Why do you keep falling for the gaming jew Sup Forums?
Can't you see it was made to enslave young white males in a virtual world so they forget about their dreams?
Forget about being physically /fit/, forget about being cultured.
Why do you keep falling for the gaming jew Sup Forums?
Can't you see it was made to enslave young white males in a virtual world so they forget about their dreams?
Forget about being physically /fit/, forget about being cultured.
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It's comfy and I try to avoid them. Weed and videogames are major bluepills and I can't help myself sometimes.
It's true. I gave up the virtual Jew. So can you!
Life IS a game. Only escapist pussies need a fake one.
Games, television, electronic media in general... it's all super normal-stimuli that serves as a cheap mental pacifier.
Cutting it from your life I imagine will give you a marked desire to self-improve.
There's a reason why parents in the past said to their children that TV and such melted your brain.
I gave up 400 hours of my life to civ 5, what an absolute waste of the most productive years of my life. Better to quit late than never.
I gotta get my legendary skin tho
That depends on the degree to which you play.
Yeah but where i live everything else is pretty much illegal
Why are the female human faces in GW2 so fucked up?
She looks like she's sniffing her own turds
>400 hours
I've dumped a total of probably 10k+ hours into runescape, dota 2, League of faggots, and a ton of other games when i was a kid playing on the ps2.
Don't regret any of it kek
>guild wars 2
what a fucking disgrace of a game compared to the first
>falling for the anime imageboard jew
I gave up video games mostly when I was 19. I seriously have no fucking clue how guys keep playing games well into their 20's. I turn on a game now and can't sit through like an hour of it. Games nowadays are huge and fucking time consuming.
If you have a job, a wife, any hobbies at all, or kids (I have no kids but still) there is absolutely no time for videogames. I only have free time after work and on weekends and still after work it's usually consumed with doing even more work. On the weekends I could play but I always end up busy with responsibilities or want to hangout with friends. I literally know no one over the age of 20 who plays video games every day that lives even a semi-productive life. My two friends who still play tons of videogames don't work and live at home. If you are productive, cutting out video games isn't hard
I have a great wife, a good physically demanding job and don't care much about getting /fit/ otherwise, playing games with friends is a nice way to pass some time
I'm stuck in a runescape hole. I have 40 days logged on my current account. I've been playing this damn game off and on for 11 years. Maybe I'll grow up one day
ive clocked literally over 18k hours on the first
>tfw over 800 hours of Arma 2
I mean, at least I met some interesting people around the world right? It's better than getting shitfaced or being a sexual deviant right?
Games are fun. Stop making a conspiracy out of everything.
Fuck it. You had fun with it.
I played WoW hardcore for 3-4 years, started at LK launch and quit at panda mist launch. Countless hours but I can honestly say it was the most fun and exciting time I've ever had with a video game. Raiding and doing hardmodes in a competitive top 3 server guild. Pretty intense shit, people that can't into vidya don't get it.
I have anout 20000+ played games of League of Legends, and hundreds of hours on dark souls games probably a few thousand on pokemon games as a kid. How fucked am I Sup Forums? I literally played League of Legends for 5 years of my life.
lol those are pleb numbers
I have a 100+ days on my mage played and 10 - 15 cros 5 or 6 others characters, I mainly played towrads the end of vanilla til the end of wrath.
>all those people from other countries I met
>no squad to play ops with in arma 3
>stuck in shitty community servers
fugg, its better than MMO addiction tho so lucky I guess
Pretty much consumed by games and shit with no personal goals or dreams now, never really had a dream to begin with I suppose and no aspiration to improve
I was convinced I would just die at some point and life would be over at 20 or something
Guild Wars 2 is an absolute piece of trash game.
Ur fukt. Pokemon is literally demonic
I spend just about as much, if not more time here than I do on video games desu.
>its better than MMO addiction tho so lucky I guess
I only mentioned Arma 2 because that just happens to be the game with my most recorded hours. My steam library totals up pretty high and I don't know have any records on the exact amount of hours spent on MMO games.
GW2 is fucking dogshit. As someone with over 10,000 hours on it and 30k+ achievement points, having experienced every content available, I can say without a doubt that it is dogshit. If you are thinking of buying it, don't. Just tonight, some shitty bug got in that effectively disabled over 50% of the game. Spend your money elsewhere.
All told, I probably have around 1500+ hours on Dark Souls.
23 years old. Live in a small fucking town in Wisconsin. I play video games because there are too many disabled people here. Along with liberals and now we are seeing niggers here. Video games i believe are there because there is nothing else to do and it really keeps me fucking sane.
I put over 7 thousand hours into online games during my teenage years and I can confirm that this is true.
>Work 40 hour work week
>Gym 4 days a week and run 2 days
>Videogame on my days off when I dont have anything social to do and play 3ds when I take shits.
