What is your defense to this, Sup Forums???!
Denying the holocaust
The Holocaust didn't happen.
Spicer dropping some red pills.
I'm going to ignore it and pretend it was 5d chess while he was clearly pushing the neocon agenda of "everyone israel hates is literally hitler"
It was a stupid fucking thing to say, but it was mostly in the way he said it. Hitler didn't gas the Russians or the French or the British or the Americas. He didn't use it at all in any traditional warfare environments even when he was unquestionably screwed. Yet for some reason he used it exclusively on the Jews. Really makes you think.
Explain the Holocaust Centers that Spicer cited, check mate atheists.
Hitler did nothing wrong. It's not like he gassed humans.
Did Hitler use chemical weapons? He dropped barrels out of planes?
Nothing wrong
Uhmmm... but he didn't. They have not been used since WW1. I really don't get what the problem is?
OP is a faggot
>nationalholocaustcentre net/
Jews get sent here to learn the lie of the Holocaust. Pretty simple really.
Jews died, just not systematically.
The camps were still prisons, but by the end of the war the Nazis moved out but kept the camps locked up. Without supply lines, like food and water and typhus treatment, everyone within the camps died.
There's a reason there are significantly more Jews with German surnames than Slavic surnames despite the origin of Jewish settlement beginning in Ukraine. The German Jews survived because the Nazis never abandoned those camps.
This is the reality of the holocaust, I assure you, 90% of Slavic Jews died. That's genocide.
Exactly this. It's puts Sup Forumsacks like myself in an indefensible position. Either we defend his ridiculous statement or we take a "racist" stance. Fucking idiot
Digits confirm: holocaust is a hoax
Like a gas chamber is not a chemical weapon. It's not like spicer denied that he gassed the Jews. So fake of CNN to suggest he did.
You're retarded
He meant in warfare, it's not that hard use your brain a bit
You wouldn't call an electric chair or a guillotine a "weapon". Similarly a gas chamber is not a weapon. It is a means of execution.
Words have meaning. The left is a retard hive mind.
Hitler never gassed the kikes, but I wish he had.