Why isn't Sup Forums putting together to declare a city state out in the seas?
Why isn't Sup Forums putting together to declare a city state out in the seas?
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country with no women won't last long
And what type should be build anyways? A brutalist platform? Traditional islands? Or comfy branches? And no, bay is gay. So don't even think about it.
plenty of traps
Seasteading is either
a. A meme
b. Infeasible since other countries won't respect it anyway, the resources are hard to get, any other number of logistical reasons
I'm in, as long as we can get fast internet.
You just don't get it. There will be plenty of wind, wave, and thermal energies! And nutrients too (see pic. related; nutrients. It's all there)!
>fast internet.
Duh. Ever heard of sea-cables?? Now that's what I call bandwidth!
A platform because I don't want sharks to sneak in my house while I'm sleeping
Are you sure? There is a large number of variations with branches!
That may be the least informative infographic I've ever seen
is this another cult city?
I think it might just get even worse. Would you be okay with eating exclusively fish and tomatoes? Or would you see a problem in that?
Not yet. We need more investors first.
>international recognition
>extreme weather
>governance issues
Just a few problems off the top of my head
Because you LARPers already made threads about Namibia which died in half a day.
>Why isn't Sup Forums putting together to declare a city state out in the seas?
Lack of money, isn't it obvious?
And what about all the neetbux?
>And what about all the neetbux?
There aren't enough for a floating island nation, satan.
>Why isn't Sup Forums putting together to declare a city state out in the seas?
I can bring a dozen empty soda bottles if someone pays for my air fare
plys no united dont need punching
Hey Finland, shouldn't you be stealing the underpants of Shia leBuf right now? What the fuck is wrong with you? Operation is a go! Go! Go! Go!
>country with no women won't last long
buy womyn from semitic slave traders
Have a real, asset based economy and make some nice resorts.
Problem solved.
We should be. God fucking damnit
I'm interested. How much you need?
Based finn.
Let's just say you suspend the war against Jemen just for a single day, and pass the saved monies towards us, and we should be set. How does that sound to you?
Because this board is comprised of fucking nobodies who wouldn't even be able to fund such a thing let alone run it.
Depends on the scale.
For just a Sup Forumsony it would need to house up to 500 faggots. I estimate 25-100 million usd
For a proper city state capable of housing tens of thousands it would be cheaper to claim some isolated land (not even neccessarily an island)
Either way you'd need millions. However finding backers for a project like this would be easier than you might think, especially if your national currency is gold-backed or crypto and you have minimum business regulations.
Deal. What's the name of the city going to be?
I assume the sea structure would also cost a lot
pretty sure the "water experience" and the "view" would get old pretty quick
I dunno, could be fun.
Im about to start my electricians apprenticeship next week. I could dig living on a platform out at sea like goddamn Motherbase in 5 years if we pooled resources.
mechaninal enginner reporting in.
it's not because you write Sup Forums in your OP that there is a political point in your thread
Very well.
>the name of the city
Digits will have to decide, I suppose.
>Forming a new city state
>not political
Shouldn't you be buying your baguette and frogs, or something? It's already 8'o'clock!
USA claims ownership of any unclaimed or new created islands in the pacific. you need to give major countries a reason not to claim your assets.
I've personally discussed the seastead instute long term goals with their president. Short term is to sell nice villas close to shore as they must create a profit stream for future projects. I educated him on the wave cloaking/bypassing ability of using pillars emanating from a central region that would have ocean swells move around the central region, thus cloaking the floating city from destructive waves, allowing for open-ocean cities.... not beholden to any country. He found the technology intriguing but as of yet, our correspondence has yet to facilitate design alterations. In short they too focused on short term, getting off ground making it work, before being more ambitious... its gonna take steps in-short.,
Anyway. For any anons seriously interested in trying to do this you will need to be prepared to build up a substantial asset-base. At least enough to use as collateral to borrow more.
I would also recomend transferring any wealth you accumulate into liquid assets such as gold because right now the USD is one market crash away from total collapse (several guaranteed market crashes coming up in the future)
Once you have assets and networks you can raise interest in such a project. I plan to get to the point at which I could initiate this kind of thing.
Right now Sup Forums crowdsourcing is kind of limited to trolling celebrities.
So first we need nuclear arsenal and delivery methods to enforce our claim.
No, the real Sup Forums homeland will be the reclaimed Rhodesia
so a broke ass fuck with a dream realized he needs money before anything else
sounds like it's not happening ever
good on you for trying to improve stuff though
Get on it
Might makes right.
Hide nukes in israel and claim you did it.
Kikes call your bluff.
not broke as fuck... just reality slamming the project in the face. Need seed money to start, thus a floating city near short, catering to the wealthy. reality sucks when it gets in ways of ideals. President has to come up with the $ and meet real expectations. Realty is a bitch
>Creating an irl Honeypot
Nice try fbi
>not building pic related
Looks like digits already decided.
And so, the first Sup Forums state was:
A honeypot of what? Nazi larpers having sex with plushie ponies beachside with their Lugers?
No one has even discussed what system of government will be used
A shitty shate in the she you shay ?
It wouldn't work.
there are multiple of these projects on 8 ch
check out youtuber doomgaurd as well
you idiots would just vote a neocon into power
By the looks of it, an island will have to be built or it will have to be taken by force from an already existist country.
Any fresh ideas as to which country would be the biggest pushover in regards to naval power? Thats going to be a small fortune right there, either redistributing sand by tanker or the munitions needed to take on a legitimate standing army
Yeah and then you get XOFED.COM
You're best bet is to inhabit an island for a while and then vote for independence
>not creating the Sup Forums ethnostate in the cozy of patagonia
one day boys
once Mugabe dies
Because the UN would fucking destroy it and if we managed to survive the political barrage they'd just send in some special forces in the night to kill everyone.
Because our empire is on the high seas of the interbutts.
And it's growing :^).
So... whats our econony going to be based on? If we are out at sea, were going to have to bring in some sort of resources, wether it be oil, fish, algae, or be one to offer services like lodgings, trading, something. Maitenence bills on oil platforms are no joke and the cheapest one of those youre going to get is 200 million at best.
Doesn't have to be nuclear.
Biological or chemical is fine too.
Just need missiles do deliver to their doorstep
It will be extremely costly.
This has been tried multiple times.
They all fail because they take a communist approach to forming a nation, being if you put a bunch of random average people in a voice call or general chat, magically they'll create a country.
soemthing like this
go for max density so we can have cyberseapunk urban areas
for comfy we can build smaller islands that surround the main one
Why not antactica?
all you need is power and habitats.
As long as there is power you can heat, grow, use power tools and light up the place.
Wind is an option which is used already there
And look at countries like Rhodesia. Even if you succeed they'll exert external force to stop you.
Because we can't stand each other any more than we can stand anyone else.
It is illegal.