Opinions on this guy?

opinions on this guy?

Watched this faggot during the Bush administration and he is one of the reasons I started hating the MSM.

Typical liberal media trash.

Left wing Alex Jones

how? Alex at least presents facts when he calls them names..

This guy is an absolute waste of human life. He attempts to sell his position based on being revolutionary and hip, as opposed to actually selling it on facts and statistics. He's basically influencing a bunch of young people who get their news solely from kikebook.
On top of all of that, one of the few videos of his I have seen, he railed Trump on making claims without facts or evidence to back them up, then proceeds to claim that Trump isn't mentally sound based off of 6 Tweets and a brief encounter a decade ago.

hes gone off the fucking deepend in recent years. 15 years ago he was pretty level headed.

biggest fag on earth

he's our guy

Disingenuous and only good at moral arguments which only make sense if you have the same values as him.

He's been pretty accurate on every video. Sup Forums cannot counter any of his arguments.

You have to go

it's hard to counter an arguement when he doesn't make one

He's literally a sports caster. Half of his career was working in sports then he decided to shill for Team Democrat.

He's literally been fired from every media job he's had which is why he's relegated to doing JewTube diatribes for a men's fashion magazine.

He is the epitome of shitty liberal media and is one of the main reasons I began seriously distrusting major media when I was young and still a blue-pulled hopeful.

Crazy to think GQ magazine is unlcassy.
He fits in there.

> Horsey
Oh, I see. He's a literal retard. He characterizes all of his enemies as being comprised only from the stupidest 5%.

A man who is so blue-pilled, even the ((( Media ))) didn't want him. He is so pathetic, it comes right back around to being almost impressive. Almost.

self-obsessed blowhard who's spot-on now and a again but dead fucking wrong the rest of the time

The dude is a literal pussy

Pic related.

He looks like he is on the verge of tears. Weak man. Very weak. Sad!

sounds like a trump troll, but he actually does look on the verge of tears

loudmouth faggot who thinks he's smart because meme glasses

but he banged katy tur so kinda jealous desu

>sounds like a trump troll

Who is paying you to be here old man?

Better than this guy.

People don't last long around Kieth. He's abusive, smug, talentless, petty, a real douche bag .

trump always does the adjective then adds very then says sad. where am I wrong

This comic is edited from the original.

Sup Forums, which is the dumbest 5%, does the same for liberals.

type of guy who would say anything to be on TV earning 10k a day

Really odd that a man clearly off his meds is criticizing Trump on his mental capacity.

The really scary thing is that he's been attempting to normalize the ousting of Trump from office, like trying to implant the idea of Deep State or some other power removing Trump would not only be legal, but something to be preferable.