, It's for the better.
>using goybook
>get angry at anime
>ignore all the real-life cp being shared on youtube and twitter, and probably facebook too
i hate these people
Good, anime is degenerate.
Reminder that this happened
Nigger deserved it for being a loser faggot weabo.
I don't know how can people post on Sup Forums and call others degenerate.
Anime pushes for the feminization of young males.
Drawings are grounds for legal action? Is this like how Muslims will blow up anyone drawing Muhammad?
>no more britpol
I'm not sure how I feel about this play.
Are you citing the 2 or 3 meme trap anime versus the majority of shows that encourage boys to become men or at least be normal?
>1st world problems
Watch Gurren Lagann nigger
>majority of shows
Majority of shows are gay moe highshcool romcomedies.
Pretty much
Ban assault pencils
And most of those involve either no men at all to begin with or some lonely beta trying to confess to a girl he likes her, e.g. To Love Ru, Harenchi Gakuen, Tenchi Muyo, et cetera.
You anime/manga fans do not have to believe me but theres a 26 year old virgin in Kentucky that just spent 5 months in jail awaiting trial for cp. that cp consisted of 35 manga images deemed obscene by the Great State of Kentucky. 5 months in county, 5 years probation, 1 year house arrest, sex offenders list, sex offenders classes, mandatory therapy and hes never even kissed a girl. It was obscene manga and yes he is a sex offender for life for cartoons. This absolutely is a true story.
Dont think for a minute they arent coming for every last one of you pervs.
they also involved a lot of gay relationships in a positive light
Where the fuck were these people when the Rotherham rapes were being uncovered?
>america, land of the free
The only sane voice in that doc
How long before fagfags start sperging out of gay anime male characters not being pure?
Soon they will go after the anime horse fuckers
You can't ban art
You can't stop me from drawing hentai either
>I don't know what I'm talking about but listen to me anyway
This is really funny coming from the UK
the nips have pretty thoroughly BTFO england on this subject already...
Majority of Brazilians are subhumans.
tfw just drew 10 lolis in one piece of paper and threw it out my window in plane. gonna watch it and if someone catches it i'll report them to the police they'll be in life for prison.
if you're a pedo you can fuck right off
Moe has infected anime like a cancer, don't deny it.
The Japanese largely view homosexuality as a joke. It's only women playing gays straight and no one takes women seriously anyway. Unsurprisingly, most gay Japanese anime and manga material is targeted towards women.
I'm not a pedo, there are bigger problems than fucking drawings see
>potentially illegal
>citation needed
They took the joke far too seriously, it's completely infected the maisntream
>all anime porn is of young girls
Homosexuals will never care about purity of any sort, that's a given.
Last I heard this can happen if you import physical goods.
lolicon is even more degenerate than actual pictures of naked children which can be non-sexual but anime is always for pathetic stunted manchildren
Moe isn't feminising men
I don't believe you. Wasn't that Simpsons dude the only person who ever got in trouble for possessing cartoon porn?
>UK thinking anybody cares about their stupid anti-freedom laws
Hahaha, that's rich
See: Shinji x Kaworu
>Homosexuals will never care about purity of any sort, that's a given.
They will if they're lonely otaku homos.
>tfw you recognise some of the covers on the shelf
>cartoon children in skimpy outfits is like another holocaust but actual kids dressing like prostitutes everywhere is fine and normal
It's still gay shit only a loser faggot would enjoy
Fuck you, ya little feminist bitch. Ain't nothing wrong with liking little girls.
That BBC doc where that bitch went to Japan to bitch about anime like a normie bitch.
thats why you need to mature your lolis manga for 18 years bf4 fapping to then.
I don't think most young Japanese boys (or Japanese males in general) read yaoi yet.
You're Brazilian, so I'll go ahead an ask the inevitable. How did the guy with the pink armor in Saint Seiya make you feel? Was that the beginning of the end?
Facebook forgot to pay their "young anime girls wearing bikinis" licence.
Chun? He was a beta faggot.
never kissed b4
>already had buttsex
fuuuuuuuuuuuk. Didn't trump say he wanted to round up all the pedos?
Was he alluding to rounding up all the anime and manga enthusiasts?
>somewhere in the world someone is jerking off to something that I don't like and I have to put a stop to it
I don't get this anime girl shit one bit, but I'm not as worried about some fat weebs jerking off to drawings as I am about actual paki rape gangs being completely fucking ignored by the police because they're a bunch of fairies afraid of being called racists.
I see nothing wrong with this
Fucking bitch Stacey Dooley went bitched about GuP, dumb slut. Because anytting with cute gidls is evil.
>mansplaining, mansplaining, mansplaining, mansplaining, mansplaining, mansplaining, mansplaining, mansplaining
>defended by a kike
really let you know whose in the right
thank you based leafs
There's not even any sexualisation in gup
That woman's face really pisses me off. You can tell she doesn't really care about anything he is saying. She has already made up her mind and is just trying to shame him
Certain counties have weird laws. Like selling porn is illegal in the county I live in. Obviously no one actually cares about tha t law because people order porn all the time.
>women get outraged at something
>ruin it for everyone by going full statist
Learn your state laws
If there is anything in the world I would want Sup Forums to meme into existence it would be the total destruction of facebook
English person here and I have no Idea what the fuck you're sperging about.
But I can say this. The amount of spagetti is equally proportional to the crime. We have a big problem with paedophilia in this country. This is due to the following reasons:
1) Catholic church
2) Ignorance
3) University grooming
4) Political class
5) Agenda 21
0.1) Unchecked immigration (thanks Theresa may)
What I can say is you Anime fags need to stop hiding behind cartoons and admit once and for all that you want to abuse our children.
Let's see how that works out for you.
You got any google link?
right now people are jerking off to children
why wouldn't you want to put a stop to the exploitation of children? whats wrong with you? weirdo
6. Jim fixing it
>Catholic Church
I'm a lot older than you son you will not win that debate.
How do you know so much about anime you degenerate monkey?
There's a subgenre of Japanese porn like that. They call them mini-wives and such. They're typically 130-140 cm. Cover art is staged and goosed to possibly suggest that they're underage even though the video title often says otherwise, though as such they are probably illegal in the US. But they're all over 18, and that's abundantly clear in the videos; they're clearly fully developed women, just unusually small.
Sure you are, kid.
>UK can't deal with paedophiles in its own country
>So they lash out at Japan instead
>Sure you are, kid.
You see you can't even provide an intelligent retort.
Me :1
You :-1
I'm not required to provide an "intelligent retort" to your roleplaying.
> Muh Southern traditions of Sister, Cousin and Cow fucking.... But you sick fuck anime, we will fry you!
Kek, Typical Trump voter "morals"
What role am I playing?
I was into anime when I was 12, that's an acceptable age to be into this shit.
Someone was born before 9/11.
I don't understand why some people hate loli so much, it's a fucking drawing, unless it's based on real people/events then there shouldn't be a problem.
Are you charged with watching a snuff film when watching violent movies? Of course not, they aren't real people, they aren't in real pain and they aren't really dying.
>care more about drawing of girls in bikinis than actual children
Just watch Tiger Mask W