Trump has gotten rid of bannon for "leaking" natsec info to cernovich and others
Bannon has been fired, it will be official within the next 24hrs
Bump save this post for reference anons
Get me in the screenshot 563
Literally zero proof of this, especially since Cernovich has consistently been incorrect time and time again, but whatever, shills gonna shill.
somebody in the Administration, save this and you will see i was right. I promise.
Fuck off LARPER
>I promise.
We've had fake "CONFIRMED: BANNON FIRED" threads for a week straight now
I'm sure you are somehow different from the others
You dont have to believe me, just screenshot this and remember me when the headline is out
Fuck that Russian.
Hi Stephen!
So, will you get fired for leaking information now as well?
No this isnt natsec.
Makes sense for a Jewish Cheetoh to get rid of the only nationalist and patriot in the entire stinking lot of them.
If there are NeverTrumpers here - I apologize.
Hello, Cohn and McMaster convinced Trump this Bannon couldn't be trusted.
Potential interesting poster if I remember pic correctly
I honestly never fucking heard of the guy until liberals started talking about him.
The more I hear, the more I like.
I doubt that guy is WH insider
Cernovich already knows
Hat's off to Trump. Though he had a terrible beginning, the past week seems to have seen him settle down, ditching the lunatic Cannon responsible for all his shambolic punchiness on the ropes of reality, listening to McMaster and Mattis (two wise, experienced heads), and also his daughter and son-in-law who are almost centre ground Democrats. The Xi trip went smoothly, America demonstrated its power and did so responsibly with restraint.
That should say Bannon, not Cannon.
neat if true simply due to the ass pain so many dumb nerds will feel cause of it.
I hope he dumps some shit on Trump. Nobody has legitimacy anymore. What a great timeline.
what was on anthony weiner's laptop tho?
Nobody is going anywhere you idiots. Everything is running smooth as baby shit. Jeezus fucking Christ
why was trump so easily duped by fake?
Jog on you larping muppet
Like i said, save this and watch the headlines. McMaster and Cohn convinced Trump to can him over leaking the syria strike to cernovich and infowars before it happened.
This is getting old SahriaBlue
hang yourself faggot
Like I said, piss off larper. Part of the cancer killing this board and making delusional r/thedonald retards think they have influence or communication with the admin.
Bannon should just quit. Trump clearly expects him to submit to the Jews and Bannon doesn't want to do that.
Better to shame the entire administration than to stick around and get by on a phony illusion of being credible ... if they want you to bend over, put it back on them and expose them for the hacks they are.
I say he should just quit if they're trying to bend his will.
honestly, this could be a good thing. trump has already swallow the jew cum and betrayed us, at least if bannon is on the outside he can speak his mind
Well if that's the reason...good for trump
This better not be Fucking true
Kushner we will eat you alive
t. 4DChessBoard merchant
So, would this mean that it was Bannon spreading the Bannon vs Kushner bit? What has Cernovich said recently that would have come from Bannon?
> hi goys. been a while since we had a larp thread. watch this
>losing your job because of the monkeyman
lmao i know your larping but thats pretty funny
How could Bannon be so reckless?
I'm not buying it.
Bannon activates Trump's Manchurian programming.
Dont worry about kushner yet, worry about McMaster and Gary Cohn, Dina powell too.
Susan Rice story, and cerno had the scoop on syria as well.
cernovich published this a few days ago
OP is going to suck ten black cocks. Trust me, save this post for later
Pro tip, He's being canned. Spicer will be soon as well. No idea about Miller. Cohn and Mcmaster are decimating the populists tho.
Is Kushner actually halfway decent; or (dare I say) /ourguy/?
Clearly McMaster and Cohn are true Globalist deep-state-approved shills, which is likely why you never hear one negative thing about them in the media. But Kushner does take some heat from time to time...
but Gary Cohn is the son of based Roy Cohn so everything's good right?
>Spicer will be soon as well
What has he done wrong?
yeah, let's not worry yet pedes. kushner might just be /ourguy/ and bannon was just bad press. this gets more normies on our side and lets be honest, Spicer and Bannon were messes who only ruined Trump's image. This is 4-D chess.
>is a democrat jew /ourguy/?
