>another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive
Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive
You idiot it's happening no time to do anything else enjoy your last hours
Eat shit faggot, where else would you rather spend your last days?
The whole day on Sup Forums?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
It's always been Thursday user.
yeah play video games and smoke weed instead.
i did other things. I slip Sup Forums into my life. I mostly stay on Sup Forums to hunt for redpill infographs, check the news, check any outlandish breaking events, lol at shia lebouf
some kid spent the day receiving chemotherapy and vomiting blood, but you cry cause you had a chill day?
"Time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted"
~John Lennon
Life is meaningless you dumbfuck. As long as i'm enjoying myself thats all that matters
No happenings to day I'm afraid
but I just saved a ton of money by switching to GEICO
get involved in actual, LOCAL politics
Speak for yourself.
I finally did homework I'd been holding off for about a month.
Feels good.
good job you finished your jew assignment
good job goy
>tfw been thinking like this for 10 years
>Not wasting your work day on Sup Forums
>Not getting paid to shitpost
>Not being praised as a hard worker when your Sup Forums to work ratio is 5:1 most days
Gotta learn to waste time on Sup Forums while seeming like a productive member of society.
>not getting paid to shitpost on 4crap
get better at life
>worked 4 hours today at my jerb
>made $400
>still feel like garbage and want to kms
we shouldn't ask to be productive, we should ask to be fulfilled
another day well spent
Same here. I got some bullshit paper I have to do about angry white men and misogyny, but I'd rather look at shit here.
You can relax, there aren't any leafblowers here
>"good goy you finished your jew assignment"
>says the nervous basement-dwelling fatass on mental illness-induced disability leave for the 50th time
Being a productive member of society is nothing shameful