Your 3 year old son is diagnosed with cancer. Doctors tell you he has a 10% of beating it...

Your 3 year old son is diagnosed with cancer. Doctors tell you he has a 10% of beating it. The husband and wife jointly decide after dozens of hours of deliberation that it would be better to not treat him and enjoy the time that they have left with him. The Government of Ontario disagrees, taking the child from the parents. 7 weeks later the child dies. The parents haven't seen him since he was taken away and are banned from the child's funeral.

is cancer haram?

if answer yes: post link


Ontario gouvernment tried to take my son away when I refused to take a flu shot.

For the record my son has the mandatory vaccines.

I fucking hate this stupid shit province. Shitty government can't leave us alone and allow us to live our lives the way we see fit. Fuck Wynne

This actually happened? Why is Canada such a shitty country?


weed cures cancer confirmed by doctorz

This doesn't happen though.
If it's a 2% chance of survival they would, and then you could just buy the treatment yourself/use private insurance.

well they can always have an other one

They would have to kill me to take your kid under those circumstances. I would take a few of them with me. What kind of cucks let the government take their sick child from them? If they did manage to take the child by surprise, I would hunt down every person involved and kill them.

That's fucked up. I'm a big proponent of the mandatory vaccines, but Flu shots are a Jew scam if there ever was one. They are as likely to make you sick as they are to work.


>Canada is fucked up


Canadians serious question, why haven't you guys revolted yet? Your gov and country is fucked. If the aren't trampling your rights then they are selling you out to chinese. Time to wake up leafs.

>allowing the government to put something into your body or your child's body under threat of violence
Wew lad

wouldn't it be easier to move to a less shit province?

Wherever you may move, they Eye of Trudeau will be watching.

Bullshit. I spent the last 4 months explaining to faggots like you why you could've spared yourself 2 weeks of bed sweating hell if you'd gotten the shot. Breakthrough infection in the vaccinated happened, but the illness was no worse than a bad cold. Go fuck yourself. Get flu A and get back to me on your opinion.

quality =/= quantity

Most of the country are cucked SJWs.

I don't understand why the parents wouldn't op for treatment. Shitty move by State, though.

I work in a hospital and the occupation health department is strongly considering dropping all future flu vaccination campaigns because of the high number of sick leaves following staff getting vaccinated.

You can also spare yourself 2 weeks of bed sweating by washing your goddamn hands.


>I'm a big proponent of the mandatory vaccines