Obama is really good at creating jobs. You right winged faggots need to take an econ 101 class. Take you're head out of your red loving ass and breathe in this patriotic blue air.
Obama is really good at creating jobs. You right winged faggots need to take an econ 101 class...
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Part time jobs, sure.
>Tfw right winger but blue is my favorite color
Guess I'm .....shillin for Hill.
Oh wait she lost, who am I shilling for now?
Where's your leaf?
That chart just shows the recovery following a housing bubble crash. The free market is good at creating jobs.
Part time jobs are still jobs. Right?
>Private sector
>President created jobs
Lol, you statist bitches are just autistic, aren't you?
expansive artifact
>I don't understand economics
Right wing retards should be euthanized
Who's going to build the roads for your short bus to drive on?
ALL retards should be euthanized.
>Who's going to build the roads for your short bus to drive on?
Obama and senators, I guess, spade in hand, one cubic meter of asphalt after another
There is a 100% chance you have a sloped forehead and a double digit IQ
>I don't have a proper response, so I'll just insult them and hopefully win over some of them
All minimum wage, part time, not sustainable to live happily.
Wow, some Canadian faggot with an opinion I didn't ask for. How uncommon
>job creation goes up during the upswing after the recession
lmao and you're the one telling us to take an econ101 class
How can someone working a part time job put their money back into the economy when said part time job doesn't supply them with enough money to do so?
why would a NEET like me give a rats ass about the economy?
And still didn't hit replacement rate for one month. 200k jobs is not enough, 400k used to be considered a good month. 350k is about replacement rate.
FED created tons of job by keeping interest rates low and chinese imports cheap.
It's not an argument. It's a fact niggah
Not an argument
Holy shit you are right. Forgive me senpai
No problem. Just don't let it happen again ,ya hear?
1 post
That's right you dumb kike walk away. Walk right into the oven where you belong
He was really good at taking credit for what naturally happens after a reccesion, he was also really good at creating meaningless government office jobs for fat women in their 30s.
>muh roads
and it only cost $9 trillion.
stupid wingnut right wing cucks don't realize how doubling national debt is a bargain since dumb fuckers that haven't been born yet will have to pay for it.
>Right wing retards can't refute this
nice bait, no source, the part about "economists", this is sure to get some (You)s.
Are you done larping as a shill yet?
Literally google the headline you fat kike
Are you done being a literal nigger living on an island. Lmao I hope your "country" sinks. Like a dissolving tablet in a big glass of water
Jobs don't mean a thing you idiot, especially if they're bureaucracy jobs that do more harm than good.
Democrat puts X regulation or economic law in place, X require mass amounts of bureaucratic workers for the government and strengthens need for legal experts.
>muh job creation.exe
Regulation X massacres competition creating quasi-monopoly controlled industries, meaning higher prices and low incentive to innovate. Industry stagnates.
Now obviously that doesn't account for everything (especially in this situation), but the point is what looks good in the short term (((muh jobs))) doesn't at all mean long term economic success.
Kys shareblue
>pretending to be obamaleaf
probably the most pathetic thing i have seen
>what is a recovery from a recession
I mean, you don't stay in a recession forever senpai
I noticed shareblue in some Sup Forums threads are starting to call Right leaning or aniti sjw users kike lovers and at the same time claiming they voted for trump
I don't give a fuck. Mkay?
The graph that OP posted is very misleading and frankly is outright deceitful. Not only does it not show the part time employ vs full time employment, but it also does not show the size of the workforce and individuals stuck with part time jobs that are in need of a full time job. Furthermore, it does not show the difference between students living with their parents receiving jobs versus individuals supporting families. It also shows no information about the quality of jobs (low skill versus high skill, entry level versus high salary, etc.). Additionally it labels the only factor as Obama, which is absolutely ridiculous. It's sad that these images can legally be shared because they are so effective at deceiving people like you and swinging mass opinions.
>t. economics minor from the University of Western Ontario
>It's sad that these images can legally be shared because they are so effective at deceiving people like you and swinging mass opinions.
Opinion is Obama is good and you right wing retards are bad bad bad. Try harder memeconomist
Obama also DOUBLED the Federal Debt from 10 Trillion USD to 20 Trillion USD. Just wait till interest rates move up and see what happens.
