because spending 20 minutes with a nigger in jail changes everything you believe in
honestly I thought it was more of a joke than convincing..
any other movies like this?
because spending 20 minutes with a nigger in jail changes everything you believe in
honestly I thought it was more of a joke than convincing..
any other movies like this?
stop being such a fucking edgelord
have you seen the movie? You thought it was convincing that a neo nazi spent a little time with a niglet and realized oh i was wrong? Sorry if being an edge lord means you're not fucking retarded
>spent a little time with a niglet and realized oh i was wrong
Have you really watched the movie?
that's what happened
OP why so edgy?
Seriously though. If you hate blacks or "niggers" then you should become friends with one. Not all of them are hood rats that contribute nothing.
i grew up in densely populated black area where 35% of my high school was black and 20% Mexican. I've made a few friends sure, but most of them are just monkeys or apes.
Well it depends on the upbringing and it's different for everyone I guess :D
I have 3 pretty much hard-working black friends that aren't cunts. Honestly one day I hope they can work something out so that in murica not half of them are hood rats you know?
Did you even watch the ending?
what where his brother gets shot?
There's only so much upbringing can do when you're dealing with a population with a mean iq of 80.
the ending got changed before the movie was released. the original ending had him going nazi again.
Is there anything wrong with not liking a group of people as a whole (particuarly not wanting to live in neighbourhoods with large number of them, not wanting their level of immigration to be so high), even though you met some individuals that turned into your friends? People might call me a hypocrite... but what is wrong with that. Even Hitler had jewish friends.
same here man, but most of the newfriends here will still disagree with you anyways, call you a cuck or a shill cause they cant tell the difference between a black guy and a nigger
God dammit you're dumb, it makes perfect sense for him to stop being racist from that one experience.
You're so far up your own ass you're looking for reasons to hate something because muh niggers and when you don't find them, you create them.
And the worst part is: you didn't find them because you're dumb, because there's a lot wrong with this movie.
Just saw Imperium and it was a shit movie, had some cool parts, but the entire time the movie was just not believable, like he was a dead giveaway as FBI
This movie made me and all my friends in high school more racist, not less..
My eyes have seen the glory
no it doesn't. it makes more sense from the aryans beating him up. but the way it's portrayed as if the niglet is something special and he changes him.
glad you cared to explain your point
alright i never saw that, I'll rewatch sometime with the shaved head ending
pic related. it has harry potter in it so go redpil your gf's and your wifes bf.
That wasn't why, it was because he got redpilled on stormfags who didn't care about natsoc and just wanted to larp dindu drug dealers.
Friendly reminder in the original cut of the movie he goes full 14/88 at the end again.
like, you discover you are gay?
part of the reason, but also tries to sway by showing this one sweet innocent black guy that dindu nuffin, and does so terribly... that was all I was saying
There's two reasons: Stormfags in the movie were just regular criminals, they weren't legit, they were a joke. This makes him feel pathetic.
At this point he didn't stop being racist yet, but he's certainly questioning.
And them he's raped and is officialy out of the gang, it should've been a death sentence, but it wasn't.
The "niglet" saved him.
He went out of his way to talk with other blacks, pretty much risking his life, asking them to leave him alone. He does that even tho he was a neo-nazi and a racist.
It was a right place right time kind of situation, he was already questioning his beliefs.
It's 2:31 am here. Give me a break.
This, they weren't true believers and it pissed him off because he was.
Also the lil black dude saved his life.
>stormfags will debate this
How so? Never seen the first cut
Of the trampling at the zoo
>20 minutes
You realise time in the movie doesn't necessarily equal story time right? Like the entire story takes place over the course of more than 90 minutes.
I agree. The movie seemed like a ploy to discredit any nationalism as well as desensitize normies to Goy ZOG.
LITERALLY JUUUUUUST watched it. Finished it 30 minutes ago.
No the real ending
He shaves his head
Romper Stomper - good little film.
not much emphasis on that, sure it was there but more emphasis on the black dude... it's been a while since I saw it, and I remember that but I just thought those were some cynical white dudes who wanted to get high and didn't care how. When you want drugs and shit why do you care. I think he was kinda pissed off for the wrong reason there anyway.
