It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?

It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?


North Korea only has a few hours remaining

Press F to pay respects

whats the white powder on his collar

>We're still having Nork threads even though this was just Kimmy's annual tantrum just like every other year



dried kike semen

Best Korea

i hope so. erase the world of any and all humans.

just a new road, Nothing to see here.

Holy shit! First nukes and now roads? How fucked are we?

Top kek
Top trips

>It's so fundamentally fuckfaced over there that everyone shits their pants over roads

not going to lie. that is a comfy looking road

>9 hours to drive to another part of town in a city with hardly any traffic


aww how nice of him to build roads for american tanks and china's troops

It's... Really nice actually

He was talking about Kim's collar not Trump's.

>this is what lolbertarians/ancaps call a happening

No, it isn't. Even as a Trump supporter from the beginning who made bank from betting on him when he was still one of many candidates it is clear that, for whatever reason, he is now following the same globalist agenda when it comes to foreign intervention like nearly every president since Eisenhower. God damn shame.

Pleze that bloody city of Portland

A fun game to play. google earth north korea. try and find a car on any road

Nuke weapon site activity confirmed by satellite.

Journalist told to expect something big.

N Korea Capital evacuated.

He's going to nuke himself