How bad do I have it?
Quit them for 3 years couldn't see myself ever playing them again. Got laid off for 3 months and started an MMO just to pass the time and socialize while not spending any money until work starts again. Got sucked right back into 30 hrs a week. Beware the electric Jew.
I know those feels guy
>Forget about being physically /fit/, forget about being cultured.
It's hard to argue that this is a conspiracy because you'd need a direct line of evidence showing malice leading back to someone involved in the creation of the games. However, it is easy to prove this is the result of playing games. You need only point to the fat useless slobs who play games as evidence enough.
>Playing games that require you to keep playing it for who knows (jew) how long
MMORPGs are literally drugs.
This tbqh. I LOVED it when it was first released and for a long time after that but over time the whole game degraded into pure garbage. I stopped when they made the base game free and wanted you to buy the expansion to have any chance at pvp what so ever.
jesus christ what is this cancer that I am looking at? Some sort of even shittier budget minecraft?
I haven't gamed ever since MMORPGs went to shit a decade ago. Played FFXIV for a couple of months, but that shit gets boring and samey fast. I only enjoy MMORPGs so not gaming is pretty simple for me since they all suck and there are no good ones on the horizon.
Runescape has bonds so I can't quit.. I've spent 11 years on the account. 1 year of playtime. I got a max cape. I can't quit. The game is so grindy and addictive. The good thing about it, is that it is very afkable so I pursue intellectual interests while doing skills and bossing.
>Got GW2 on launch going aw yeah cool as charr gonna see lots of really cool human on charr fucking violence again
>No, everyone is 100% enforced SJW equal friends
>The main character is literally a wooden 2d shit
>Every city except the Rata Sum (and old Lion's Arch) is fucking awful to use the crafting centers
>Lion's Arch with its great nautical and whimsical aesthetic gets destroyed for gaudy concrete slabs and lots of gold trim and GAY PRIDE PARADES WHOA SO PROGRESSIVE
Fuck that game man.
there are so many female Charr warriors in the game
so fucking rediculous
>walk around
>see ferocious hairy beast with sharp claws
>look at its face
>big eyes and puffy cheeks
>cute asian girl face
piece of shit
I fell to the video Jew long ago. There's no saving me, fellow goyim.
I'm hapa so it's kinda a service for the white race for me to not contribute to the gene pool in anyway
haha 1.5k hours in [redacted], 900 hours in rust and probably another 5k hours total wasted time and potential. Could have started Uni 3 years earlier.
>league of legends
kys you literally wasted your fucking life loser
Of all the Australian shitposts, this one is the saddest of them all.
arma is good
could be worse, i wasted 5000 hours on dota2
YOu mean the gaming Jap.
Weed is good for some, bad for others. It depends on the body chemistry and a lot of other factors. Definitely if you just use it as an escape or to numb yourself it is bad. But it can be good if it stimulates you mentally and/or allows you insight into your emotional state.
FFXI still generates new content even as it adapted to the current day. Worth a look.
>GW2 is fucking dogshit.
>As someone with over 10,000 hours on it
>arma is good
I've also spent almost 400 hours on DayZ, Fallout4, Mount&Blade, Civ5 [spoiler]each[/spoiler]. I also have roughly 600 on both Terraria and Warframe as well. That isn't even my whole steam library.
I have no point of reference to even make a guess at how much time I have spent across the various non-steam MMO's I've played. I tell myself I'm not addicted since it doesn't interfere with any obligations, but at the same time I don't have the will or motivation to do something else during any spare time I have.
why not just exercise while smoking weed and playing vidja
next you'll tell me not to get off on porn, but you know what? I tried it your way and it's a fucking loser's way, nonono it won't do, I've found the answer though, it's to get off on porn, play vidja, smoke weed, get in shape, and do your fucking job
work hard and play hard
>3800 hours in gmod
End my life
Me 2 :( bc- early panda...would wake up and spend most the day doing things with guildies, we where a tight small guild. Was like my 2nd family. I remember spending xmas eve goofing around with someone in the guild because they were stuck at home alone. I remember my play time was 1 1/2 years played on one char (prolly 8months of that time with my arena partner) rip. I miss those days -_-.
Dude how?
Also I play games all day and am /fit/ as fuck
also, get a girlfriend, ramp up that sex drive, when you feel you can't go any further, go further
push yourself to the limits and past them, in every way, I just started doing this and I'm already feeling amazing, now instead of worrying about this or that I'm just like "I want that, I want this, I want those, I want her" and it's like, alright, just gotta get over my nervousness, well that and get in shape, but that'll just take a little bit and then once I get to a decent state I'll be going for hot women left right and center just in time for summer, fuck
like really, it's about me wanting to fuck, hot women, I know, I'm a dog, I don't care
How can some people put more than say 1000 hours in a game ? The most played game i have is csgo with 700 hours on it and i m already tired of it
>How can some people put more than say 1000 hours in a game
they should be illegal
Sex is almost as overrated as beer.