That's the exact purpose it was made for
>t.50 iq
He was more turned off from white supremacist by getting raped by the other nazis in prison.
Weird movie since he is proven right in the end since a nigger murders his brother even after they give up racism.
I didn't think Radcliffe would be involved in anything pro nazi. I'm not going to watch it based on what you said then and think the guy saying it's a red pill is trolling
>Herp derp I think I'll go to a politics board to ask about movies
This Sup Forums. You want Sup Forums ya dingus.
this, if you actually know niggers you hate them. And even that 1 normal nigger is impossibole to find they always have a serten attitude surrounding them.
I love how you make a perfectly valid point but no one answers because they know it would destroy their own arguments
i bet its pols favorite movie though and I came here to talk about the politics of the movie not the critical aspects
>getting raped by the other nazis
>nigger murders his brother
it just proves in the end that ideologies are unreliable and only cause pain
You probably are a builder or something else. Low iq, we look down at you so it's not suprising you find high iq niggers to be likeable since they are close to you in thinking.
>north americans not retarded
it doesn't destroy the argument... it completely validates what I was trying to say, he makes one black friend that turns him away... and we're saying you can have friends but still hate the majority which is why I didn't like the movie
>what is discussing a movie
Spending 20 minutes in jail with a nigger reinforces every stereotype and negative thought you've had about them.
I was in for a DUI and he was in for, guess what, armed robbery.
Fucking niggers.
>"it just proves ideologies are unreliable and only cause pain"
How is that not in a bigger context then the movie? What are you brain dead
Sorry, I thought he was answering to someone else's comment lol I do agree tho, theres nothing wrong with preferring the company of your own race
Never forget /pols/ favorite movie was directed by this guy
-within the confines of the film we are discussing
sorry that I have to dumb myself down for swedes
We don't want them in our societies good or bad. They look weird and their genetics are largely shit
I think me putting brackets mid sentence probably lost ppls attention. I was just intrigued with the idea of if it was hypocritical. And is there anything actually wrong with being hypocritical in your beliefs. Maybe if you had the autism you could find a bunch of stats to justify it as not hypocritical, but the type of person who would get offended by this sentiment wont listen to your justification. Even if they shut up to let you speak, they'd just be thinking of the next thing to say vs trying to understand your view. So is it fine to just say fuck it im a hypocrite?
if you feel like reading
Look at it this way. White nationlists are basically admitting that Malcom X was right. Blacks need their own nation if they hope to experience liberty, democracy or prosperity. That nation, however, is not the US.
I grew up with black and mexican "friends"
It's exactly the reason I hate both blacks and mexicans
All those Jewish names on the cover.
have you taken a look at the black nations that exist?
Reddit slow today ? You should still go back though. I'm sure you can entertain yourself still there.
What happened to Liberia? did america abandon it? USSR fund the rebels that started teh civil war? Or just a chimp out? If Liberia had kept flourishing there would be a lot of emmigration.
>because active skinheads on a mainline yard would rape a comrade in the shower.
AHX is garbage
Is it axully gud ?
Shattered Allegiance
Actually, I have no idea what this film is about since I only watched the scenes Lia was in. I think its some basic "hate is bad" shit.
She sure was hot in it though.
Based Black colleagues
Dui is worse though. You could have killed someone
t. Knife robber.
Top kek.
The worst part is
How the movie is essentially over and he fails and then with like 10 mins left the intelligent and rational guy just decides to go off and blow up a dirty bomb and takes in the rando guy they just met to help him even when he and his friends have everything they need
makes no sense, totally unbelievable just from a rational point of view. Bad undercover movie, there are ones that really make you think the undercover is struggling. This is just trash. But they pinpointed some of the zog facts pretty well.
The Believer.
But if I IIRC guy was a Jude the entire time.
i fucking love you finnish cunts
being this stupid
Sersly how fucking retarded are you?
The film is fucking retarded and doesn't really address the issues surrounding the far-right community. I think Imperium did a somewhat better job at it.
>If you hate blacks or "niggers" then you should become friends with one
Is this some next level "If you kill your enemies, they win" type of bullshit?
>tfw no wife to make me swasticakes
What hahahahahaha
My only friend is black, and even I realize that their dregs outweigh their gold.