So tmrw Korea is gonna nuke the u.s.a. If Kim actually does this his country would be eradicated in days since the whole world is against him , thoughts ?
Korea vs Us
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he will not, we just all want to see new footage of people getting raped with massive feats of human technology and the chaos that follows. yall been watching too many zombie movies
>Best Korea
They don't have the capability of hitting the United States you fucking autist. Even if they did grow a pair an launch some shit at us, we'd be able to shoot it down before it reaches the mainland.
>his official nuclear claims are he can bomb the west coast
And nothing of value will be lost, that NEET emperor will save us the time of personally having to go down there and fuck it up ourselves.
>the whole world is against him
[citation needed]
You do realize he does a lot of black market arms trading right? He would have many friends on the outside, so to speak.
north korea can't nuke the US
they can't put a warhead on a missile, let alone get an icbm anywhere near the US
and their rusty subs couldn't deliver a fucking ham and cheese baguette
Do you think you guys could persuade him to nuke Toronto instead?
Thanks in advance.
They have a submarine u coon so they can reach, and im pretty sure America has some anti nuke defense system so it doesn't matter desu.
I'm just thinking worst case scenario
And how, exactly, is Best Korea getting said nuke into the United States?
Might be late then. And probably scuffed.
>kim launches nuke
>us missile already locked on
>us jet fighters already locked on
>gets shot down in the silo
nigga they can't shoot an missle from a silo with no payload what makes you think they can launch one from some diesel powered gas tank
Let's say they fire something but fail, would you like to see America take action ? Like if this kid is talking smack swings at you but misses do you punch back ?
Honestly if he did nuke the states he would kill a bunch of niggers so I don't think anyone would care about you cunts besides yourselves
We will kill every last one of those slant eyed fucks.
God bless the United States of America!
>Implying the Norks have any endgame other than getting invaded and annexed by China the second Jinping thinks their saber-rattling is *actually* gonna start a war
nothing else needs to be said
This entire post was literally fucking Tumblr or Reddit tier. God fucking damn I have never cringed that hard in my entire life
The question is can Kim pull off this stalemate long enough to achieve nukes capable of hitting the US?
please get california
If Nork successfully hit the US with a nuke the whole world would would turn a blind eye as we glass their country
Especially if it was in California, even the liberals would support nuking them
Not from NK. His best bet would be launching from a submarine, but I'm not sure those things are even capable of delivering a nuclear payload.
Probably not even capable of delivering a pizza.
I'm team Kimmy all the way. Fuck Drumpf and fuck Jewish people.
>submarine pizza delivery system
I'd fund it
My mom is in California
Should i be worried?
I hope he takes out San Fransisco.
she has to go back. she probably should actually, considering the circumstances.
>kim launches nuke
>17 different automated (9 of which no one even knew existed) defense systems bring it down harmlessly
>Sup Forums laugh at Kim Jong Un
>USA call to arms
>early stages of mobilization
>20-48 hours after zero hour
>best korea activate their 5th collumn
>thousands of suitcase nukes are detonated nearby industrial hubs and military bases
>all those burgersoldiers waiting to board on planes and boats are kill.
>they release the bioweapons on city centers.
>all burgers are kill.