I did 40 hours in Fallout 3, and I thought it was a lot. My friend did 60 and I was shocked
Try some real beer, like Bourbon Milkshake, Trappist 12, St Bernadus 12, Rasputin, etc.
the increase of men pursuing virtual fantasies (virtual hierarchies) is just another symptom
How the fuck did you do that in gmod of all things?
>ramp up that sex drive
can't ramp up what's already dead user.
1000 hours is pretty much MMORPG territory, in which it's either due to endless grinding for marginal postive changes to your character or it becomes a social experience with friends or a guild.
>OP says that Gaming is a problem
>People start talking about games
I've probably spent about a quarter of my life just playing videogames, and that's not an exaggeration. I'll be honest, I don't think I could quit if I wanted to. Besides that I hate everything about the world and there's nothing I alone can do to change it. Videogames and the internet are one of like 6 things in life I enjoy. If you can give me something worth doing, I am open to other things. I would like to read more. That being said I will probably never quit videogames and in general I think people who need to block out something entirely to exercise self control are just weak.
Played from vanilla through BC and quit when Wrath came out. I have great memories of staying up all night grinding through SSC, BT, etc. When BC had just come out especially... I wonder if I will ever be able to recapture the enjoyment I had back then. Kek. Pretty pathetic
about 500-1k here
I wouldn't actually know, although I'm not a fan of beer, still, I like drugs, and sex seems agreeable if things are to be believed
I've gotten to the point where I can go straight for hours to the point where I'll literally pass out so, so far I'd say I wouldn't be bored of it
don't know what else to say really, kinda really really really want it, a lot, a lot lot lot, and the first semi decent woman to say yes, I'm going to do my best to impress
I might have let her lead in a way though, but I don't know, how are women and longevity
Gaming is not totally degenerate.
I incorporate working out into my gaming sessions. Call me autistic, but it works. I've lost 40lbs since starting this routine two years ago, and gained about 10 back so far this year in muscle, while continuing to lose fat. I do mostly bodyweight stuff, as well as some basic barbell shit.
My current goal is to be able to do a handstand pushup. I'm almost there. Never thought I'd be able to say that a couple years ago.
>treat workouts like grinding to 'level up'
>every in-game level (or equivalent milestone) requires one in life as well or I can't play again
>do a set during every loading screen
>waiting for resurrection, do a set
Fuck off, it works. I used to be a fatty and now I have abs (and six level 80s in full ascended)
Well, except my Ranger because fuck those leather prices
ANet pls
Got over 2500+ hours on WoW, 1680 on my main alone
I regret this deeply but I can't quit
I used to have an RS addiction, unsure on the hours spent though
Played RS 2005-2011
then RS07 all of last year till July
I miss playing console games st my friends houses. Online is a private and isolated experience, even when you pretend to interact with your online "friends".
Shit talking or listening to friends talk as you take turns grinding laps on a 24 hr le man's race in Gran turismo and then smoking joints at the disc golf course was a great respite for that summer.
I am glad I played the great games back in the day. Xenogears, FF7, Mario RPG, Soul Caliber 2, all the Tekken and mortal combat games, that x-men unleashed game, etc. It'd take back all the mindless pot smoking and pills but games were part of a fun social scene for us
Played Vanilla-WoD.
The fact that WoD essentially killed the game (for me, but it honestly did just kill the sub. count) was soul-crushingly painful. Like I was genuinely depressed (still sort of am, now I know it was the kikes who caused the game to crash and burn.)
Played on Elysium (really shit vanilla server) at launch in a hardcore guild, had a lot of fun despite the drama. Done with gaming in general, the fucking normies ruined it.
That sounds like something a 10 year old would make up
Don't be russlin' muh jimmies.
》try Hop Valley :P
I used to be fit as fuck and except for balance I could do hand stand pushups, for the balance issue I put my feet against the wall a little bit, but strengthwise I could do the full pushup weight, I did this by doing upside down pushup hops with my handstand (the extra weight from landing the hop makes up for the lack of full body weight being put on my arms)
yeah, doing a bit of exercise every day really helps, even if you start doing 10 pushups and 20 situps, even that minor amount, you can get to 100/200 even reasonably easily
used to do it all the time, think I'll be doing it again, I've got a back injury that I've been meaning to fix up, and part of what's been making it better is a little de-facto unsystematized exercise on my own part, with a tiny bit of weight loss/healthier eating
popping a multivitamin if you're not normally eating healthy is a good way to go about it, and switching milk in and pop out a bit is also good
dropping pop consumption levels is a really great idea, I switched to tea with sugar, the stuff they put in pop is "high fructose corn syrup" these days, not real sugar, HFCS is, by all accounts similar to alcohol minus making you drunk, which is where the beer gut really comes from, as well as a variety of other really fucking unhealthy side effects which is why pop specifically needs to be cut out or heavily cut down on, these days
that's one of the primary culprits, aside from processed foods shit, even eating like a dumb pig at times has resulted in proper weight loss if I use real foods
a paleo diet sort of thing, or at least moving a bit closer to it, is also in order, man I fucking love eating strawberries, bananas, oranges and shit
Try and have some.