Kushner has decent intentions, he ran the campaign from the ground up on the digital side. He's just not as far right, he is committed to making trump look good more than anything. He carries out the agenda simply to help trump, ot for ideological reasons. McMaster is working with petraeus and Cohn is too. They are pushing for an intevention in syria and trying to confront Iran.
I think I remember him talking about this in a stream. I wondered about Bannon at the time, honestly.
He's sucks at communicating and being a good communicator is supposed to be his job.
Trump is not dumb enough to fall for McMaster and Cohn's shilling though. Is he just playing along with them to not get JFK'ed? Or a "keep your enemies closer" type of thing?
Or is it possible that the incorruptible man has finally met his match?
You get it
I fully expect 12D chess meme to be real
Tension with Bannon might be entirely scripted
he just contradicted himself 4 times in one day.
i think this
i was pissed at first,, but this entire thing including the bombing of syria and the tensions with russia is scripted
Remember, Trump is close friends with Vince McMahon, the master of the face/heel dynamic.
>Like i thed, thave thith and watch the headlineth. McMathter and Cohn convinthed Trump to can him over leaking the thyria thtrike to thernovich and infowarth before it happened.
>[Brachiating Intenthifieth]
Trump knows, but the establishment is boxing him in. McMaster is really doing some shady shit. He is not a good guy at all. Cohn is your typical wallstreet globalist on steroids
Cernovich is a fucking douche but his audience is huge
Weird...Bannon was in Russia today with Tillerson...Yighten up girls..Get your facts straight
Source? That is not something Trump would do if he was planning on firing Bannon.
Bannon is a fucking patriot for leaking that stuff if true. The Zio-Globalists in the Trump admin need to be exposed
So it sounds like McMaster is the most dangerous guy in Trump's circle right now. Cohn's more concerned with ensuring continuous flow of muh shekels, but perhaps doesn't care as much about nation building and warmongering.
Is Trump still in communication with based Flynn?
He's sending him to Afgahanistan to look over NATO and report back. This was discussed at news conference with NATO Secretary General today, but you dint know dat dindu...
Hard choice, either Trump fired Bannon or McMaster and Cohn leaked to the press that Bannon leaked Natsec and then Bannon went to prison. Bannon is loyal and wont talk about Trump behind his back, he is a true believer in the movement.
Is there any way to stop all this, or has it all been set in motion already?
What's up w/Stephen Miller I wonder? Like he's Jewish but he seems to be on our side.
Let's hope, friend. If there's anyone on the planet who is capable of such a thing, it's Trump.
This all day long. Its all theater folks. Even if Bannon goes, he is not really gone. Just like Flynn he will be working OUT OF THE PUBLIC EYE behind the scenes.
Cohn, Powell, McMaster thise should be enemy number 1 to any trump loving populist
You havent seen the last of flynn, he is a counterintell guy who loves his country, I'll leave it at that
if this is true, then I will sharpen my sword and load my knife. y.califag
what info was leaked
>mfw Vince Russo is scripting the 12D chess
Fuck... all this work for nothing.
I thought Trump was smarter than this?
Stephen miller realizes that "Frankists" are the problem, he is as far right as they come
There do exist patriotic, nationalist Jews. Hard as it is to believe. Drudge, for example, or Trump's anti-Communist mentor Roy Cohn.
Poor guy. Maybe Putin that help them make up. Bannon became Putin's chief American propagandist after Putin murdered Andrew Breitbart to covertly buy Breitbart News and turn it it pro-Russian. Trump, Putin's chief American manbitch after Trump filed his nth bankruptcy and needed loans to keep afloat, being denied by all American lenders and having to rely on Putin lending him money and buying many of his properties, now all being used for international laundering of Putin's global criminal empire's money. Cut my life into pieces!!!!
>You havent seen the last of flynn, he is a counterintell guy who loves his country, I'll leave it at that
Praise Kek.
Yeah I actually have noticed that. It's like one in ten.
This worries me more than anything else.
Breitbart was murdered by Obama and the deep state.
Cohn was a nut, though. He was a Jewish homosexual who hated Kikes and Faggots more than anything. You can't rely on people that genuinely hate themselves and their own kind.
Roy was a fag, AFAIK has no children.
That twit proves it
Me too. Shalom brothers, your "movement" has ended.