>founded by (((EZRA LEVIN))) and (((LEAH GREENBERG))) former democratic staffers
>how can someone working a part time job put their money back into the economy
You fucking moron, poor people put more money into the economy than rich people who hoard all the cash in accounts you dumb fucking cunt.
> rich people who hoard all the cash in accounts
Bahahaha, have you even left fucking high school yet mate? Rich people hoard cash lmao, fucking good one.
>rich people hoard cash
They do, or they put it into assets that literally do nothing for the economy like real estate. Poor people buy necessities.
Give a poor person more money and they're more likely to spend it. Give a rich person more money. They just save it in the bank.
Unless you're nigger rich and waste all your money. Then you're really good for the economy.
I hope Trump loses in 2020. Democrats are much better for my portfolio. They know how to keep the poor people in their place.
lol you caught yourself up & tried to save face but it didn't work mate.
> put it into assets that literally do nothing for the economy like real estate
Lol yeah bro, all those apartment complexes for tourists & renting do nothing, all those housing developments do nothing, putting their money into companies & other assets do nothing for the economy in fact they just hide it in a foreign bank account as cash right?
Look, rich people are asset rich, they do however keep a portion of their portfolio liquid in cash & other more liquid assets so that if opportunities come along they have the flexibility to make a move.
On top of that what happens when they spend millions on a yacht, yacht crew, $10,000 dinners etc? It's the easiest way to redistribute wealth, the part you're mad about is that they also invest their money so it makes a return which keeps them rich (while poor cunts just piss it away at the pub, go into credit card debt & put money into a bank account like a pleb), which isn't always the case social mobility means upper & lower class swap places quite often generation to generation but it's slowing down because of Socialism.
It's okay I remember my first forway onto Sup Forums as well.
>government created private sector jobs
Right here bitch.
95% full time actually
Thank you, based Obama. I tripled my net worth while you were in office and I never had to give my employees a raise!
While this was the slowest economic recovery in history, we did see consistent job growth.
Not enough!
Can we stop calling it stimulus and call it what it is, adding more fake currency to the market.
>Renting do nothing
They do nothing, renting out apartments doesn't generate any money for the economy at all. The money all goes back to the landlord you stupid fuck.
90% of all new apartment complexes in the city are vacant and are speculative purchases.
>They spend millions on a yacht and yacht crew
There aren't enough rich people in the world to sustain the economy. Otherwise everyone would be yacht crew and yacht builders or make $10,000 dinners everyday.
You are truly a giant dumb fuck who thinks that rich people get rich by spending all their money.
Poor people will spend literally all of their money into the economy.
This right wing retard got btfo by me so hard that he's larping as a Bernie Sanders supporter concerned about income inequality.
Obama literally saved the American economy from a 2nd Great Republican Depression. Right wing retards hate him for it!
What's the point of Democrats raising taxes if their economic policies only enrich the wealthiest anyway?
That infographic is funny. They kindly forget to mention that when tax-breaks for the rich occur, total tax revenue (i.e. total amount of money the government receives from taxes on private citizens) goes UP. That's because with less stipulations placed on the rich means they are more inclined to pay more in tax rather than look for every fucking loop-hole in the system to exploit to avoid paying excessive tax.
>Well than
You left out a critical part in the image you chose to post.
>Paul (((Krugman)))
Here's how wealth distribution works
1% of wealthy earns more than the other 99%
If the average person spends $50 all up to survive
A rich person needs to spend $4,950 to achieve the same amount of spending in the economy.
Which comes up to about $1.8 million dollars a year.
You can count how many people who can spend that amount of money in the country without going poor in a few months with two hands.
You're that same dog-fucking cuck who keeps jerking off the fiscal year bullshit, when no one gives a shit. What's the matter, your poodle didn't lick all the maple syrup off your shriveled, tiny junk?
Zerohedge.com. deh gotta lotta likka dis.
Since you're larping as a Bernie Sanders supporter concerned about income inequality, I assume you support raising taxes on the rich, estate taxes, and capital gains taxes as well.
What do you think of Trump's tax plan?
u mad bro?
Burger flipping is a job with extremely high opportunities. Thx Barry
Thanks for not addressing the arguments. Anyway, people need places to live, building them helps the economy. The speculative empty memes is just that a meme, check the figures of how many apartments remain vacant for 2+ months.
No one is arguing rich people can sustain the economy on their spending, I'm arguing for people to stop these redistribution memes through false logic like
> Poor people will spend literally all of their money into the economy.