The game died for me in MoP, I played MoP for 1 month and WoD I managed to last for 4
>games can't decline over time
take ur autism somewhere else
>Don't play vidya and get a hobby nerd
>A hobby that won't advance you in life other than "personal enrichment" and you'll enjoy about as much as a vidya game or less
I don't know why you retard obsess with this shit. The end goal of life is what you make of it and 99.99% of you won't even do anything worthwhile even if you give it your all. As long as you can feed yourself, help your family, and have friends that's all that's needed. In the meanwhile you can do whatever the fuck you want. The degeneracy crowd, while good on certain things like hard drugs, goes too far as much as it's right.
sex is only overrated if you do it for money or simple urge of fucking
sex with someone you love is top tier experience designed by God
You have a job and you're taking care of yourself. You're fine. We're talking about NEETs here.
>sex with someone you love is top tier experience designed by God
Without love and loss life would be meaningless.
You can be /fit/ and play games. It doesn't matter, there is no hope for the white race, or this planet.
op gets high on his own farts
Hold the loss please, how does this benefit those who are suffering?
by the way, I don't mean to say that I don't drink the shitty pop or the stuff the paleo diet suggests you avoid, I'm only saying I dropped my consumption levels of those particular things in favour of higher consumption of other things like fruits, nuts, meat (no homo)
it takes money sometimes, which is why I mentioned multivitamins, but even in these cases, you can replace some stuff with something like milk which is nutritious as well as kind of satisfiying, and bananas aren't all that expensive, plus if you can get around to making potatoes you can replace some of the more filling really shitty foods, sometimes the biggest issue is that the cheap foods, the processed shit is basically almost a poison in higher doses, processed food companies are NOT your friends
that said, I still eat, and I've always eaten junk food, and one of the reasons I got super fit at one point was because I was eating spitroasted roast beef, with the freshest dankest vegetables and most patrician cuisine, genuine stuff, no scrublord ghetto canned sardines dinner shit, white wine that goes with cod, high quality white wine too not some sherry in disguise kinds of thing, halibut, salmon even a bit, chicken cooked in grapes with cream, and a bit of mushroom sauce with cheese, and a dish of wild rice (unshucked, non-white rice)
there's even a ground nut stew thing in which you cook pork cutlets, and chicken bits, simmer a sauce in another pan made of (real) peanut butter (adam's works if you know the brand it has to be the real shit not processed fuckery) and legit tomato sauce/paste in a can, a little bit of pepper to sweeten the sauce, you should cook some white rice to go with it, can't remember the rest of the sauce, but there may be a bit of 5 herbs spices in it, paprika, curry (you know one of those brown spicey spices just to add a little bit of punch but we're not talking about making it curry here)
I've been drinking sugar water with honey in it replacement
1000+ hours on Dark Souls 1 and Street Fighter 4
Fighting 1 on 1 against real people is redpilled as fuck and never gets old
1300 on DayZ reporting in :(
I've got some bad news for you...
>play MMOFPS
>play the faction with the not-so-subtle fascist themes
>play in guild that's notorious for anti-semetic and racist sentiments
>organized operations a few times a week
>constantly buttblasting the bad players and SJW Reddit guilds
OP you should play better vidya and stay away from the fantasy shit
Over some 20-22k hours on WoW. If my account was active I would take a screenshot.
This sounds like the call of duty challenge I used to play with my college mates.
Every physical action your soldier does, you have to do.
Jog on the spot
>vault over something
Do a squat jump
Do a push up
Yeah Anet pretty much ran GW2 into the ground. On a rare day sometimes I get on to do a daily in WvW, I should just uninstall it.
Fuck you commie
>freedom team is where it's at
>tfw rebel scum
well no, I'm just saying what I used to do, I could do it again, and in fact I already am beginning to, I did have a runin with poverty and misery for a while, but that's behind me now
you fucking estonian
I play tops 2 hours a day while listening to news or podcasts in the evening. Its comfy
>1300 hours
There's that mod for gmod that lets you build decently realistic vehicle
Instead of actually going out and doing engineering studies I played a videogame