The Calorie Jew

Reminder that fatness is degeneracy, and fat people will be gassed right after kikes and niggers.

If your BMI is >25 (exceptions for fitbros), you are a bad person, and should kill yourself immediately. You are irredeemable. You are not white. You do not deserve to pass on your genes.

BMI Calculator:

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You're factually correct, the supreme kind of correct.
I almost never come across fat people who don't use their laziness and nihilism to justify any evil action or lack of good actions. Fat people should lose weight or opt for euthanasia.

Class 1 masterrace reporting in. It's a shame this outdated thing doesn't take muscle mass into consideration. I might just be alpha.

Class III here. I am 160 cm 120 kg
>sissy skinny fat thinks he's masterrace

We need a pic of those muscles. Timestamp it to prove that you aren't fat.

BMI is complete shit you idiot. It cant differentiate weight from muscle and fat. Percent body fat is the indicator of fatness. 20s% is where you start to have a little gut and need to lay off calories.

it amazes me that people on Sup Forums admit to being fat like it's no big deal

they are destroying western society, they are squelching our health and food resources and promoting degeneracy to younger generations

if you have allowed yourself to become a disgusting fat slob, you have given up on your race, you are a parasite and you deserve to be sterilized and/or exterminated. This even goes for people who "lose weight"--they chronically relapse and become fat degenerates.

If you have EVER been fat you are a blight on society and a disgrace.

I graduated highschool with 11% body fat and a bmi of 33 because I lifted weights

BMI is bullshit.

in fact one of the first things I learned in personal training school was to disregard anyone that uses it because it's so bullshit. It's right up there with those scales that supposedly can measure body fat. They don't work

Get rid of welfare and make healthcare a free market, that will eliminate the majority of fatties, maybe have some mandatory military service or military style schools.

>said the lardass

fucking kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit. everyone knows BMI must take muscle mass into consideration.

get this through your head: you do not deserve to live if you have ever been fat. You are worthless morally and genetically.

>everyone knows BMI must take muscle mass into consideration.
>it must because if it didn't it would be a flawed system
>it doesn't
>therefore it is a flawed system
wow that was hard

Given that I alluded to this in my OP, I'm going to assume that you are overweight, and therefore an unacceptable degenerate

Being fat is worse than drug use. It is laziness incarnate, and literally second only to being a kike or nigger. And those who have been fat are at high risk of becoming fat. You cannot escape it. You must be put down.

if you need to use a qualifier to make your argument, your argument isn't good

BMI is one piece of information to determine whether or not you deserve to live.

Given that you're fighting this so hard, I take it you are a lazy degenerate fatass. Remember this: you are irredeemable. Losing weight for any temporary amount of time will not save you. You are a disgrace to the white race.

24.6, living on the edge

Niger are you round?

I tried, but I couldn't find a rope in my size.

hahaha you're literal worthless scum.

Oh no! the (((BMI))) says I have too much mass. I guess I'll just eat salads and take estrogen pills to look pretty


>making excuses for being fat

literally kill yourself, you lazy degenerate worthless fat fuck

I would argue not irredeemable. At my heaviest back in 2014 I got up to 345 lbs, and could barely do anything. I'm back down to 180 lbs these days and eating well and exercising. It is possible for people to change back and embrace a healthy life style. I do agree that while you're there you should not reproduce though. If you can't take care of yourself then you don't need to be taking on the responsibility of taking care of another. Fatness does not affect melanin.

no it literally isn't

no industry professionals worth anything use BMI. in fact any club worth anything doesn't even allow trainers to use it if they wanted to


send pics of your belly you worthless fat fuck

fatness is a moral weakness, inherent to the individual. you may have lost weight externally, but you are still internally a degenerate and should not muddy the white gene pool with your worthless seed

being fat is not a temporary condition. it is a fundamental problem with YOU that will never go away, no matter what happens to your behavior. this is due to the heritable epigenetic affects of fatness

now I see what's going on here. You're a fat fetishist trying to get pictures of man belly to fap over

why are you still making excuses for being worthless

stop posting and kill yourself

>BMI provides a simple numeric measure of a person's thickness or thinness, allowing health professionals to discuss weight problems more objectively with their patients. BMI was designed to be used as a simple means of classifying average sedentary (physically inactive) populations, with an average body composition. For these individuals, the current value recommendations are as follow: a BMI from 18.5 up to 25 kg/m2 may indicate optimal weight, a BMI lower than 18.5 suggests the person is underweight, a number from 25 up to 30 may indicate the person is overweight, and a number from 30 upwards suggests the person is obese.[8]Some athletes, such as football linemen, have a high muscle to fat ratio and may have a BMI that is misleadingly high relative to their body fat percentage.

What if you're actively working on it and your BMI has gone from 36-31 so far?

Obesity is epigenetic/genetic and a stain on the white race. It's not about your current appearance, its about your moral and inherent lack of eligibility for procreation.

You're doing really well, keep it up user!

BMI is bullshit.
Your all fat unless otherwise proven.
Mass Suicide is the only answer.
I also need to kill myself.
Shit, we're all dead.

you're doing great! next step:

>sterilize yourself

>OP has a BMI that exceeds 25 but wants to act tough on the internet


I'm a first class person.

?????? what are you rambling about


BMI 24, fit, low bf %

the calorie jew and the future of the white race

What about if you were fat in middle school only?

>European Jewish
>not 0%
>Lecturing anyone on who's a disgrace to the white race.


congrats, you're not white so I don't give two shit about what you do to your shitskin race


This is an 18+ website.

Thanks for making sense.


Troll thread detected. Sage.

>BMI of 21.1
Everyone I know calls me skinny, saying I need to eat more.