This shit. Spending despite what they say isn't everything as we are currently finding out with our current economic predicaments, sainvgs & capital investment is crucial.
You're Australia, literally the only thing keeping our economy afloat which no one will tell you is our $2 Trillion forced savings in Superannuation where around $1 Trillion has been currently saved then invested as capital. In fact socialists & union marxists are secretly calling for about $500-600billion of our Super to be used as capital for infrastructure projects. 23 million people buying food & petrol doesn't grow an economy.
We also need wealth creation which comes from saving & investing.
Raising the tax rate is irrelevant if your economic policies disproportionately help the wealthy to begin with. Look at what happened when Clinton raised tax rates.
You stupid motherfucker.....Obama's not the President anymore! Fuck off!
The economy booms under Democrats. Everyone gets richer. The rich get rich faster.
The economy crashes under Republicans. Everyone gets poorer. The rich get poorer faster.
Why do right wing retards spend their entire lives fighting for massive tax cuts for the wealthy?
You know I'm destroying you right wing retards badly when you can no longer argue from the right and you have to larp as Bernie fans concerned about income inequality.
best bait ever
Except that's not how it works, who taught you this shit?
The 1% aren't wage cucks and as I pointed out their money is in assets. The economy doesn't run because 100% of income is spent, that's how you get fucked trade deficits, lack of capital formation giving an overeliance on credit, a lack of productive acitivyt & a heavy weighting towards menial tasks.
Stop the spending meme the economy needs more nuance than that. Broken window fallacy shows that just continually spending doesn't improve people's lives.
You alone will redeem Canada. It is your destiny.
Why do the rich get rich faster under Democrats?
Because the economy booms under Democrats. Everyone gets richer.
Unlike under Republicans, who crash the economy.
Had enough getting btfo yet?
How do we know that isn't some biased graph to make Obomber look like a saint.
The only thing Obama was good at increasing was tensions in Russia, destabilizations in Libya, the debt and putting more people on food stamps.
>people don't understand Obama's economic policies we're the fucking same as Bush
Here's part time vs full time under Obama. Virtually No increase in part time. 95% full time job creation.
You just got btfo retard.
also see You should demand refund from WU. You just got annihilated. Pray I don't visit London and destroy you.
>People need places to live
Yeah, it doesn't help when you buy property then leave it vacant you stupid nignog.
90% of new apartments are simply left vacant or 'rented' out to people so they run up the water and electricity so they can claim Principal place of residence.
>Redistribution memes
Poor people spend all their money on food, clothing, utilities and other things that most people use. Your stupid shitty argument about yachts and restaurants is dumb as shit. The only people that benefits is people in the yacht industry. And rich people buy one yacht. They don't buy one yacht a day.
You have no idea what makes the economy tick because you're a backward dumbfuck.
>1% aren't wage cucks their money is in assets
Yeah exactly you stupid fuck. The assets don't produce anything real. Poor people buy bread and bakers get work and farmers sell wheat.
Unless rich people can eat more bread than 99% of the poor you're taking money out of the economy because people are going hungry so you can have 10 investment properties.
Learn how asset bubbles work moron.
No they weren't.
Trump is Bush 2.0 actually.
The lower classes never benefit at all. In large part because of the influx of cheap, hispanic labor from illegals.
Peter Schiff has been destroying himself for the last 7 years predicting about 100 recessions that have not come to pass.
I've said on (((pol))) that I would gladly debate that retard anytime and destroy him.
>muh trickle down
Only brainwashed idiots think we've had anything close to "trickle down economics" in the past 40 years.
Fun fact: Most of Obama's jobs were in the service industry and paid less then $15 an hour
>the economy doesn't run because 100% of the income is spent
That's exactly how the economy works and why interest rates get cut to allow for more cheap funds to try to spur the economy on.
People will borrow more when credit is cheap and hoarding money becomes less attractive.
So what do people do?
Take money out of banks and put it into real estate, creatinga massive bubble and eventually fucking everyone when it bursts.
That's not true. The lower classes prosper under Democrats and suffer under Republicans.
I assume, since you're larping as a fighter for the American worker, that you support a $15/hour minimum wage. After all, the unemployment rate in Seattle is now 2.9%.
>econ 101 class
sage and reported
Yeah, it's the new shill strategy.
America needs gulags for tax evaders.
>Spending isn't what the economy tick
Please kys moron.