So this is North Korea's real power huh?

So this is North Korea's real power huh?

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>yfw you witness the second finno-korean hyperwar

So what you're saying is that LA is fucked.

At least San Diego is ok

The problem with this is that basically all of the country's that are in the range can shoot it down and then NK will have the entire world up its ass


So the world IS flat and we're finding out as it's about to end

more like this, there barely a threat

Seattle too. Good thing grunge is dead.

Australia looks thicc



New fetish

I thought the world was a sphere, not flat?

Fuck off weeb

Terrible perspective if the target was North America. However I doubt the Norks would attack anywhere but SK. Missiles would just get shot down any further than that.

The reported range is 9000 km

>I thought the world was a sphere, not flat?

Here is a (((conventional))) map

Good going dumbass

>finno-korean hyperwar
that never happend is just a meme

no bully

I mean that looks pretty good to me

>tfw live in Idaho.

NK please bomb me, Im tired of being a NEET.




its real heres a picture of an ancient finnish fusion reactor

You fucking, motherfucking, NIGGER FAGGOT

Fuck you North Korea, you can't hit me!!


The point of nukes post WW2 is to act as a deterrent, not to actually use.

So we just have to disable all their longest range missiles
The rest dont matter

Kek confirms. The Finno-Korean Hyper War really happened.



"missile range" implying they have intercontinental balistic missiles, they are transporting it by boat in containers.

wow show more

Good cover Nasa shill
Too late you spilled the beans


>NK finally does it.
>War head heading for San Fransisco.
>Trajectory was calculated with a map of the US made in the US because they thought it would be more accurate.
>Gooks don't realize miles and kilometers are two very different things.
>Tiny 5kt warhead detonates 80 miles off the coast.
>Trump laughs.
>The entire NK aerospace staff commits sudoku.

it's 9km now


Australia has a strong case of autism

looks like a love mage to me.



>all these flavors and you choose to be salty

Great quote desu

in the last 10 years they went from the 1,000km range to now at least the 6,000 range and allegedly have a dozen of them badbois....
the real question is what's the estimate how long until they have a couple hundo nukes and a range of 10,000km ?

They lack the technology to miniaturize a nuke that could be carried on a warhead.

the best hey could hope for would be to drop one and a bomber would never get near the US.

Let's just face facts, SK and Japan are the only ones that have anything to worry about for at least 5 years.


dam u

Goddamn it you people wanted to join the union. Our people fought in your revolution.

man they could totally clean up san francisco

lol fuck off, try halving that range and we might get a bit closer


no i don't think san diego will ever be okay lmao

jokes on you, my immunities have hexproof and
>this immunity can't be negated

Keked, the NKs would probably do this, honestly

if the world is flat and not round, how do you explain weather systems you can track across the globe? they never fall off an edge, they just wrap around

me mum

i'm going to vancouver this weekend am i fucked?

Man I would totally love that.

This image is split into 3 parts, HL3 when?

not soon enough, I want San Fran, Seattle and Vancouver wiped off the map desu

They will kill one of your crocodiles.

Implying the US can't disable any missile launched from North Korea within minutes, rendering it flaccid, useless, and unable to deliver a nuclear payload.


>tfw going innabush camping this weekend
>tfw tomorrow when the war began

I'm fucking hyped lads.


>The Sampo is a rather mysterious artefact, forged by the blacksmith Ilmarinen for Louhi, the Queen of the North. When the main protagonist of the saga, Väinämöinen, attempted to steal it, it broke into pieces and disappeared into the sea.
>The nature of the Sampo is not clearly described, other than it brings prosperity to its owner. It is depicted in the original as a kind of mill, creating flour, salt and money.

That's false, you just need to deactivate the atoms.

Remember the 6,000,000km strike ranges.

Jokes on you my mom's already dead.HAHAHAHAHAH

oh wait a second... I feel really sad all of a sudden. :(

It would have to get past COBRA DANE undetected otherwise the auto launch systems on the JSM would blow it out of the sky with a SM3.

COBRA DANE turned to full power would probably fry all the navigation equipment in the ICBM before it made it through the arctic too.

>no dong
>tap dong

We've been training our youth in guerrilla warfare long before it was even fashionable. Any invasion of Australian shores is destined to fail.

The imperial system crashed a mars lander.
Our freedom units is like Russia's ridiculous amount of land.

what a bullshit map OP

>2d picture

>tfw too irrelevant to get nuked

Actual science makes flat earther brains explode.

>tfw on the east coast

let's hope he fucks up commiefornia real good

That's texans for you.

The fags on the west coast just need to declare this

I'd nuke you senpai

better safe than sorry

feels comfy

North Korea can't even grow enough food to feed themselves. Does anyone really think they can compete with this?

We just have to offer a meal and we got them on our side

hopefully they nuke something worthless like Alaska then north korea gets turned to glass


North Korean rocket scientists don't even have a basic understanding of trigonometry.

How the fuck could they hit any location in North America when their trajectories are based on flat earth concepts?

>Gooks don't realize miles and kilometers are two very different things.
>>Tiny 5kt warhead detonates 80 miles off the coast.
youre fucking bad at math dude

this has to work.



>implying we aren't a target


That's whay most analysts think too.

The NKs will rush across the mine fields or through their tunnels when the war starts but when they see all the food, lights and cars in the South, they'll throw down their weapons and go eat bimbap.

The only issue is NK has SCUDS with actual chemical warheads pointed at Seoul.

Fk u

How awesome would it be if they just nuked Saudi out of nowhere.


its not about winning. millions in S. Korea will be killed in the first minutes by the north. it will be horrendous