Weight is genetic. If your body is round, your shoulders narrow, your chin receded and your arms short, you can't really help being 2 or 3 BMI points higher than others.

t. lanklet

Same, has to get a Dr excuse for bmi of 31to start nursing school...17 % body fat at that time...bmi is bullshit

probably because you are skinnyfat, and may also be a lazy worthless degenerate

Almost 100%

You should say
>the caloric jew

99.9999% post though.

15.6 BMI
Beat me, edgelords.

only people who don't lift use that joke system

weight is PARTLY genetic. every white person has some small variation within their genes, but those who are overweight (without being fit) have two problems: inherent lazy degeneracy and predisposition to obesity

neither of which are worthy of passing on into the gene pool

read my clarifications you worthless fat fuck

>implying I didn't spell out that caveat in the fucking OP

testy lardasses coming out in droves. newsflash: you're not white

t. twigboy
sorry for being a meathead

The BMI says Michael Jordan in his prime was overweight and Tom Hanks is obese. So why is anyone still using this system?

according to this im overweight but in north america it's considered skinny so im good

then return to reddit

Help, I hate living on the edge of being under weight. When I started me new job I lost like 10 lbs within a couple months and slowly gained it back but I fear I could lose it again just from stress.

because they understand that athletes and fitbros take bf % into account and that Tom Hanks is (or was, at certain points) probably obese. if you didn't realize that, are you a fatass yourself?

>being proud of being small

No, you're the Jew. You're no different than that German turkroach who wanted to kill all Anglos because they were polluting the pure Aryan gene pool.

He wanted to divide the white race and so do you schlomo.

I'm fucking trying. First I have to build muscle before I can lose weight.

Being underweight is almost as bad in terms of moral degeneracy, but not as bad genetically. You need to get your ass in gear and develop a system to figure out the appropriate amount of food to eat.

The vast majority of people have a basal metabolic rate (BMR) within about 300kcal of the average (some exceptions exist for people with outlier issues). You can calculate a BMR estimate easily online, then adjust for your specific metabolism by comparing to a proper scale (take weight measurement every morning at the same time and average growth/decline, then make adjustments to kcal intake to compensate).

fatties are not white


But it's stupid to use a system that says anyone who is athletic is overweight or obese. To be soccer at any sport besides soccer (because you can still play soccer if you're a manlet weakling) you have to be overweight or obese.


Except some groups that claim to be white are decidedly not, and some are borderline. Anglos have always been viewed as white, along with the Dutch and the Germans. Their superior colonial genes that confirms this.

>tfw 30.0 BMI but it's just because you've overbulked

I'm gonna cut from 200 to 185 lbs and be shredded as fuck

to be good not soccer

>it's stupid for laypeople to do an initial rule of thumb calculation before looking at secondary measures to verify

fucking kill yourself you fat parasite


Guys im class 2 and i hate myself for it

nothing wrong with this. BMI is only a preliminary measure, not directly applicable to those who are very physically active

What if my bmi is 17.2?

If your self-esteem is so low that you had to ask an user on pol of all places....well that pretty much sums it up

I'm fat, there's nothing you can do about it, and immigrants are worse.

>started cutting
>looking great but losing strength at an alarming rate
I want to look good but not at the expense of my PRs

holy shit every time

>day of the rake when


>not drinking a jug of 3 1/2% milk a day for that 2600 calories

Being a hard gainer is the worst but 9 times out of ten were not getting our macro nutrients or hitting our calorie/ protine levels daily. (I'm no expert but learning as I go)

It's 70% what you feed your body

cut slower and/or incrementally

>fat people will be gassed right after kikes and niggers

Cool I've got time to lose some weight then

easy rule of thumb: 1g protein per 1lb of body weight per day. (actual estimated optimal number is a little lower and will very by person). this is by far the most important macronutrient target (though you should be eating enough carbs to perform well).


BMI is 21, ottermode /fit/

Am I good?

Fuck it's tough to eat that much food in a day tho, I know I should invest in a protine supplement but I need to spend that money on free weights first, maybe I should fill some of the milk jugs with sand ahah
Have a supplement that you recommend?


You do know there's called high metabolism and low metabolism right? not making any excuses, just saying some people have a bit more of a difficult time with loosing weight, plus maintaining a good weight and loosing 20 pounds is also not equally easy.

if you can afford $0.75 a serving (of ~25-30g of amino complete proteins), try buying whey in bulk. google to see if your bargain whey stands up to independent verification of its nutritional content.

last I checked EAS whey was ~$45 for a 5lb tub on Amazon and possibly elsewhere, it should do ~60g/day of whey supplement and last a month. Look up others as well

not 100% sure if that brand is independently verified though

lost his girl to a fat guy most happens.

we still get girls, ladies still love us. and i know a skinny ugly ass like yourself can't stand it to see the big guys mounting your girl but you can't do anything about it accept cry about it on Sup Forums.

I'm suggesting that heritability is part of the problem with obesity, combined with personal moral failure. this is why even formerly obese individuals should not procreate.

Easy to say when you've never lived it. I was a victim of persistent child abuse. Many basic life skills others may take for granted were never instilled in me. I've recognized the problem and I'm working to correct it. Your vitriol will not deter me.

post glutes

22, feels good man.

being a degenerate undesirables hasn't stopped niggers from being physically able to procreate

this is about the well being of society, nothing more

go away from Sup Forums now

Good for you, many of us are rooting for you. Similar situation here. Having to teach yourself to be an adult def is harder than having actual parents do it, but good for you for recognizing it and pursuing that. Best of luck on becoming a better you.

most fat people are smarter too faggot, there is a reason why we exist, its that we survive better than you do, even with all the hate we get, we still thrive.