He's become a total neocon.
Why has Trump flip-flopped on all of his promises?
Other urls found in this thread:
Drumpf is finished, this year I'm voting for Jeb!
Nuclear codes, Drump BTFO etcetra etectra
>etcetra etectra
Reminder Jared Kushner funds an Israeli Rabbi who wrote a book saying it's ok to kill goyim including "the children of the king can be harmed to pressure him if he is wicked and harming them will prevent him from acting wickedly."
Who's that qt3.14?
Stop listening to the shekel grabbing FAGGOTS at TRS and think for yourself.
She's so pure. Truly the princess of the white race
How many of these threads can you guys post at once? In serious, test it out. Try to fill the entire front page with shill threads talking about "broken" promises less than 3 months in.
You can tell she has black genes because of her nose. Also her hair is bleached.
Mmm, Hmmm.
>so pure
>fake hair color
Nothing pure about that nose at all. She has niggers in her family tree.
this image made me think of interracial pron. can anyone give me the source of this? for my interracial breeding fapping session
Low energy shill LARPing
It's not even a real shill guys
launching a few firecrackers into Syria neocon warmonger
The true tale will be told in the coming weeks/months if we actually get more involved in Syria or not.
I am 100000% ready to #notmypresident if this faggot gets us niggering about in Syria, but I'm holding out for now.
Wow you make such an excellent point, Brock.
At the end of the day, it's still great that we got Gorsuch on the SCOTUS. I'm happy that I voted for him.
>Just because I voted for Trump does not mean that I will blindly support everything that he does.
>Launching missiles at Syria was a power move, and the administration said that their main focus will be on fighting ISIS, and not removing Assad.
I can deal with that.
trump did that, no one has abandoned him for some stupid reddit poster
>white boi mental gymnastics
stay small my melanin deficient brethren
Trump won't lose. MAGA!
Guess I'm a #CruzMissile
what book is that?
This has been one hell of a week for flip flops.
>Decided NATO isn't obsolete because he might actually need them
>Changed from wanting to improve relations with Russia to actively degrading them
>Decided China isn't a currency manipulator after all
>Changed from pledging to replace (((Federal Reserve))) chair Yellen to suggesting he would renominate her
>shills talk with other shills
>circlejerk about their progress
>either leave thinking job well done or stay long enough to get redpilled
This is the new sage thread. Trump hasn't reneged on ANY of his promises. He overthrew TPP, replaced Scalia, regulations BTFO, crackdown on illegals, travel ban 100% constitutional, NATO nations ponying up with their share, leveraging the hell out of China's dependence upon us, new sheriff in town, DEEP state scurrying like cockroaches, etc.
>NATO bends their knee to support fighting terrorism and the Eurocucks agree to pay their fair share for NATO, so Trump says they're no longer obsolete
OMG 180 degree turn!!!!
>China agrees to push NK to simmer down, even puts forces on the border of NK. Also agrees to buy coal from us and not NK. Also lifts tariffs on agriculture goods from US into China. Trump makes statement about USD and that China is not a currency manipulator.
OMG 180 degree turn!!!
>Gas attack/explosion in Syria. Babies gasping last breaths on video seen around world. Normies going to norm. Trump says it crossed many lines. Obama said basically the same thing and did jack shit except, muh diplomacy. Trump decides to show that America is back and won't take shit from no one, so he tomahawk chops a couple of airfields in Syria WHILE eating dinner with China's Xi...Mattis then states later on regime change is not our goal. Spicy states Hitler did nothing wrong on the battlefield.
OMG 180 degree turn!!!
It's like y'all can't even understand 2d chess....
>Meanwhile the AG Sessions travels to AZ and states that the border is closed, you will be sent back, and if you assault a law enforcement officer at the border, you will be stoned to death....
I think you redditors may want to start with checkers.
Attn: Faggot.
Trump hasn't reneged on ANY of his promises. He overthrew TPP, replaced Scalia, regulations BTFO, crackdown on illegals, travel ban 100% constitutional, NATO nations ponying up with their share, leveraging the hell out of China's dependence upon us, new sheriff in town, DEEP state scurrying like cockroaches, eTc.
cause they know that partisan republicans will support him no matter fucking simply by having that R before his name.
So republicans will simply brown nose him firstly cause of that and secondly cause he is president and thats all trump really wants given that he has pretty much delegated most of what presidents tend to do to Kushner so he can go play golf and shit.
>they fell for the Trump meme
>Trying this hard
The line of thinking that NATO didn't support fighting terrorism was complete nonsense. The only time the common defense clause was invoked was after 9/11, and NATO spent years fighting in Afghanistan. No country has changed their NATO payments. The only thing that changed is Trump now feels he needs NATO to bail him out.
China is a result of Trump begging for help on North Korea. Firstly, he actually believed China could just make the North Korea problem go away. Upon realizing that's not realistic, he promised China a trade deal that is more beneficial to China and more detrimental to Americans in exchange for support. Working class Americans got fucked over.
In 2013 Assad kills over a thousand people in a gas attack, and Trump goes on a twitter tirade about how Obama better not do anything about it. Obama chooses to avoid military action because he understands the consequences of starting a conflict in Syria. Now in 2017 Trump sees some gassed kids in an attack that had less than 10% of the casualties of the 2013 attack and orders a missile strike that accomplished no tangible goals and torpedoed Tillerson's trip to Russia.
Sad to say, either he has a terminal illness, wants to go out in a blaze of glory/ doesn't give a shit/ nothing to lose. OR
He was a Trojan Horse to send the American people over the edge and bring in martial law/ NWO.
It hasn't even been 3 months. NOBODY "flips" that fast and that far. He knows better and he's even stonewalling the people he baldfaced LIED to during the campaign.